The ADK Espress is at the end of its useful life. Only the towers can be recycled, and they will not be moved. It was my understanding that the replacement was already in the works. Expect something very much like the BR quad.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
The only reason the "hunk of junk" (I like the description) wasn't replaced last summer is that one NYS failed to deliver a chunk of tax $$ required for the project. The majority of the funding was in place and delivery of the lift was not an issue. Unless something happens in an updated bid, the new lift will look like the Burnt Ridge lift. There will be no bubble and there will be plenty of wind for everyone to enjoy.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
nooooooooooooooooooooooo, not the ganjalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
What bothers me the most with it down is that you're forced to take Ruby to get to Saddle or if you're with novices and just want to ski Sunway, or do twister/Showcase/North Peak. Ruby Runout kills my 7 y.o. kid every time and he's a very strong skier. He'd rather take Scareview down to Saddle. I also learned a bad habit over the holidays watching some racer girls start a tuck on Foxlair from under the gondi and blast within inches of the snow fence to make it up Sunway and onto Showcase. Not a good idea but it works. Topridge chair is often brutal and what has been even worse lately as far as wind and freezing your butt off is that North quad. If you can deal with those lifts, I will gladly man-up as Mattchuck accurately suggests to ride a state-of-art quad up to Saddle and avoid the Gondi.
BTW, As a long-time employee of Mtn Creek, that flying basket moves people surprisingly well. The line isn't bad, the fact that you're back at the bottom in less than 5 minutes surely is. It's ridiculous when you watch it, but it is effective. The "cab" was originally designed and installed in Tremblant to show people real estate to buy. That one up travels horizontally like something you'd see in Disney's Tomorrowland, rather than vertically up the hill. |
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Good luck with all that. They couldn't even get passes printed |
Banned User
In reply to this post by dobermann
Even tiny Willard has a webcam. YNN shows it sometimes.
skip the bubble. seriously. Sounds "nice", but the laws of weather (and physics) will effectively mean that chair never operates. And I can't envision any new lift route that could be cut--financially and logistically--that would eliminate the snoopy rock vortex.
Get back to your Gore Mtn. roots and toughen up--Kincos, dermatone, and duct tape. |
Banned User
I talked to a guy who got stuck in the wind tunnel on that lift on a brutally cold windy day for several hours. He said he thought he was going to die.
It can be brutal. Just ride something else on those days. |
In reply to this post by telerider
The first part quoted because it's true, the second part because it's true and also hilarious. :) Telerider... if your kid is a strong skier he should be skating that stuff. Is he on teles? Put him on teles and he'll thrive at Gore. You know that! My two cents: It's probably best to stay away from bombing Foxlair to Showcase. That's really dangerous, especially on a weekend. Not saying I've never done it, but intend never to do it again. There are some windy spots at Gore for sure. But I love the fact that they don't include the summit or the ski bowl. My wife cried one wind blasted day on the Topridge Chair. Just imagine if it stopped there. Pole 24 on the Adk Express too.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
First time I skied Gore I made the mistake of taking the topridge chair.. and it was early season windy. Thought I was done. If you dress for the wind, it really is not that bad. With that, if the snow is fast there is no reason to hit that chair (especially since they have yet to open topridge this season...). they did speed it up this season, taking a minute off the ride. They don't need a bubble chair. No point in spending money on that. Give us a simple chair and be done with it. I'm going to be sad to see the ADK express go. I always like getting on/off that chair and looking up into that mechanical mess that makes the thing go. Always looked like a fun place to lose a limb or two. The most unfortunate thing to me about Gore is unless you know the "tricks" to the hill, you have a very bad day. If you know how to get around, what to avoid on a windy day, what to bomb, and how to dress for cold ass pass, you can have a really good day no matter the conditions. And lets no get into the "100 dollar" webcam discussion again. It won't be that cheap, and it won't be that beneficial. There is a big difference between a 2300' vert at Gore and the 500' of vert at Willard. If you want a webcam at the base pointing towards the Gondola that would be great and all... but it would tell us nothing. Otherwise, getting cabling up there would not be cheap. |
In reply to this post by telerider
Hard to complain about Ruby when it was only Fairview for years to the Saddle Lodge and Fox Lair as the other choice for 90% of the sliders. Fox Lair was narrower and a sheet of ice by 10am. I cannot remember a time being cold on the North Quad. Occasionally it catches some wind on the last pole or two. It also runs slow and it faces the sun. It is one of the warmer chairs on the mountain. I have skied down to the Cab at Mt Tremblant and rode it back up to main base area. It is not very steep, but it is not horizontal. |
In reply to this post by Footer
No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing! :)
true for the wind, too! |
In reply to this post by telerider
I have done this on occasion when I have a clear shot, but I only when the triple is unbearable due to wind, or it is closed and I don't want to take the Ruby Run run out or Scareview.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
According to another forum that I am active on which is, the triple is getting pulled this summer and will be replaced with a Leitner Poma 6-pack. It will probably look similar to this one located in Breckenridge, Colorado.
I'm so excited if this is true. It will probably eliminate lift lines from the entire mountain. It will also make it so much easier to access the mountain as well as a much better option to lap the front side runs. There is massive trail acreage on the front side, but only the gondola and the triple. The 6-pack can probably handle as many people as both those lifts combined. If only something is done with the wind issue, but with a more reliable lift, I won't need to worry about getting stuck at tower 24 if the same line is kept. I'm getting first chair on this thing when it is installed. Link to the forum is here.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
That would be a pretty major capex investment. I would think it would be known before this that it was happening
I doubt orda budget can support that
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
In reply to this post by snoloco
I will believe that when I see it. No way would a 6 pack go in there. They simply don't need that kind of capacity. |
I think there this is a case of confused communications, I heard from Jason that the 6-pack was going to replace the J-bar, and we all know how accurate his forecasts are
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by snoloco
1. The size of the chair does not always mean big increase in capacity. The Hunter 6 pack handles 2600/hr. The Hunter quad handled around 2400. The number of chairs and the line speed are part of the equation. 2. There are very few lines at Gore in its current configuration. Sometimes the gondola will have a short line during holidays mid morning and right after lunch. If both lifts are running there is almost never a line on the triple. 3. You need to ski Gore before more often. Then you will not make inaccurate statements (with such conviction) that the Gondola and the HS3 are unable to handle the volume of sliders currently are Gore. This is a false impression. Lines are very rare on those 2 lifts. |
There is almost never a line at the triple, even on holidays. On the few occasions when there is a line it's 2-3 minutes. I don't think they need any more uphill capacity there. I would like to see a high speed lift somewhere other than the bottom of the mountain but not sure anyplace makes sense. Straight brook gets you up pretty fast as is and topridge doesn't serve enough terrain.
Tom |