This post was updated on .
From what I see Town of Johnsburg (North Creek) is pretty diverse politically.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
In reply to this post by snoloco
Little Man standing up for Papa! I like it Sno! ![]() That said, at times you might (?) come across as a bit spoiled, having a bit (?) of entitlement mentality. Maybe. Love the passion, really do, but how many other people 'round here have threads like this, about them? You just gotta chill a little, is all. Keep the passion in your heart, temper the posts a bit as you mature, and show us the good side of all the positive, non-complain-y, non-whiny, not-always-about-me values that Papa has instilled in you!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by snoloco
Rally 'round the family. Good for you Sno, you didn't ask for this thread. At least not directly. |
Just for the record several strong democrat bases in St Lawrence County , mostly centered around the college towns . The rural and remote parts of the NC Not so much .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by PeeTex
Haha. You wanted Bernie because you hate Hillary, full stop. But you didn't want Bernie enough to get off your ass and do something about it. You didn't organize, you didn't make phone calls, you didn't do anything to prevent Hillary from winning NY. It was even too much work for you to Change your Registration from Republican to Democrat so you could vote for him. "Staging a revolt" is a bullshit way of dealing with an election loss. If you're claiming that Hillary was "forced down our throat" by the DNC, you might want to avoid reading how Trump was "forced down our throat" by Wikileaks, Russia, and James Comey. Especially because people like you were enablers and propagandists for the cause. Do you want to "Stage a revolt" now? I would have preferred Bernie, I voted for him, and I still support his ideas. Where are you on Single Payer Healthcare, Free College for all, and confiscatory taxes on the rich? Where are you on Black Lives Matter, increasing social security benefits, and getting Keith Ellison appointed as DNC chair? Do you actually give a shit about Bernie and his ideas, or have you stopped caring because he's no longer a foil for Hillary? Elections happened. The people we didn't want to win won, and now we have Trump. Nothing to do now, but hope he doesn't destroy the country and fight him when he tries to. |
MattJust out of curiosity, wouldn't you have preferred Biden, Kerry or Warren over Hillary? I've thought all along that whatever they did to clear the decks before the primaries started was their real blunder. I usually don't like conspiracy theories but I just don't believe that Webb, Sanders and the guy from Maryland were the only other people that wanted to run.
Not that it matters now, just curious...
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by snoloco
that's my boy! Put that right winger in his place. It's obvi to me your dad did a great job raising a fine young petit homme. pretty sure by March my boy Petit Homme will SkiOff JohnnyOnTheTRUMPspot at our beloved. Straight Drop! First one to mahogany ridge. (Upper Sky - Niagara- Victoria -Grand Canyon - UpperValley- Boreen - Cloudspin Lounge!!) who want's to bet? ![]()
I ride with Crazy Horse!
I'll bet you
If that lil whinny bitch keeps on about snowmaking like he is one of the tribe is gonna scalp him before march even rolls around |
what a surprise. CampComrade backs JohnnyontheTRUMPspot....
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by warp daddy
Those are just voters passing thru for a few years not real North Country folks
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
Nope coach its not the students .
It is the permanant staff and their families bud , many students too , but the communities are made up of lots of other professionals and other school districts and other s upport agencies especially in the county seat . So the base is both broad and permanent. These people and their families ARE those towns .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by Brownski
Let's see: Biden would have been able to run as an Obama 3rd term, and he has a Trump-like ability to say anything and not get popped by the media for it (it's just Biden being Biden!). He's a creepy lech, but looks like a suave gentleman compared to Trump. Also, he kicked Paul Ryan's ass in their debate, which I enjoyed immensely. So Yes for Biden. Kerry? He had his chance in 2004 and blew an eminently winnable election. He hasn't done a lot as Secretary of State to point to, and he probably would've lost "bigly" to Trump. America doesn't like losers, especially when they're Democrats. I guess if Kerry and Hillary were the only two people on the primary ballot, I would've switched my registration and voted in the Republican Primary against Trump (probably for Kasich?). In a general election, both of them over Trump by far. Warren? Fuck yeah. Only problem with that would be having to put up with Coach's incessant Native American blasts because he thinks that's funny, much in the way that he thinks Hillary getting sick is funny. What I'm saying here is that Coach's sense of humor sucks. They definitely "cleared the field" in the way that the field is usually cleared for a VP (I mentioned the 1988 Republican Primaries). Biden could have ran, but he was going through a tough time personally. And the younger people in the party (Gillibrand, Deval Patrick, Booker, Kaine, Schweitzer) laid back out of deference to the Clinton Family, who still had a lot of pull in the party. Hard to imagine they have any pull now. |
Yeah, that's about what I was thinking (mostly). I don't think Kerry would have done any better then last time, just that, in his own mind, he thinks he deserves the job. Biden V Trump at least would have been entertaining
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
I accept the challenge. There will be a few caveats. However, since your post, it seems you've seen the light on Petit Homme. I'm perplexed as to why you and HPD stick up for someone who shits on your dearly beloved Whiteface so much. You guys pour your heart and soul into WF, and he's obliviously dissing you and yours Gros Homme? Sno, your dad is probably a damn good man, but you need some tough love. Glad you ain't no bitch. Major social ineptitude going on here though on many fronts.
I don't rip, I bomb.
I had pretty much nothing but positive things to say about Whiteface when I was skiing it in December, they did an admirable job with the snowmaking then, and blew away Gore. I've only started "shitting" on them recently for de-facto shrinking of the ski area by not prioritizing Lookout. Apparently now they need some tough love because they don't seem to care about opening all their lifts and one of my favorite trails (and some of yours too).
I've lived in New York my entire life.
Well, here's some life coaching. "Don't shit where you eat."
I don't rip, I bomb.
Learn to except the things you cannot control.
Haha, I think you mean accept?
But the other way might work better in Trump's America. |
I don't rip, I bomb.
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Ya that's the one.