Jay Peak lodging and best runs

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Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Hi everyone ... I am headed to Jay Peak for the 1st time this weekend! I've got a packaged booked fri-sun but since it's almost a 6 hr drive for me I've decided last min to drive up thurs night so I can get to the mountain early Friday ... Any suggestions on affordable, last min rooms for thurs night?  ... Also since I've never been there.... Looking for input on your favorite Jay peak runs! (I like the expert trails myself ... But I'll have a beginner tagging along) ... Thanks!
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

No advice about lodging but you might be interested in a free demo from ONP3.  They were at MRG today.  Will be at Jay from 10am to closing on Friday.  Part of their first tour of the northeast.  It's a company in Oregon that's been around for a few years.  All work done by a staff of 8, including the head of the company.
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by Snowangel014
I've stayed here a few times: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g57335-d100087-Reviews-Newport_City_Inn_Suites-Newport_Northeast_Kingdom_Vermont.html

It's pretty cheap, clean, safe, and within a very quick drive of downtown Newport, which has some pretty decent restaurants.  I've rolled into town a couple of times and got a last-minute room there.

Since I am a selfish horrible person, if I were going to Jay, it would be worth it to me to "generously" donate the cash and throw the beginner into an all-day lesson and meetup for lunch and apres. That way I wouldn't feel like I was missing out.    
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Jay Inn in town is good and would be reasonable mud week

Best skiing is in the woods.  Beaver Pond, Everglade, Timbuktu are some of my fav glades
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Sick Bird Rider
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In reply to this post by Snowangel014
Where are you travelling from? The suggestions above are good but Newprt will be out of your way if you are driving up drom the south. Why not just stay at some Red Roof or whatever on the north end of Burlington, or maybe St. Albans, then drive the last hour to Jay in the morning.

Also tricky on the run question. Are you skiing with the beginner at all times? Stick to greens and blues.

Funnily enough, I will be be there this weekend. Look for the old fart in a bright red jacket, skiing with an older fart in a faded orange jacket.


Here is an overview I typed up for friends going to Jay for the first time. You will have to read in between the lines and determine what is best for you and your beginner friend. Hopefully you will find something useful:


Jay Peak can be a confusing place for the first time visitor. Take the JP snow report with a grain of salt (though this year it seems a lot more open and up-front).

Pro tip #1: be prepared for cold and wind. Tthe Flyer chairlift is not nicknamed The Freezer for nothing. Best lift for avoiding wind is the Jet triple.

#2: wax your boards and sharpen your edges. there are some nice runs that end with long flat runouts (eg. Ullr's Dream, JFK) and the Taxi trail from Stateside back to Tramside. No matter how much snow they claim to get, there will always be some hardpack somewhere.

# 3: pay attention to turn-offs or you could end up at a different base lodge than you intended to.

#4: It is worth taking a ride on the Tram if it is sunny and not too windy (and crowded). The short hike to the summit gives an amazing view. On a clear day you can see Montreal. The Vermonter is the best run off the Tram if you are into groomers. Valhalla is a good (steep) glade off Vermonter. Green Beret is really fun in good conditions.

#5: any un-named patch of trees between trails is worth checking out if it looks skiable.

SBR's best fast cruiser trail picks:

off the Tram: Vermonter to Montrealer/Northway then to Stateside lodge by any number of trails. Angel's Wiggle to Lower Milk Run is a fun way to the Stateside lodge off the Northway.

off the Flyer chair: Northway to Goat (can be icy where it goes under the chair but usually improves after that). If going back to Stateside, take the Goat all the way ("Full Goat" in our family jargon). If going back to Tramside, my faves are Goat/Green Mtn Boys/Racer or Goat/Lower River Kwai/Interstate

Ullr's Dream is a great easy run (with a steep pitch near the top) if freshly groomed and not crowded. It can be the "full-on super G" if conditions are right. Take Kokomo to avoid the final flat stretches of Ullr's.

JFK is one of my favourite runs of all time. I'd call it an easy black diamond. A little hard to find and often a good bet for powder on the right day. A nice combo is the first pitch of JFK then duck into Lower Everglade at the bottom of the pitch (before it turns left and takes you to Ullr's).

Lower Everglade is a great glade, mellow aspect, pretty open, good snow.

off the Bonaventure chair:
- good warm-up run is Northway. Great expert run: Can-Am.
- the 720 park on Lower Can-Am is the BIG park if you are so inclined (may be still under construction at the moment).

off the Jet chair:
- Jet, Haines & Derick Hot-Shot. If you ski the Derick, cut over to Haines & Lower Jet to avoid the LONG run-out of the Willard. Easy way down, take the Montrealer.

Good glades to start with: Lower Everglade (off JFK); Buckaroo Banzai (off the Goat), Bonaventure Glade, Show-Off Glade; Buck Woods; Expo Glade.

More challenging glades: Beaver Pond; North Glade (steep but open - often overlooked by glade keeners), Canyonland (long and gets tracked out fast), Timbuktu (don't go too far right or you will be walking back); Hell's Woods (short & steep); Andre's Paradise is probably the nicest glade at Jay IMHO.

Valhalla is really nice when conditions are right.

Runs best avoided unless conditions are primo (just my opinion): Upper Milk Run; Tuckerman's; Northwest Passage; Poma Line.

Most challenging runs on the trail map, IMHO:
River Quai (upper part), Staircase; Upper Everglade: Vertigo; UN & Power Line (both great bump runs but endless); Deliverence; Green Beret, Kitzbuehel ("the Kitz" and the Upper Quai are great runs, probably two of my favorites. Both are totally old-school serious black diamonds, never groomed and there is no snowmaking. plus the fall line is totally off kilter.)

Apres ski: Go through Montgomery and in one stop you can: visit Don at FirstTrax, have a beer and a really good burger at the Snowshoe (good food also at The Belfry and Bernie's), buy groceries/booze & Vermont cheese at Sylvester's Market (excellent deli counter as well). If you want to buy VT souveniers and groceries in the other direction, go the other way down 242 towards Jay village and check out Jay Country Store.

Have fun!

SPAM: And of course, you can always read my blog for entertaining stories about skiing at JPR.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

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SBR and Snowangel... freeheeln's group from Gore will be at Jay on Friday. Be very cool to make some connections.

BTW Snowangel is a Plattekill/Snow Ridge homer and she world class RIPS.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Sick Bird Rider
Harvey wrote
SBR and Snowangel... freeheeln's group from Gore will be at Jay on Friday. Be very cool to make some connections.

BTW Snowangel is a Plattekill/Snow Ridge homer and she world class RIPS.
Would be cool. Unlikely that I will ski Friday, slim chance for a few runs at the end of the day after arrival. I will be skiing Saturday through Tuesday though. Staying in Montgomery Center. Beers at the Snowshoe?

Look for this guy:

Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by Harvey
And we didn't scare away a first time female poster like some other website. ;).

Welcome Snowangel and enioy Jay Peak, it's a great place.  
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by marznc
marznc wrote
No advice about lodging but you might be interested in a free demo from ONP3.  They were at MRG today.  Will be at Jay from 10am to closing on Friday.  Part of their first tour of the northeast.  It's a company in Oregon that's been around for a few years.  All work done by a staff of 8, including the head of the company.

nice skis.

which ones did you try? The whole new lineup looks great, really digging the steeple.

Edit: go night skiing at Bolton before hitting Jay. Get the beginner a lesson to toughen her up for Jay's terrain and a free bonus day of skiing all in one!
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Awesome! Thanks for all the info! If you are skiing this weekend definitely shoot my a msg ... Idk where the snowshoe is but it sounds like a place I'd like to have a beer lol ...
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by Z
Will def be hitting the glades <3 can't wait!
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Not to be Debbie Downer, but Saturday might be mayhem at Jay Peak = Canadian spring break Saturday.
Can we get SOME snow?  Please?
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Sick Bird Rider
BenedictGomez wrote
Not to be Debbie Downer, but Saturday might be mayhem at Jay Peak = Canadian spring break Saturday.
Good point. On the other hand, it is the end of Quebec break, and Ontario break is not until a week later. Sometimes they overlap but not this year. On top of that, I imagine the the exchange rate is scaring more than a few Canadian families away this season. One friend of mine was thinking about Jay for a family ski holiday but decided to go to Tremblant, all due to the dollar.

I'm lucky as I have a free place to stay and a season pass. Doesn't cost me much to visit if I eat/drink cheaply. Gas is cheaper in the US, even with the exchange rate!

That said, I am bringing the touring gear. If it is mayhem, I'm heading for Mt. Trixie.
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by BenedictGomez
BenedictGomez wrote
Not to be Debbie Downer, but Saturday might be mayhem at Jay Peak = Canadian spring break Saturday.

And on top of that, there is a rando race on Stateside on Saturday morning. Go lycra people!

Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

we have a big group 12ish , freeheel types + fixedheeln heading up fri. we will be the group sans colour but for the fact we will be in the woods the whole time you may not see us
Tele turns are optional not mandatory.
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by BenedictGomez
BenedictGomez wrote
Not to be Debbie Downer, but Saturday might be mayhem at Jay Peak = Canadian spring break Saturday.
I've never had an issue with Canadian break weeks and crowds at Jay. Honestly, I had no idea they had a specific break week, I've never noticed a significant crowding issue any where, including Jay, in March long after the Pres Vaca week. Any increase in Canadian skiers will be offset by a general decrease in all skiers as visits start trailing off in March. Lots of other factors can lead to crowding at Jay but this isn't one of them.
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Glade Runner
Banned User
The first time we booked a trip there it was a Sunday to Wednesday.   We were unaware of the Canadian break and Sunday was the last day of it.  It was the most crowded I've ever seen there.  It wasn't too crowded though.  The only real long line was for the tram.  The rest of the lifts had some lines but, not nearly as bad.  The Jet triple got bad in the afternoon but, the trails and woods weren't crowded.  It got much better Monday and on. This trip was booked right around this time right now.
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Hey! We just checked in to a bed and breakfast just down the road from the snow shoe! We will be heading down in a few mins... Hope to see you there!
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

Sick Bird Rider
Snowangel014 wrote
Hey! We just checked in to a bed and breakfast just down the road from the snow shoe! We will be heading down in a few mins... Hope to see you there!
Phineas Swan or Inn on the Trout?

I'll be arriving tomorrow afternoon. Likely dine at the Snowshoe, look for old guy reading NYSB on a Mac laptop.

If you need last minute gear, check out Firsttrax, just across the street. Don is the man.

Have fun!
Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Jay Peak lodging and best runs

  Did you have fun at the Snowshoe? I've stayed upstairs in the Spring $35, even had a working TV and WiFi the last time I stayed there, one out of three ain't bad. I enjoyed hanginging in the bar, and I don't even drink anymore. The locals were very entertaining, there was a tough girl in a tank top shooting pool that I'm pretty sure I could've beat arm wrestling, maybe. I'm 5' 11" 240lbs.