Jumbo Glacier Resort

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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Benny Profane
snoloco wrote
SMore competition is better for the consumer, it leads to lower prices, better quality, and new innovations.

Um, have you seen the price of a lift ticket lately?
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Benny Profane wrote
snoloco wrote
SMore competition is better for the consumer, it leads to lower prices, better quality, and new innovations.

Um, have you seen the price of a lift ticket lately?
 Have you seen the price of a season pass?  I know you keep talking about how cheap the Mt Colletive and other multi mt season passes are.  Those are the direct result of competition with the Epic Pass.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Benny Profane
Coach Z wrote
Benny Profane wrote
snoloco wrote
SMore competition is better for the consumer, it leads to lower prices, better quality, and new innovations.

Um, have you seen the price of a lift ticket lately?
 Have you seen the price of a season pass?  I know you keep talking about how cheap the Mt Colletive and other multi mt season passes are.  Those are the direct result of competition with the Epic Pass.

Maybe. I always thought that it was a smart marketing product (the MC). I guess it is a response to the Epic Pass, sure, but not necessarily a race to the bottom in pricing. Apples and oranges. Besides, the Epic pass, although covering a wide swath of the ski market, is still not a product that most skiers can think of owning, and has had little effect reducing prices in the East and a lot of other regions. But, before I start talking out of my butt, I'd have to see marketing numbers that reside on computer spread sheets in the Vail Inc. offices and other corporations that own hills, but, that ain't gonna happen. All I know is, window pricing, which I think a major segment of the skiing public pays (even in Summit, my buddy and I were amazed at lines to buy tickets at ABasin) is over the top.
funny like a clown
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

How would you feel if the APA decided that the Birds are more important than WF operating.  

My guess is both the birds would find another of our 46 peaks and the Bears would move to the millions of undelevolped acres adjacent to Jumbo to breed.
Trump called and he wants you to start first thing next week!!  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

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You gotta admire the little italian guys tenacious persistency.


I watched the video and I thought all sides made good arguments. I didn't get the feeling the the developer was an evil greedy person, he was just an old wealthy skier with a dream. In some ways I actually felt bad for the guy but he is no dumby and had this plan b it looks like all along.

@Coach, I don't think comparing WF to this proposed resort is a fair comparison. At least not with the amount of failed attempts at projects just like this one in the last 20 years or so. I just can't see the value in using more natural resources to create another huge ski area that isn't profitable, maybe places like Kicking Horse and Revy are becoming crucial parts of the local economies but I wouldn't know.

As far as displacement of wildlife they do need a certain amount of space to roam or at least that's how I have come to understand it. I do know that after big wildfires out here there is a huge spike in human-animal conflict and a lot of the critters don't survive. These fires though are a lot more destructive (short term) than a a ski area I imagine and cover huge swaths of territory.

I guess I don't have much to add since I'm no scientist but I do like the idea of some places remaining wild.

My feelings are that the local people should have a say in these sorts of things and if they aren't in favor than it's time to move on. This Valemount project is claiming to have local backing. I have to admit, an area with 6k of vert gets the skier in me pretty excited.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

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In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Coach Z wrote
Scotty How would you feel if the APA decided that the Birds are more important than WF operating. My guess is both the birds would find another of our 46 peaks and the Bears would move to the millions of undelevolped acres adjacent to Jumbo to breed.
Trump called and he wants you to start first thing next week!!
Trump is such a richard.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Um sooo Scotty can you tell us a little about your avatar?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

He doesn't believe in climate change yet he's building a new sea wall to protect his golf course in Ireland from rising seas due to global warming.  D'Oh.


And Trump is in Scotland for a few days.  Not to discuss Brexit and meet with government leaders, but to promote a golf course one of his companies owns.  



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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Um sooo Scotty can you tell us a little about your avatar?
It's the Bicknell thrush.  a species of special concern. NYS is actively protecting its breeding area which includes Adirondack Mtn tops (elevations above 2800 feet).

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Also locally known as the bird that delayed the lookout lift pod by a couple of years.  No work can be done on WF above 2800 feet until August 1 I think the date is due that bird.  But the positive is that the bird likes glades so more glades are on tap to make the bird happy which is now a good thing.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

the positive thing is people chose to implement mitigation measures to help another living thing possibly survive longer.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Harvey wrote
Um sooo Scotty can you tell us a little about your avatar?
It's the Bicknell thrush.  a species of special concern. NYS is actively protecting its breeding area which includes Adirondack Mtn tops (elevations above 2800 feet).
Why does this bird breed only at such high elevations?
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

less predators and more food.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

The less predators makes sense, more food at higher elevation?? Interesting.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Banned User
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
 Why does this bird breed only at such high elevations?
It's their version of the Mile High Club silly.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Snowballs wrote
campgottagopee wrote
 Why does this bird breed only at such high elevations?
It's their version of the Mile High Club silly.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Sometimes I wonder if our conservation efforts boils down to basically humans just fucking with nature....again. Species evolve, die and new things emerge so I am conflicted on this sort of thing. It's especially annoying to see the Sierra Clubbers use a bird or owl as a means to stop sweet trails from being accepted into local trail systems even though it's obvious their real reason is because they are bigots that don't want to share the forests with any other user groups.
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Why does this bird breed only at such high elevations?
I thought it was to avoid the gapers.

raisingarizona wrote
Sometimes I wonder if our conservation efforts boils down to basically humans just fucking with nature....again.
Our entire existence fucks with nature. Yea we are part of nature, but the problem is we know how to use tools, so that makes us extra dangerous... to ourselves.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
raisingarizona wrote
Species evolve, die and new things emerge so I am conflicted on this sort of thing.
Dude the massive destruction of the planet by greedy humans is (has been) wiping out so many living things for centuries.  Not understanding that fact is republican, unfettered capitalist or just dumb dumb!  Or various combinations of all three.    

One billion song birds are killed a year by people's dirty domestic cats.  Millions of acres of rain forest is cleared so ranchers can cheaply raise cattle to make beef for Mickey Ds fat ass patrons.  10% of the prairie pot holes and wetlands remain in central US - rest filled with ticky tacky subdivisions or corporate farms....  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Jumbo Glacier Resort

Well ya of course I know that, but I'm saying that maybe, just maybe that is natures intention for us. Maybe we are here  to kick the earth into it's next stage and lets be honest, the Earth will do much better without us. The whole save the this or that movement should really be- lets save us.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a minimalist and I feel good about not creating a large footprint. I do my part by living simple but I often here this whole we need to save the planet stuff from people driving fancy cars and living in 2500 square foot homes or the self righteous trust funder kid living on their parents hard earned money that was unlikely made with the Earths best interests in mind.

So I guess I'm saying is that I see a lot of BS going around especially when it comes to the hateful bigots we have here in our local Sierra Club chapter. Those people are assholes.