Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

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I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
You do realize just how much you sound like a spoiled little turd right?

"My Christmas wish is to spend $5,000 of Daddy's money this season: a 40% increase from last year!"
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend


"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

In reply to this post by bumps
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

MC2 5678F589
Wow. Entitlement mentality at its finest from sno.

"I want I want I want I want I want"

Well, at least he's starting to get the idea that a lot of businesses (the majority?) generally don't give a shit about people and their petty concerns (they'll happily keep taking your dad's money off your hands, though). Only choice sometimes is to vote with your wallet... Cough cough, sorry. I mean, your dad's wallet.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

You guys are being pretty tough on Sno, if you ask me.....which I know you didn't.

Early in his postings he might have been a little misguided here or there, expressed some youthful exuberance and a wee bit of naïveté, not appreciating all his many blessings and who was buttering his bread.

We rightly gave him $hit.

Since then he seems to not shoot as much from the hip, sees multiple facets of issues, is more balanced in his postings, readily admits he is spending "daddy's" money, has enjoyed skiing glades and bumps, and looks forward to his future years when he can ski better mountains and be more responsible for himself.

And he still gets $hit.

We have guys on here with day counts in the dozens and that is cool.  Sno gets a lofty count at the 'Crick, appreciative to do so on his parents coin, and he's a spoiled turd........because he complained that the 'Crick had a very bad weekend they might or might not have handled better?

Not wrong for any customer to want or expect a business to make good for their customers.  The skiing industry we all love is also very dependent on entitled little spoiled turds, as well as curmudgeonly spoiled old farts, to keep the bull wheels turning!

Free Snoloco!  The movement is on!!!!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

Glade Runner
Banned User
In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Try going to a ski area 50+ times each year and go a lot for summer activities as well.  If you buy food each time, this is what happens.  You've gotta eat, so you're going to need to pay for food.
You could always pack a lunch once in a while.  LOL
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

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I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

Glade Runner
Banned User
snoloco wrote
Glade Runner wrote
snoloco wrote
Try going to a ski area 50+ times each year and go a lot for summer activities as well.  If you buy food each time, this is what happens.  You've gotta eat, so you're going to need to pay for food.
You could always pack a lunch once in a while.  LOL
They don't allow outside food in the waterpark or in the cafeterias in both lodges although it is rarely enforced if even in the winter.
You can't stick a Cliff bar in your pocket or something?  
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
The skiing industry we all love is also very dependent on entitled little spoiled turds, as well as curmudgeonly spoiled old farts, to keep the bull wheels turning
So, your argument is that the industry is full of asshole complainers, so we shouldn't criticize someone who might grow up to be an asshole complainer?

Interesting. Allow me to retort: I have no problem with people complaining (although, after a while it gets a little tiresome). I just feel the complaints have more validity when you don't say "I've spent over $3,000 of my dad's money..."
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
Hey sno is free, at least on this end. And I like sno 2.0 better too.

My comment about the MC Prez... I've seen this a ton, and not just from sno to be fair.

Everyone thinks they know how to run a mountain and run it better.  I have no idea why Purna and 44 don't get open. Yeah it's probably money, but even if it is you still don't know what the choices the GM is facing. If we blow Purna what else do we have to give up? I remember Jess Pezak telling me Hunter's system running full bore cost $13,000 an hour. Snowmaking ain't cheap.

And I don't know why MC is such a cluster. But I do know that it's 50/50 that there is a good reason that (unfortunately) isn't being communicated. Pipes freezing, Gondi down? Could be someone's fault in maintenance, or maybe $hit happens.

One thing I have learned is that the people you are venting on often have no say in the matter. I think the MC guy taking blame was standup.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

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In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Interesting. Allow me to retort: I have no problem with people complaining (although, after a while it gets a little tiresome). I just feel the complaints have more validity when you don't say "I've spent over $3,000 of my dad's money..."
Ah, I hear ya.  

I just didn't get the impression that 'Loco was saying 'look at me, I'm so important, I spend so much of someone else's money', so it didn't come across to me as being an entitled spoiled turd.  Rather, seemed to me he was saying 'I'm the kind of base customer the mountain relies on, we (dad and I) drop a substantial amount of disposable income supporting the place, and I think they have an obligation to make sure all customers have a satisfactory experience.'  That's not an entirely unreasonable thought.

He may not always be right, but I figured he deserved a break on this one.  'Course I was the a-hole complainin' about what WF didn't open last weekend...

Is $3,000 on a year's worth of skiing and summer activity really something to be considered spoiled?  If so, I suspect we are all very spoiled.  

But again, I get you don't want to hear incessant complaints....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

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I give the kid credit for exposing himself for who he is with his comment, which I thought was pretty funny(i.e. "spending 3000 a year of my dad's money")!

And aren't we all just a bunch of "spoiled turds"?  

I mean seriously, we ride up a mountain to ski down and repeat!  

To whose benefit is that but our own?

Isn't that the definition of spoiled?  
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

gebbyfish wrote
And aren't we all just a bunch of "spoiled tards"?
Truer words, Geb....
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

In reply to this post by gebbyfish
I do it to stimulate the local economy.

Any fun I have is purely incidental.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by gebbyfish
gebbyfish wrote
And aren't we all just a bunch of "spoiled tards"?  

I mean seriously, we ride up a mountain to ski down and repeat!  

To whose benefit is that but our own?

Isn't that the definition of spoiled?
No. The definition of spoiled specifically says "to harm the character of a child by being too lenient or indulgent". So, pretty much exactly what we're talking about.

And you seem to be arguing that people who engage in leisure activities are "spoiled tards" (strange arguments in this thread). Because every leisure activity could be put into your frame ("I mean seriously, we sit in a darkened room for two hours as images flash across a screen and sound is blasted into our ears! For who's benefit is that but our own?").

Yes, skiers specifically are very privileged. Just to be able to sink $3,000 into leisure activities is an amazing position to be in. And yes, I think we'd be better off if we all acknowledged this more.

But besides successful business people, the highest paid people in the world are part of the leisure economy - athletes, movie stars, musicians. Every single person in the world enjoys leisure activities. To call them spoiled tards for that is a little strange.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

Sick Bird Rider
mattchuck2 wrote
...Every single person in the world enjoys leisure activities. To call them spoiled tards for that is a little strange.

I was on board with your argument until I read this. What sort of leisure activities does someone like this enjoy?

Love Jay Peak? Hate Jay Peak? You might enjoy this: The Real Jay Peak Snow Report
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

Banned User
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
JTG4eva! wrote
The skiing industry we all love is also very dependent on entitled little spoiled turds, as well as curmudgeonly spoiled old farts, to keep the bull wheels turning
So, your argument is that the industry is full of asshole complainers, so we shouldn't criticize someone who might grow up to be an asshole complainer?

Interesting. Allow me to retort: I have no problem with people complaining (although, after a while it gets a little tiresome). I just feel the complaints have more validity when you don't say "I've spent over $3,000 of my dad's money..."
There you go again, making false accusations. Sno isn't an asshole complainer and shows no tendency to be one.

You, on the other hand have immense potential, which you routinely display here...Go look in the mirror and you'll see an asshole complainer.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

Banned User
In reply to this post by YUKON CORNELIUS
 You do realize just how much you sound like a spoiled little turd right?
You sound very much like a punk ass bitch YC. Very convincing.

It's like what Tbatt chimed in with a while ago,,,,, a bunch of grown men shit talking a little kid. What punk ass bitches.
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Re: Mountain Creek: Bad Weekend

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Sick Bird Rider wrote
mattchuck2 wrote
...Every single person in the world enjoys leisure activities. To call them spoiled tards for that is a little strange.

I was on board with your argument until I read this. What sort of leisure activities does someone like this enjoy?

I'd bet that guy goes home and bangs on a pot and sings with his family, or reads a book to his kid. Even people in the worst of circumstances need some joy in their life. It's the human condition.

All work and no play, etc.