Gore Website Suggestion

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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

Why would you need the trail map updated throughout the day on the website?  You are either there or you arent. Trail conditions are updated daily on the website...I think thats enough.  
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
CUontheslopes131 wrote
In my opinion, Gore has been exceedly clever in expanding its terrain by using glades - a fantastic example of good lawyering. As most of you know, there is a trail mileage limit in place for Gore. What many people do not realize is that raising that limit requires a constitutional amendment. That's quite a hurdle to overcome. If you look at some of the "glades" Gore has put on the map, many of them really just trails with a few trees. Double Barrel is a pefect example. I see no reason that Gore couldn't cut a normal trail, but leave a few trees spaced out all over it and call it a glade. Courts tend to give deference to an administrative agency in interpreting its own organic statute (or in this case, the constitutional provision regarding Gore's trail count). I think as long as it passes the laugh test, ORDA's got a pretty free hand in cutting additional "glades."
glades do count against the mileage cap.  A linear measurement of the longest point from beginning to end.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Pants
Pants wrote
Why would you need the trail map updated throughout the day on the website?  You are either there or you arent. Trail conditions are updated daily on the website...I think thats enough.
If the Dark Side chair is closed because it broke down, then it opens again, it'd be nice to know that information on the website. If there's a horrific injury that closes a trail down, but then it's cleared up and open again, it'd be nice to know that. If the shuttle bus isn't running and I was planning on an afternoon trip to the ski bowl with shuttle return, it'd be nice to know that on the website. If the entire mountain is shut down because of an ice storm, it'd be nice to know that before I got to the mountain.

Granted, all of those things are contingent on my phone being able to connect, which doesn't really happen very often with Verizon. Also, all of these things are very first world problems, but sometimes it's nice to know stuff - especially if you happen to be a ski instructor and are trying to plan lessons.
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

Noah John
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In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
glades do count not againsit the milage cap.  A linear measurement of the longest point from beginning to end.
I think you mean "glades do count against the mileage cap" and that's what I thought.  I also don't get the "good lawyering" comment; if glades don't count against the mileage limit (which they do) you don't need to be a lawyer to take advantage of that - much less a "good" one.  You just have to be able to read.
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

Noah John
In reply to this post by Pants
Pants wrote
Why would you need the trail map updated throughout the day on the website?  You are either there or you arent. Trail conditions are updated daily on the website...I think thats enough.

Actually, pant-a-loon, I don't think that's such a bad idea.  Put those ORDA employees to work!  Hahahaha!
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Thems their are upple middle class people problems
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

MC2 5678F589
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

In reply to this post by Noah John
whatever.  i just wouldnt keep checking a website while there.  I would just ask to check. it would never occur to me to check a website.  but thats just me i guess.
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
I think you mean "glades do count against the mileage cap" and that's what I thought.  I
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

Noah John
In reply to this post by Pants
Pants wrote
whatever.  i just wouldnt keep checking a website while there.  I would just ask to check. it would never occur to me to check a website.  but thats just me i guess.
Buck up there little buck-a-roo!  It's Friday!
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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We've had the discussion on liftlines before.  Gore Mgmt says they don't count, WF Mgmt said they do.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
ScottyJack wrote
glades do count not against the mileage cap.  A linear measurement of the longest point from beginning to end.
I think you mean "glades do count against the mileage cap" and that's what I thought.  I also don't get the "good lawyering" comment; if glades don't count against the mileage limit (which they do) you don't need to be a lawyer to take advantage of that - much less a "good" one.  You just have to be able to read.
Here's what Article XIV, Section1 of the NY State Constitution say about Gore. The constitution permits, "not more than forty miles of ski trails thirty to two hundred feet wide, together with appurtenances thereto, provided  that no more  than eight miles of such trails shall be in excess of one hundred twenty feet wide, on the slopes of Gore and Pete Gay mountains in Warren county." Whether or not a glade counts as a trail is ambiguous. A glade involves clearing trees - it's not like the glade is just there. Gore does work to make them more skiable. Clearing a path through the woods is essentially what a trail (hiking or skiing) is. The spirit of the constitutional provision is to limit the size of development on the mountain.

By not counting glades against the 40 mile cap, Gore has essentially skirted the constitutional limit on trail mileage. Taking advantage of that ambiguity to increase the amount of marked runs is a very skier-friendly piece of lawyering. It's a loophole that's been exploited to basically provide Gore with limitless expansion opportunities. Just call it a glade!
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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Never knew that law existed.  Does WF have the same?  Pretty random piece of law if I don't say to myself.  
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Re: Gore Website Suggestion

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In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
CUontheslopes131 wrote
Noah John wrote
ScottyJack wrote
glades do count not against the mileage cap.  A linear measurement of the longest point from beginning to end.
I think you mean "glades do count against the mileage cap" and that's what I thought.  I also don't get the "good lawyering" comment; if glades don't count against the mileage limit (which they do) you don't need to be a lawyer to take advantage of that - much less a "good" one.  You just have to be able to read.
Here's what Article XIV, Section1 of the NY State Constitution say about Gore. The constitution permits, "not more than forty miles of ski trails thirty to two hundred feet wide, together with appurtenances thereto, provided  that no more  than eight miles of such trails shall be in excess of one hundred twenty feet wide, on the slopes of Gore and Pete Gay mountains in Warren county." Whether or not a glade counts as a trail is ambiguous. A glade involves clearing trees - it's not like the glade is just there. Gore does work to make them more skiable. Clearing a path through the woods is essentially what a trail (hiking or skiing) is. The spirit of the constitutional provision is to limit the size of development on the mountain.

By not counting glades against the 40 mile cap, Gore has essentially skirted the constitutional limit on trail mileage. Taking advantage of that ambiguity to increase the amount of marked runs is a very skier-friendly piece of lawyering. It's a loophole that's been exploited to basically provide Gore with limitless expansion opportunities. Just call it a glade!
Does the same apply to Whiteface as well?

In past discussions on this forum I recall that Whiteface does count glades into the limit.  Could be wrong
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Internet lawyers....

In reply to this post by CUontheslopes131
CUontheslopes131 wrote
Whether or not a glade counts as a trail is ambiguous.
I strongly suggest you follow MC2's advice .  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Internet lawyers....

Sugarbush has a great free app that does give you real time information on lifts spinning, trails open, snowmaking in progress, etc. etc. I am sure it wasn't cheap but it was really handy when I was there last season. I think it even listed what restaurants were open, when, etc. Oh yeah and it had GPS run tracking and a list of important numbers at the resort like ski patrol and daycare. Light years ahead. The app was developed by this company:


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Re: Internet lawyers....

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
CUontheslopes131 wrote
Whether or not a glade counts as a trail is ambiguous.
I strongly suggest you follow MC2's advice .
Seriously. Delete this thread immediately. We've got a good thing going, don't F it up.
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Re: Internet lawyers....

There would be an easy solution to this .... just take all the names off the map:)
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Re: Internet lawyers....

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589