Spongeworthy is right. The ADK Express will not be reinstalled anywhere. It is 30 years old and has lived very long life. They may reuse the tower tubes on the new lift if they keep the same line, if not, they may be moved, or not reused at all.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Z
Talk about fantasy. Maybe visit Belleayre more than once before you explain about its needed lift investment. The 3600ft Tomahawk FGQ was installed in 1999. The Superchief was also installed around 1999 as a FGQ and converted to a HSQ around 2006. I think those 2 main lifts will be alright for a few more years. Prepare to be shocked when Gore replaces the AE with a HSQ. |
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In reply to this post by snoloco
Poles and chairs. Maybe a few more parts but certainly not the primary moving parts. This is now two years old and I have no real reason to rethink what Mike Pratt told me directly. http://nyskiblog.com/gore-capital-improvements-next-steps/ His goal then was to replace the AE with a replica of the BRQ and use as much of the old AE as possible on the Dark Side. It's certainly possible that it won't happen that way, but that was his goal. That's also what 70% of the locals and regulars are hearing/saying and it is also IMO a good solution to the problem. Now I have to go ban myself for posting the same link^^ in one thread, four times.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z are you a betting man. I'd like some of that action. |
In reply to this post by Z
You can definitely tell that ORDA tries to save money when building lifts. That means, mostly bottom drive, fixed grip instead of detachable even when the lift is long enough, or replacing some parts of a lift instead of replacing the entire lift.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Gore is saying on their website that they are busy planning for next winter- so check back for exciting news about upcoming projects on the horizon. This may be a first indication that something big is happening, such as a lift replacement.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Gore Mountain to Replace Adirondack Express for 2014-‘15
Introducing 'Adirondack Express II' ~ A High-Speed Detachable Quad NORTH CREEK, N.Y. - This summer Gore Mountain, in North Creek, N.Y. will replace its 30 year-old Adirondack Express with a new high-speed detachable quad. The new lift will offer guests a smoother, faster, and more reliable ride out of Gore's primary base area. The new unloading zone near the mid-mountain Saddle Lodge will be lowered and restructured to provide an easier egress to the slopes. Adirondack Express II has a capacity of 2,400 people per hour, 300 more than the previous lift. Eight fewer towers and padded chairs will make for an extremely comfortable ride, and the lift operates 38% faster than its predecessor. After unloading from the Adirondack Express, guests can access terrain on Gore, Bear, Burnt Ridge, and Little Gore Mountains. Access trails to facilitate getting around Gore Mountain's vast four-peak network of development, such as the "Hedges" connector that opened last season, will continue to be added. The previous triple was the oldest high-speed lift in North America, which made for complicated maintenance and part replacement. The project is enabled in part by increased investments in New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA) facilities that were included as part of Governor Cuomo's 2014-‘15 Budget. Other improvements underway include a "soft start" feature for the J-bar, which will provide an easier, more comfortable guest experience when the lift restarts in that beginner area. The placement of permanent tower guns on the Topridge trail has also been prioritized. This Friday, April 25, is the last day to secure the best prices for 2014-’15 SKI3 passes, which offer unlimited access to Gore, Whiteface, in Wilmington, N.Y. and Belleayre Ski Resort, in Highmount, N.Y. Gore Mountain is operated by the Olympic Regional Development Authority (ORDA). For more information about all of ORDA's venues, visit www.orda.org.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
You da man. How does it feel to finally be able to truly break the story:) Awesome news. Nobody in their right mind can say that they haven't pumped money into the mountain to improve the experience. The investment over the past 5-8 years has been incredible. Sad to see the old girl go, but excited for this. In regards to the darkside chair I think they ought to leave the exit exactly where it is. If they take it to the summit it will just mean more pushing over flat terrain to ski the darkside. Can you imagine how painful laps would be? What would it get you another 300 feet of the upper part of cloud? I used to think they should move it, but after skiing last weekend it dawned on me that it is perfect right where it is. No access to Rumor, Hawkeye, or Chatty, but you can always ride down to the SB chair and get that. |
They said that the unloading area will be restructured, I guess that this means that they are going to build it to end slightly lower to avoid the wind spot, but still next to the saddle. They are advertising a speed of 1,100 fpm since it is about 38% faster than the triple's speed of 825 fpm. Hopefully they'll run the gondola at that speed as well since gondola riders won't like to see people on the new express speeding by them. With a more reliable, more comfortable lift, I will no longer need to use the gondola unless I want to get to Topridge, or Straightbrook. I used the gondola a lot because the triple was so uncomfortable and it broke down a lot. I wasn't going to risk getting stuck at pole 24 in howling winds because it crapped out. Either way, I am beyond excited for this and I am getting first chair on it when it opens.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by Danzilla
Obviously you never rode The Summit lift when it was there, as there was no skating as it dropped you off very close to where the warming hut is up on the hill. It was great as you could ski the WHOLE summit (Darkside and Straightbrook)from that lift. Guess I'm just old and wise ![]() PS: Now just for the record I am happy with lift 6 (high peaks chair) as it is, but if they were to replace it with another double ending up at the original spot, that would be the shit . ![]()
Gotta go to know
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It should be a double like it is now, but end at the true summit, be a bit faster, and have cushy chairs.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
LOL Danno yea I'll take full credit.
I'd been pushing Mike for info on this but he wouldn't give me anything on the record. I guess HQ wanted the juice on the press release. That's cool. I'm with Shaman I think a triple would be weird on the Dark Side, just aesthetically. Go with a double or use the same chairs, raise of the poles to reduce the risk of decapitation on the liftline and run the thing to the true top. I don't understand the whole faster, faster, faster thing. What is the goal? Spend more time standing in line less time sitting on the chair?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by snoloco
I don't post much but here goes...
I don't think I have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times I've shlepped my way to the Darkside chair and the lift attendant said "Wassup, you're the first one here", or "you're the ONLY one here", or anyone of the myriad of ways they say "IT'S NOT CROWDED", or "NOONE ELSE IS HERE". (This applies to BR as well) WTF. Leave that lift the way it is where it is. No need for the upper part of cloud, I like being dumped off at the top of Lies. I'm forced to take the SBQ and hike around regardless. That old chair is plenty comfortable.I also don't get peoples obsession with speed. I could care less if I'm riding the gondi and the triple passes me. Who pays attention to that anyway ? I guess I'm getting old and will try to post less. |
i always thought they should move the loading zone for the high peaks
chair farther up the hill. don't need that run out. the adirondack express was fine. there are other lifts in much more need of replacement like topridge triple or north quad |
In reply to this post by snoloco
I hear from a higher-up at the ski school and a mountain host that it will end over where Scareview let's out. Perhaps the increased access mentioned in the posted article will mean another trail to connect down to the darkside so you don't have to take wood-in. (That last bit was pure speculation . . .) |
Just regrade the area so that there is no skate after getting off the lift every run, and I'm fine.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
In reply to this post by snoloco
Actually I took it to mean just "lower" in general. Not lower down the mountain, but lower to the elevation of the saddle---basically eliminating that steep dogleg when you get off. Still easy access to saddle, which moving the exit point down mountain would make difficult. The theory about having it extend up mountain into the Fairview runout is interesting….would help decongest that saddle area a bit… ANy way you slice it, it's a good move! ![]() |
In reply to this post by snoloco
where are you two seeing its going to be moved? the post says its going to be LOWERED. not shortened, not extended. they are going to lower the station and give it an easier pitch. which is unfortunate because i always enjoyed seeing the mayhem that little icy pitch caused. ^^beat me to it SIAWOL |
In reply to this post by sig
Which would cause an uphill hike from wood in. So, that is a no go. Those stainless steel chairs are going to make some really nice porch swings. |
remember that the speed is regulated by N,Y,State, also Rumor had nothing to do with the shorting of lift 6 an it needs to go back to the top, just to insure that you can ski the top if lift 7 goes down again