I usually take my son over to VT for a day or two to ski before Chirstmas. Once we get to the holidays I probably won't get to ski with him again until his race season is over in late March. I had planned to head to Stowe Dec 23-24. The weather forecast is looking pretty dire with a T-storm forecast for Xmas eve.
I'm thinking that Tremblant might be above of all this warmth. They say they have 12k it trails open. It's only about a 3 to 3:30 drive for us.
Has anyone skied up there pre Christmas in recent years? How busy would it be then?
Any lodging suggestions? Not willing to drop big $ to stay in the village. There is a Comfort Inn in the town for $87 usd per night. What is that town like?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time