Looking for a new header photo to use for the top of NYSB this winter.
You may remember this image from the last two seasons. It's been reduced to fit here:

Not the most exciting image, but it has some critical elements:
It works as a wide slice.
It has a simple background in the center top so that the site title can be easily read.
It's taken in winter, from a mountain in NY.
But maybe it's time for a change.
Do you have any high-res shots that would work at around 1000px wide (min) and 200 or 250 px tall?
Send me your best or post em below. If there is something out there - taken in NY in winter that beats the shot above send it to me at my email addy below.
If we use your image we'll send you a copy of NELSAP's
Lost Ski Areas of the Southern Adirondacks and one of Miker's awesome
nysb diecuts.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp