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Syracuse, NY
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You are correct and please remember that I am sarcastic in fun (that's why I follow with this
![]() ![]() ![]() So let's all start praying to Ullr, and so that the weather changes to a favorable pattern of cold and snow ![]()
Gotta go to know
Way to go Shaman. Tell it like it is, while we wait for snow. sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you Sunday. I was in deep conversation.................
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis |
Banned User
In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
Equally true...if you don't like what's being said here....then go somewhere else homie. ![]() Apply the same logic to yourself as you're trying to assert over others. That " like it or lump it " attitude is a common refrain of bullies. Remember what Sgt. Friday said..." Just the facts ma'am ". That " if you don't like gore/leave " crap is lame as hell. People have every right to question Gore. If you don't agree with their ideas, then simply refute that idea. Just because they question an action of Gore, that in no way confirms they don't like Gore. I've disagreed with people here, but I've never told/asked them to leave Gore. None the less,I've tubed the Ski Bowl when it was icy. Fast as hell, fun - yet probably dangerous. They had workers there to stop you at the bottom, which was somewhat unfortunate as it was the only time there was any possiblity of the Ski Bowl ever putting people into downtown North Creek I know y'all miss me, but I've been out of town for for several weeks and have yet to return. When I do we can "hug it out". |
Hopefully, once they blow enuf to cover tubing slopes, snowmakers they can move equipment elsewhere. There is usually a grooming machine there on stand-by which takes a bit over 30 minutes to make those tubing chutes slower.
Thanks for bring us back to earth SB, we were wondering where you were
![]() And PS: I live at Gore and on this blog so I'm not going anywhere ![]() ![]()
Gotta go to know
I am sorry if I offended anyone in previous posts, my behavior becomes erratic, irresponsible, and sometimes quite erroneous when there isn't snow to play with....So Let's all think positive and pray very hard for cold and snow
Gotta go to know
now that Topridge, Tannery, and Pineknot are open, whats next for the snowmakers besides a second run down the east and headwaters? Hawkeye? Cloud? A 3rd run down the east?
In reply to this post by Darkside Shaman
i agree with shaman,mp and the crew are professionals. monday morning quarterbacking is an easy .operating a ski resort with ny state budget restrictions is a thankless job,one few of us are qualified or would want. we all just need our fix, showing signs of withdrawl
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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I agree. Enough bellyaching.
Now that it's finally getting colder we'll get to see what those new guns can do. I felt that we had a decent December last year despite a lack of any significant natural snow. I'm interested to see if the new guns can get us up and running on par with last year despite a really poor start due to high temps. |
You can take a look at the link below to see how we compare with last year as well as how we were comparing to Stratton and Okemo. It's not very scientific, but counting trails was the only data readily available and I did not collect data on most weekends. I stopped collecting data in late January as all mountains were pretty much fully open. It's still very early, but it does look like the new equipment is helping. |
Since we've got no natural snow to speak off, we have to take what we can get. I aggree the gang at Gore has been hard at work and fighting mother nature. The natives are restless and we are all a bit uptight. Bring on the snow and everyone can get back to talking about skiing.
Avitar=Left Gully, Tuckerman Ravine
No Fat Chicks, Just Fat Skis |
It didn't look like a very aggressive snowmaking operation today.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
Topridge skied really well today early on with plenty of snow made overnight. Pineknot and Tannery skied great both days. In fact, I'd say Pineknot was in as good condition as I've ever seen it. As of today there were three lower mountain routes open once you came down either Foxlair or Sunway to get to them. And they all had good coverage. Gore was blowing snow on Showcase and Sleigh-ride yesterday and today. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole lower mountain and maybe Hawkeye and Headwaters were open by next weekend.
Overall, I'd say Gore has done a really great job given this crap weather. Now if Mother Nature would just get off her lazy a$$ and pitch in. |
I wasn't at the mtn today, but snowmaking seemed pretty aggressive on Saturday. I don't know exactly how many guns were going, but I'd guess 60-80 mountain-wide, maybe more. I have to say that I was surprised at how good the skiing was after the unfavorable weather on Thurs. Topridge was the one sub-par run on Saturday, glad they got the guns on it overnight. Agree on Pineknot too. It was nice having some additional terrain choices. +1 I've got some pics from Saturday here. Sounds like today was pretty similar. By the way, the Pineknot pics below show some of the new high-efficiency tower guns in action - I hadn't realized (or had forgotten) that they were going to be installed on Pineknot. Pineknot: ![]() Foxlair: ![]() Pineknot: ![]() Foxlair: ![]() |
Thanks for the photos above and in your link. Says a 1000 words. |
I like how quiet those new snow guns are. Sounds like a whisper compared to old guns at Topridge on Sunday.
In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
The guns that are on pineknot and foxlair are actually an older version of the new guns. They are simply the second to newest model that HKD makes. Same basic shape, the new ones are just more efficient. The only difference is that the new ones have 2 more nozzles and an orange head. |
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Thanks for that info 4E. So were those guns part of the new 130 for this year, or were they already in Gore's inventory? It sounds like maybe they were already there last year, even though I don't exactly remember them being there. In any case, as Denis said a post or two back, it is a pleasure to ski under / through those guns - just a nice, quiet, steady hiss. Also, I got this encouraging message from Mike P this morning. Hopefully any warm-up today didn't set their plans back too far: "We ran 80+ guns Saturday. Topridge was really fun yesterday; we ran the guns on the headwall all day and through last night. Moving quickly as we can. Lower Sunway and Otterslide opened yesterday. The Showcase to Sleighride to Stokes to Arena run is very close to being ready. Headwaters is done & we are moving to Cloud and Hawkeye today." |
yes, the guns on Pineknot, Foxlair, Echo, Uncas, and Hawkeye were all installed in years past. They were not part of this years purchase. |