Gore Mtn Snowmaking (11-12)

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Re: Gore Mtn Snowmaking (11-12)

Nicky Z
anyone know whats next for the snowmakers? Word is they are on uncas (could be done by now) topridge, fairview, foxlair and twister.
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Re: Gore Mtn Snowmaking (11-12)

Banned User
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Uncas opened....It's great. Blowing on Fairveiw and Twister today. Topridge after late afternoon. It needs it bad.

Gore is doing good this season. Not only maintaining terrain during the recent truly difficult weather, but also expanding and opening more trails.

Good Job !!

The snow the last two days has held up well all day so it's good skiing....but there's little traffic.

Thursday's gonna bring relief.
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Re: Gore Mtn Snowmaking (11-12)

It looks like cold weather pattern coming in February going to stay for a while.
Anyone knows what's next for Gore snowmaking, beside keeping current trails in shape?

I wish it was Chatiemac, Rumor, Hallabaloo - in that order. Considering lean season I'm having doubts about Rumor though. Chatiemac on the other hand does not need a lot of snow to be open (again), it has some good base already.
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Re: Gore Mtn Snowmaking (11-12)

Nicky Z
"We are not in a position to expand terrain until Mother Nature figures out the jet stream.
It rained 2 days last week and the forecast calls for rain today and tomorrow."
 from Gore MGMT. Future temps are still looking a little warmer than average, but cold enough to perhaps move onto new terrain. I think that almost every open trail will get some new man made snow before terrain expansion begins.