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Killington reopening

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Killington reopening

You heard it here first.
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
Chris wrote
You heard it here first.
Heard a rumor about Memorial day.... Are you saying sooner?

(I was hoping to poach Saturday without having to deal with crowds)
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by Chris
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Killington reopening

Benny Profane
Aaannnddd...the next virus hot spot in the northeast will be...the Killington region! Congratulations!
funny like a clown
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Last to comply when social distancing went into place, first to defy as places consider relaxing social distancing.....yet he doesn’t want other people to live a “basically normal life” like they “could” because they might infringe upon his defiance.  This is a surprise to no one.  MeCentric to the core, I’ll give him that!
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
You should whine more, Jump Turn Guy. It doesn't make you look like a nanny-state douchebag at all.

It's my 40th birthday. I'm going skiing.
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Re: Killington reopening

Good for you....and I thought the snowflakes who needed a birthday car parade to go past their house to celebrate (oooh, it’s my BIRTHDAY!) were ridiculous, but at least they were trying to do the responsible thing!

Don’t open The Economy (‘till September) because, you know, how many people are you willing to let die?  Yet, you can live a “basically normal life” right now, and we don’t care how many people die because of that.  So long as it all suits your MeCentric needs to get what you want, consequences be damned.  

Years from now, when we all look back on this, those who couldn’t sacrifice an extra month or two of their precious selfish pursuits (and in the process risked spreading the virus to other people) should feel particularly small.....but such MeCentric people, who talk a talk but won’t walk a walk, never do.....

I’ll respect Harvey’s site enough to not throw around names that will get his site flagged.
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
I'm not sure what you're talking about, but you (once again) seem unable to distinguish between:

1. Someone making a personal choice
2. Things that government should do to limit the spread of a pandemic

Maybe try to calm down and speak clearly, then we can all try to figure out what your point is.
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Re: Killington reopening

I’m sure almost everyone but you knows exactly what I’m talking about, even those who think you are a punching bag!


Seriously, Gore closes yet you still go because....personal choice.  Killington is still closed but you are going because....personal choice.  Glad you are ok making personal choices that put others at risk, that’s big of you.  Of course we can’t go back to work too soon, because that isn’t your personal choice (oh, wait, you are still working your side hustles) and doesn’t support your other agendas.  Noice!!!!
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Re: Killington reopening

I heard they’re opening up for locals only so you’re out MC. Tough luck. Maybe check if there’s still some snow on West.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Glad you are ok making personal choices that put others at risk, that’s big of you.  Of course we can’t go back to work too soon, because that isn’t your personal choice (oh, wait, you are still working your side hustles) and doesn’t support your other agendas.  Noice!!!!
Who is putting others at risk? I'm not going within 50 feet of anyone and touching nothing but my own stuff.

And, no. Some places (movie theaters, concert venues, bars), should remain closed for now because we're trying to stop a pandemic here.

Are you arguing that the government should restrict my movement? Or are you arguing that we should reopen schools?

Because if you are arguing neither, then you should STFU because you have no real point and you're coming off as a real whiny bitch.
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Re: Killington reopening

This post was updated on May 13, 2020; 8:42pm.
I’m arguing that if shit is closed you shouldn’t go.  But you can’t do that.  You’d rather argue, inconsistently, out of both sides of your face, and then just go do whatever the fuck you want, whatever the potential consequences.  It’s not that complicated, at least to anyone who isn’t just looking to argue nonsense just for argument’s sake.  

You really want to protest infringement of your rights?  I’d have more respect for you if you planted yourself on the State House steps, armed or not.  But you won’t, you’ll just do whatever you want, then criticize other that make suggestions that don’t suit your agenda.

The only one who should STFU is you.  Be selfish....go to Killington or whatever other shit you are gonna do, but don’t post about it here and shout about it in a cheesy Insta-story!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by Brownski
Brownski wrote
I heard they’re opening up for locals only
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
 shout it in a cheesy Insta-story!
Okay, all that whining and now I finally know what it's about.

What a sad little boy you are.
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Brownski wrote
I heard they’re opening up for locals only
Not sure, someplace on FB I think. Skiology maybe
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Killington reopening

MC2 5678F589
This post was updated on May 13, 2020; 8:59pm.
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
I’d have more respect for you if you planted yourself on the State House steps, armed or not.  But you won’t, you’ll just do whatever you want, then criticize other that make suggestions that don’t suit your agenda.!
So, you don't want me to spread the pandemic, and you suggest that instead of going to an unpopulated mountain to quietly do my own thing, you want me to do an armed protest... in a city... for a cause I don't believe in.... possibly around a bunch of unmasked right wing assholes?

Not sure your child brain has thought things through here.
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
JTG4eva! wrote
 shout it in a cheesy Insta-story!
.....now I finally know what it's about.
And what would that be?  Am I a little jealous that you are making turns I haven’t?  Sure, a little...but I’m big enough to put my selfish desires aside.
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Re: Killington reopening

Not for nothing, but you guys fight and whine more than my teenage girls.

As for K-mart reopening...my stupid ski addicted ass would probably go, but my
wife and kids have made it clear that if I do, the locks will be changed by the time I get back! 

At least some people in my house have some intelligence.  It's one thing to go skin up when it's closed and empty, it's a whole other ballgame when the lifts are running.    
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
MC2 5678F589 wrote
Not sure your child brain has thought things through here.
Wait, what?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Please show me where I said that was the right thing to do, or that you should.

Oh, right, you can’t.

For those you you with a DRA of 5, I never said that was a prudent thing to do.  I did say I’d respect you more if you did.....but that only shows how little I respect you to begin with!

Seriously, dude, pandemic or no....you are a sad excuse for what society today has to offer, but at least you keep this place entertaining!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Killington reopening

In reply to this post by Marcski
Hey, I needed a distraction!

I will say, all things considered, you won’t go (at least while they are closed) because that’s the right thing to do.  I know how you feel!
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