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I read that there is a new slide on Wright Peak adjacent to the Angel slides. This blog is going to have photos up tomorrow of the new slide: Someone who flew over the region said there were too many new ones to count. They listed off Colden, Basin, Haystack, the Wolfjaws, Dixes and Giant as having new slides. |
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
got confirmation on 86 from the Jay news
ROAD RE-OPENING Route 86 from Wilmington to Lake Placid has re-opened according to NY State Police at 7:45 pm last night. if you want know what is going on in the Jay, Ausable, Keene, Wlimington area this email newsletter is the best way get the scoop you can sign up at
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
Txt from Laz/Plattekill:
No power at the mtn. Lines burnt off the poles, one pole burned to ground. Power is back on at home. Town is devastated but basically the mtn is ok.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by ausable skier
I just did thanks for the link. Anybody know the quickest way to get to the Northway from Wilmington?
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
Adirondack Daily Enterprise has a few pics of new slides opened up by Irene, one on Wright Peak and one on Cascade.
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
down rt 73 and over spruce hill to e-town and on n-way exit 31.
Thanks...I read on another forum that Gov. Cuomo is in Keene today.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies I don't know which So never mind - Leonard Cohen |
In the Catskills, Prattsville has deservedly been getting a lot of headlines, but Windham took a huge hit: ABC News video
The ski area's snowmaking reservoir is down near the river, so the pump infrastructure must be toast. |
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
yes he is.
And to the questions of new slides--yes all over. My view from work, every single mountain I see has a new scar. |
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PDQ sent me this with a tale about rescuing horses from a flooded barn:
![]() Log jam on the West Branch of the Ausable - Route 73 Bridge Photo by Adk Enterprise
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
photo of new slide on Wright Mt next to Angel slides
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
The town of Johnsburg (North Creek) really got off easy. While none of us enjoyed the storm, for the most part, we didn't sustain damage anything like Keene, Keene Valley, Hunter, the Catskills and Vermont. The power outages and wet basements all seem so trivial compared to what so many people suffered. No reports or rumors from Gore so they probably came through ok.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
As surmised by adkskier, and reported by Mike, not much really happened to Gore. A little erosion here and there...
![]() ... a few trees down in Chatterbox... ![]() Looks like National Grid is making progress too.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
Banned User
In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
Yea, he's pretty keene on that. ![]() |
Just rolled in from North Creek. We were evacuated from our home on NJ, so we spent the storm up there. Repeating previous posters, North Creek was really lucky. We put a pot outside at 9 am on Sunday morning and by 9 pm we had 4" of water. The wind was bad and we just kept expecting something to come down and hit the house. We lost power on two occasions but it came back quickly. By 11pm the wind stopped and the expression "silence is golden" took on new meaning. There are some trees down and lots of minor storm clean up, but NOTHING like our neighbors in the Catskills, High Peaks and VT got hit with. I have a few puddles in my NJ cellar and my North Creek place is organized and cleaned out to a fault, so no complaints from me.
Banned User
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Cool!!! Sounds like a reason to celebrate.
Kegger at GSM's? We're keene on those. |
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Harvey
Look at those friggin trees! Reminds me of a smaller brush pile on the Battenkill River I had to rescue my ol lady from once. Friggin scary it was, says I. Those strainers, as Sponge called them, get deadly REAL FAST. Like instantly. SEGUE!!! Any wankers heading out on the streams, rivers etc BEST be very careful for the rest of this fall and next year. There'll be plenty of stream side brush piles that are absolutely deadly. When my ol Lady was getting dragged under one on the Battenkill, there were some brush piles up on the banks along the trip. Must of been from high water that spring. Anyway, the wide, shallow river got pinched narrow by a sand bar and it got deep and angry INSTANTLY. She was fighting to keep from being drug under a huge brushpile by the strong current when I dove in to save her. It was all I had to get us out. I truly didn't think we would make it. The water was deep, fast and extremely strong....ALL IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE- LITERALLY. Be assured, I'm not trying to impress or bore you, just be informed it happened F A S T ! She was seconds away from being drug under a huge brushpile that I know she would not have emerged from and I myself probably would have died trying to get her out from underneath it. All this weather this week and there'll be piles of brush everywhere in the streams/rivers for along time to come. They are an extreme danger you may not be thinking of. Be advised the current may take you where you do not want to go. I faced death by one of these brushpiles and I can tell you They Are Extremely Dangerous. |
I'm amazed at the lack of evidence of of a tropical storm here in North River.
There's really no erosion on Harvey Road at all. The one tree that fell in our driveway... ![]() photo courtesy Darkside Shaman ...was whisked away by a chain saw angel. Thank you to whoever sawed it up!
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Yes, they're called strainers. Why? Because water pours through them, people don't. Never, EVER go under a strainer. Do everything you possibly can to get away from it. If you've swam like hell and you're not going anywhere, swim at it and pull yourself over it. Also, never stand up in a swift moving river unless it's less than knee deep. We rafted the Gorge on Monday. Bossman and river manager flew up the gorge in the plane first to scout it. It was HUGE. So much fun. We flipped on the last rapid, though. I ended up swimming about 1/4 mile. Hey Harv.. my account works! |