American patriotism. Great article here. |
Blind Allegiance is never a good thing .
What is extremely dangerous IMO is that we "SEEM " to be entering an environment where Truth is no longer Truth and Facts are no longer Facts . Truth being up for grabs is the fertile ground upon which tyranny breeds . Revisionist history and situational ethics again "SEEM " to be acceptable to many . If we fail to LEARN from the past we are doomed to repeat travesty So the concept of a loyal opposition that is vigilant together with a free press is the only buffer we have to guard against such atrocities as have been repeated throughout recorded history, to wit : Unjust wars , civil wars , torture , enslavement , discrimination , extreme prejudice , intolerance for a mosaic of both ideas and cultures being just a small sampling . My prayer is that this new administration somehow matures and coalesces bipartisan unity and accord and abandons its tendency for opacity and divisiveness .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
America is the greatest country on earth and without it this world would be living under several oppressive regimes that we defeated. It's in vogue with liberals to bash and talk down our great country while an globalist liberal agenda tries to take the world into a darker place. Liberal Poppy Cock that you are even bringing this shit up.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Banned User
What he said. ^
America, the most generous nation ever. |
In reply to this post by Z
Coach respectfully speaking here , you are not objective at all . You have consistently denigrated any variance from your point of view .
I too love this nation and THAT is WHY i speak out . THIS Country is so divided right now it makes 1861 look like a reasonable comparison . We have very serious and deep divides and animus that exists coupled with the advent of situational ethics and revisionist history is extremely dangerous to any free country . When Truth is a moving target things ARE on the slippery slope my friend . I
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by raisingarizona
I remember thinking that whole thing was stupid back when it happened.
The intraWebZ certainly is a funny place |
I was a vocal anti Trump guy but his speech today was a total HOME RUN!
He was populist and very patriotic and didn't talk about himself at all. AMERICA FIRST will be the rallying call going forward and the lens that everything propsed will be judged by. The rest of the worlds free ride is over and now we are putting this country first as it should be. Like Trump or not he is now POTUS and we all need to root for his success is the success of us all. Tom Hanks recently said that while he didn't vote for Trump is hoping that he will vote for his reelection which means that the country prospered in the first term. We all need to take that attitude going forward.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
This post was updated on .
No. Coach,his speech was a bust ,no uplifting strictly a dystopian rant describing America as if it was a third world hellhole,not your image of the greatest country on the globe.
It was pedestrian,offered no world vision or conciliation for bipartisanship. It was uninspired red meat for his base only. There was absolutely no compelling unifying vision to SERVE ALL. This frankly was not surprising,the man simply is unqualified and not gifted as a leader. He is still a petulant child with zero empathy,vision or class. So we see things differently and that's ok.I remain highly skeptical.Talk is cheap,he must deliver for ALL now. He is exposed and will be closely scrutinized and held accountable. I think he may not make it through a first term. I see lots of potential for major errors in judgement that will have serious consequences.Hope i am wrong,but we wil ser
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Warp, Well said, couldn't agree more. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by warp daddy
OMG> Whacha talkin about, Willis ? He mentioned bringing back jobs, strengthening the economy and being more assertive of America's needs worldwide. That serves all. Those may not matter to you at all Warp, but they do to many, many people. |
well said Warp.
![]() what does being more assertive of America's needs worldwide mean? Cause I'm of the opinion that spending 14 trillion over the last 30 years on wars is a huge part of the economic problem. As far as bringing back jobs, will he start with manufacturing his products here first? And bringing back jobs... what about all the jobs that have been created in the clean energy sector? Will those jobs be protected and promoted or will we just repeal and replace with fossil fuel jobs?? And what about business conflict of interests, especially aboard? How will we know if he is protecting our country's interest or his own personal business interests if he invades a nation where he has substantial businesses. When will he release his tax returns? Is it OK to issue executive orders now or is that an end around the constitution? And how the hell do you get that he will be serving the little guys interest when everyone of his nominees is the exact type of politician he is lambasting or a corporate pig? ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Banned User
That's the Clinton foundation. Which, since she did not get elected has experienced a severe drop in donations. Where was your sanctimonious concern about that, oh hypocrite ? You're wee bit lacking o' little one. |
Banned User
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
More hypocrisy from you. Obama made plenty of ex orders. Why you just bitching now ? |
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Yea, SJ is another political hack, I have been surprised at how much of the coolaide he and Warp have consumed. I think it is so rediculous, Warp lecturing Z on being open minded and accepting of other points of view. Hypocrites all.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by Snowballs
Clinton isnt president. Your guy is. He is in charge now. No more blaming clinton. Time to answer the real life questions. Your guy is the hypocrtic. But keep your head in the sand brother. God bless america. Hell yeah i still got my guns.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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In reply to this post by Snowballs
from the expert in coming up short |
Banned User
Not me, I'm tall. You're barely a blip on the radar here Thach.
Banned User
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
And the donations tanked. Hehehe. ![]() |
Yea, the whole thing is shutting down. Let's see how much goes out to charities and how much is siphoned off to feed the Clinton life style.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
Banned User
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In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Tell you what, thack, why don't you point out what in my post you responded to " came up short " to you ? You never join the conversation. All you ever do is lurk and occasionally throw out insults. That's childish. Be an adult. |