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Let's settle this once and for all. No holds barred. All kill shots. I'm going to moderate this by not moderating at all. The only deal is that we try to contain the GvsWf stuff to this one thread. So when it pops up in another thread, you can challenge the other poster here in the Battle thread a la "want to step outside", but outside = here. At the end of the season everyone who posts here must meet at the winner of this years argument and have a beer with the other posters whereupon all grudges will be expunged.
So seriously, I'm on the fence. Which mountain IS better? |
They both SUCK Killington is #1 I just want to be there for the beerz ![]() |
In reply to this post by ml242
Gore is better for Bumps, Trees, Snow quality, Vibe, Grooming, Variety, Access, Lifts, Deck Scene, and Intermediate Terrain
Whiteface is better for Steeps, Park, Scenery, Overall Challenge, Kids Area, Town, and Off Hill Activities. I prefer Gore because I like nice snow conditions and lots of terrain variety. |
With fresh snow AND low winds I'd always pick WF. Skiing the top of that mountain makes me feel like I'm out west. I love the ride up the summit chair and the steep runs at the peak. And as a destination, Lake Placid easily dominates North Creek. Unfortunately, it is quite rare to have BOTH fresh snow and low winds. WF has too many wind holds and the trails are frequently skied off by midday. And the lower mountain is just plain dangerous. It's a funnel full of crappy skiers. I hate that last run of the day to the bottom. Scary!
Gore is just the better bet. Hands down. Varied terrain, scant crowds, better food, an ability to rebound quickly from rain, and WAY closer to my home! Complaints? Sure, but just a few. Too many traverses, shorter runs, crowded lodges (even on off weekends), and no bathroom near the summit. I do use that outhouse at the top, but come on! George Costanza would decree "shrinkage!" |
YO, where did the righteous big papa HPD's post go?
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Wrong, true, wrong, really wrong, wrong, if you mean lame variety that no one wants to ski anyway then yes, maybe, who cares, wrong, true, Gore also skis short, too many flat spots, can't ski top to bottom and doesn't open all terrain mid-week Whiteface stuff is all true plus lets not forget The Slides. You watch they'll be open more than ever this season. I like Gore alot especially when they have snow and their trees and lift lines are open. BTW I do envy you being able to ski your liftlines. I tried to stay out of this, but I can’t take the Gore partisans anymore. To each their own and my own is Whiteface.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
My favorite quote from a WF regular, "When I get off the summit lift I'm often not sure if I am sliding onto heaven or earth."
In December, when the sun is setting in the western horizon it casts an amazing glow across Lake Placid and up the southern slope to the summit of Little Face. Often during this time of year I'm riding solo on G looking out across the Sentinels to the Great Range and I tell ya straight up, there is nowhere else in this world I'd rather be. Whiteface is sacred ground for those of us so fortunate to spend quality time upon her. So yeah, I'm into this season long battle royale! And when we win you Gore gangsters can purchase me a fine cheese burger royale!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Number 1:
Evander the real deal VERTICAL! What diminishes skiing Gore and pretty much all other eastern resorts me is WF's vertical. After decades of skiing WF, I just find it less rewarding, less challenging, less of a work out and a bit annoying how short the rest of the east skis. So yeah, eating up vertical is an important key to my ski life enjoyment and general well being. Round One to Whiteface! DING DING!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Better Deck scene? Those are fighting words. The bar deck at Whiteface particularly in the spring is epicly cool. I agree with Scotty what makes Whiteface special is the sustained steep pitch that no other Eastern ski area can match. Sure Gore has a few steep spots but its only steep for like 500 vertical at a time. Standing on Skyward feels like being on the top of the world. Plus The Slides have no equal. Gore has better tree skiing but it has all those darn flat spots. For the 9 years I worked the Cloudsplitter Club we took the kids to Gore for a day. What a pain to have kids skate / walk across all those flat spots.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
You guys bring your own grills, beer, and meat onto your deck? Because we do. The only pictures I see of you guys partying is at tailgates in a parking lot. LAME! I'm mostly contributing to this post for fun. Like I said, I like things about both mountains, but prefer Gore. |
In reply to this post by Z
in college I used to have a friend that I would tell that his girlfriend could beat him up. what was funny is when he used to argue with me that he could take i f I ever had a doubt..but he did.. Well gore is her.
Because she could actually beat both of you up? |
In reply to this post by tjf1967
I've never skied Gore so I can't really weigh in but I love going to Whiteface and that post is Larry! ![]() |
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In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
There are plenty of elaborate food spreads and I have seen some grill work done as well. Some of the most extensive picnics happen up at Mid station's deck and all that needs to be skied down to mid.
It would be potentially not within the rules to bring your own booze onto the bar deck and it would be foolish to take photos and post them of said activity if you get what I mean. Clearly you have never been on the WF deck on a spring afternoon.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Pretty sure it's not illegal in NY. It is in VT.
A little forum business:
ml242 has been banned. I have requested that the developers give us an official popcorn eating emoticon. I can't see how we can through the season without it. And... TJ please elaborate on your theory. ![]()
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
as an unbiased pennsyltucky skier who has skied da face a handful of times and never been to gore i think it's my duty to ski both on a powder days and sample some some deck libations in order to contribute to this fine thread, its a dirty job but someones got to do it!
dude ths is the dacks it may take a long time to get a pow day at both places.
there is only one area that gore excells. that is the liftline skiing. I like gore...but really it should be compared to stratton/Mt snow/Okemo for quality of terrain. When hoyts opens this year it will be like piling up all Gores trails off there summit chair. So it your prefer to ride a lift four times for the terrain you can get in one lift ride off of w chair then gore is for you. |
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
I think it is rude to bring food and drinks up on the deck. Why dont you let squatters live in your garage. Exactly you are a squatter. Mattchuck is a squatter.
In reply to this post by tjf1967
Dayum--that was funny--FCC funny!!! For me it is VERY simple.....WF has held the Olympics and countless World Cup events. WHY????? They have a MOUNTAIN that provides the terrain, vertical, staff and fun factor that it takes to host those kinds of events for World Class athletes. Very few ski areas can put that feather in their cap.....WF can. All that said, I grew up skiing Gore, have family ties to the area and enjoy skiing there. As for the party scene...all you guys are wrong...the REAL DEAL is the bowling alley in Saranac Lake on ladies night ![]() |