Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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skimore wrote
nepa wrote
How much experience do you have with coding and billing in healthcare systems?
Updated more than one providers system recently and see the headaches
Then you obviously understand the complexities associated with describing a medical condition... and you should clearly understand the need for codes associated with burning water skis and walking into lampposts.

Do you do infrastructure work, or do you do design?

Every coding system I have ever worked with has contained what I call "just in case" data.  More often than not the data is never used, but the implications of not having it cause accounting issues.  Primarily, if you don't have these "just-in-case" case codes, it opens things up for fraudulent transactions.  I don't agree with "just in case" development when it comes to system design in general, but I can see the need for the granularity in the codes.

I don't agree with the system.  I'm not trying to lend any support to it as it sits today.  In fact, I'm a believer that the entire system should have been destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.  I'm also a believer in the positive correlation between simplicity and success.  That said, the system broken, it's very complex, and there is not going to be 1 simple solution that works for everything.  In other words... we're doomed.

In order to craft a good solution, we have to draw from both sides of the fence.  A hybrid solution, if you will.  In our current political climate, a hybrid solution for anything seems impossible.
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

we're doomed!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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ScottyJack wrote
we're doomed!!
Just the guy who gets coded for his 2nd drowning
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

Or repeated diagnosis of toxic toad poisoning

Like what was said that simple is best and big govt never does anything the simple way when complex and expensive is available.  Getting big Govt involved always adds huge costs.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

Coach Z wrote
Or repeated diagnosis of toxic toad poisoning

Like what was said that simple is best and big govt never does anything the simple way when complex and expensive is available.  Getting big Govt involved always adds huge costs.
Do you mean like the F-35 debacle? It is only $200,000,000,000 (billion) over budget.
1 Air Force F-35A costs $148 million
1 Marine Corp F-35B costs $251 million
1 Navy F-35C costs $337 million

Long term sustained cost estimate - $1TRILLION, although this number is likely to go higher - GAO (Government Accountability Office)
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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I think this thread may itself be the greatest threat to world peace.

That stuff is chump change X. If you are going flush $6T down the toilet at least attack the right country. Bush was the king of big government.

EDIT: It's hard for any president to cut spending on entitlements, which in those rare instances, when we aren't fighting wars, are most of the budget. Reality is that prosperity during Clinton drove reduced deficits, not fiscal prudence.  Bush's worsening debt numbers and Obama's bad start and dramatic improvements falling and then rising tax revenue not any kind of entitlement cutting. IMO the president gets more credit and blame for the economy than he/she deserves.  To a large extent Clinton was in the right place at the right time.  Still, I think, in the last 50 years, wars have been huge mistakes, benefiting only a microscopic portion of the world.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
As Ronald Reagan said "the worst words you can hear are I'm from the Government and I'm here to help"
The Myth of the Reagan Conservative

Like lots of conservatives these days... Reagan was a blow-hard neo-liberal posing as a conservative.

Jack Kerwick wrote
While he’s widely heralded for having slashed taxes, as Alan Simpson, a former Republican senator from Wyoming and friend of Reagan, confirmed, Reagan went on to raise taxes eleven times during his two terms.Moreover, in 1983, he raised payroll taxes to pay for Social Security and Medicare, i.e. “government-run healthcare.”

Reagan eliminated not a single government program, much less an agency. Instead, he strengthened those agencies—like the Departments of Energy and Education—that he originally pledged to abolish, and he even strengthened the profoundly intrusive Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Reagan created the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. As Murray Rothbard writes, “The Gipper deregulated nothing, abolished nothing.”

He concludes: “Overall, the quantity and degree of government regulation of the economy was greatly increased and intensified during the Reagan years.”

Indeed it was. The federal government grew exponentially under Reagan’s watch.

As recently as 2014, Mother Jones, a leftist journal, commended Reagan for advancing the cause of Big Government. Alex Park remarks: “If you judge him [Reagan] by the uncompromising standards of today’s GOP, Reagan was a disaster.” During Reagan’s eight year tenure, the national debt almost tripled from $907 billion to $2.6 trillion. The federal workforce increased to 324,000 people (of whom only 26% consisted of military personnel). In fact, Park observes that as of 2012, nearly a quarter of a century after Reagan left office, the federal government has nearly a million fewer people working within it. In contrast, under the “liberal” Democrat, Bill Clinton, “the federal workforce was at its smallest size in decades.”
Not too mention that he greatly intensified the "Drug War"... contributing to the waste of over a trillion dollars in tax payer money while making Mexican & Colombian cartel CEOs some of the richest illegitimate businessmen on Earth.
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

word ^^^

The drug war might be worse than Vietnam + Iraq
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

Banned User
Wasn't that Nancy?

Oh I can still remember the D.A.R.E. talks at school!

And M.A.D.D.!!!

That was probably actually a good idea though.  How's that thing go about an ounce of prevention?
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

Nancy Raygun pisses me off.

She be all like "oh you mean stem cell research could have helped my Ronnie? Well then I change my mind."

Disclaimer: That might not be true.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

Be careful out there.

WCD-10 Codes:

W61.42 Struck by turkey
W61.43 Pecked by turkey
W61.49 Other contact with turkey
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

It seems to me that we have created the "terrorist" problem ourselves. Ever since the what...the 80's we have been heavily involved with and have been occupying the middle east in some way or another. We support one group for a while then retract and support another, then we disrupt the area and destabilise it completely. How much money do we give Israel to continue there occupation? We have dropped more bombs than and killed thousands of more innocent civilians than any "terrorist" organization has on our people. So what do you get with all of that? More extremists created from a desperate situation with little to no hope. We have reaped what we sowed.

I agree with the original thread post, in the eyes of the rest of the world we are the biggest terrorist threat there is.
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote


Seems like a bizarre day to be having this discussion.  If you are not proud of this country maybe you need to go live somewhere else to see how great USA really is.  Seems like everyone else in the world that hate us so much still want to live and work here.

Never Forget
God bless America
I love our country but the ethnocentric and extreme nationalistic mentality that we are #1 is a bit over the top and inaccurate . There are many developed nations that score much higher in areas such as quality of life, health care, and education.

Even the simple saying "God Bless America" illustrates this countries arrogance imo.

It's amusing that when you explain this to someone that really wants to believe in the USand A Ra Ra BS they come back with the standard good ole boy "Love it or leave it" comeback which it seems to me to be anything but American, in fact I would call that fascism. Of course, this would be perfect for the corporation to keep the population compliant. BAHHH!!!
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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

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Re: Greatest Threat to World Peace: A Gallup Survey

MC2 5678F589
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What a thread! Contributions from ml, NoahJohn, MikeK. Insanity from Coach. PeeTex saying that Trump is garbage. Ben Carson fandom. What a bunch of whackos you guys are.

This continues to be true:

MC2 5678F589 wrote
This whole discussion seems like first world problems. Who gives a shit about Medical codes? And if Coach is trying to prove that beaurocracy sucks, congratulations we already knew that. The real problem here is that People actually believe that Reagan quote implying that the government can't help people. What a load of bullshit that is. Your roads are plowed, your children are taught, your food is okay to eat, etc. because of government. To act like they don't help people is ludicrous. I was reading this today, and it seemed appropriate:
In economic policy, Republican orthodoxy never changes, no matter how the world might change around it. Whether there's a tech boom, a recession, low deficits, high deficits, low unemployment, high unemployment — the answer is always tax cuts on upper income brackets. The same is true of energy: whether clean energy is expensive or cheap, whether oil prices are high or low, whether climate change is a pressing issue or not — the answer is always more fossil fuel extraction...

Republican energy policy proposals are created under two constraints, which together render them utterly predictable.

The first is conservative ideology. Over the last few decades, conservative preference for "small government" has become more and more rigid and simplistic. It has reached the point now where the basic conservative reflex is to decry the government doing anything — taxing, spending, or regulating, which together pretty much exhaust the possibilities for domestic policy.

So GOP candidates can't promise to do anything when they take over the federal government. All they can promise is to undo things — reduce taxes and spending and repeal regulations.

Yet the public has goals and desires. And they want their politicians to help achieve those goals and desires. Since Republicans can't promise to do anything proactive, they are forced to promise that undoing things would achieve those goals and desires, whatever they may be. They have to pretend (or, who knows, maybe really believe) that government is not only a problem, but every problem, the sole reason the public is not getting what it wants, whether it's cleaner energy or more jobs.
Sums up today's political climate pretty well, I'd say.
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