Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

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Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Always been a WF/GORE passholder, consider these my home mountains, been skiing here since I was 3(even though I'm downstate).  Been to plenty of places out west (UT,CA,AZ,MT,WY).  Never skied Canada, have been surrounded by plenty of Canadians in the Whiteface gondola tho ha.

Looking to plan a trip as a xmas gift/b-day gift combo for my wife (and myself! haha).  She's an intermediate snowboarder (I ski and ride, would be on my board for this trip).  Since she's a teacher and can't get off work enough days to make going to Utah worth the $$$, even though this was my original plan until realizing redeye flights and just 4 days there is not worth it.  I know the SLC area very well as a good friend lives in Park City, would love to bring her out there one of these days, but i'll wait until a longer trip can be planned properly.

Always wondered how skiing Quebec was, I know it's alot smaller than the ADK.

Since we pretty much stick to Whiteface/Gore, and some Belleayre when storm warrants a sick day, I wanted to bring her somewhere different and the idea of Tremblant came up - first weekend of March.  I can pull this off for a lot less than a Utah trip and not be locked into crap flight times to get a deal.

SO - Can some of you provide some insight into do's and don'ts of Tremblant, where to stay that's reasonable and not a S*ithole, good places to eat, what to do, what not to do etc?  Prob looking at a Thursday night-Sunday night sort of deal.  Not trying to get too fancy, but at the same time not going on a just guys no frills "skibum" trip which is my specialty and usual MO.

And I'm sure some people will chime in and say there are other mountains up there that are less fancy not as built up etc., which I typically prefer, the purpose of this trip will of course be to do some skiing, but check out other stuff as well, hence the idea of Tremblant since there's a village there and prob some descent nightlife.  By the way, we are in our late 20s if that impacts any suggestions.

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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

I've been there 4 different times all around mid Jan thru early Feb. Every trip had -20 temps. Not just one day, but pretty much the entire time if you're into that sort of thing
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

I'd hope in March it wasn't -20 haha but I'm sure it can still get pretty damn cold.

Any comments on the mountain or village itself?
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

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In reply to this post by ADmiKe
You know, I was probably that guy in the Gondola with you.  Did I have a flask because if so that was me :) (just kidding....sort of)

Anyway I will get to the point.  I have skied in Mont Tremblant at least half a dozen times.  If you are going with your wife you want to stay in the Tremblant Village. You can for evening walks along the cobblestones streets.  You can pop in and out of cafe's/bar if you are into that kind of thing.  There are a couple cool night clubs in the village (l' petit caribou was rated as one of the top ski nightclubs in North America)  There will be crap loads of people everywhere.  It has a great vibe even though its an Intrawest resort and only 20 years old or so.  Some hotels are more then others so you will have to look around for a deal.  Most will have an outdoor hot tubs and/or pools.  It does not matter that you cannot speak French.  Almost everyone can speak English these days.  You will encounter some people who will refuse to speak English but that can happen anywhere.  

I would avoid eating all the time in the village since the food is expensive and the quality is so so.  If you guys like fancy food take her to sEb L'artisan culinaire.  Its unbelievable but quite expensive.  Its worth going once in your life even if just for the main course.  

I personally find great skiing on the mountain.  I have been to Gore/Whiteface many times and even though I like WF much better Mont Tremblant is not a tiny hill.  There is a lot of terrain to ski.  There is a north and south side.  Both have lots of terrain.  If she is an intermediate skier she will love it as there is to tons of great runs that are blue.    

Quebec is a really cool place and I think you would have a great time.  If you have a chance take one day in Montreal and go see the old village. She will love it.    

There are really no do's and don'ts that would not apply in the US.

Don'ts: (these are meant to funny (Do not take seriously)):
1. Do not call Canada, America's little sister or brother or USA Junior
2. Do not ask how many square foot is our igloo is
3. Do not refer to Canadian's as those commie's that live in ice huts
4. Do not ask the Quebecer's why they can't be more like Ontarian's
6. Do not call rye whiskey...bourban
7. Do not ask us what the name of our President is
8. Do not ask ask what the capital of Canada is....BTW its not Toronto :)

1. Talk to people...most Canadians are very pleasant and really like to talk
2. Try the Canadian beer...some of it is really awesome...especially the Quebec stuff
3. Try real poutine
4. Go to old Montreal if you will be amazed
5. Try some French cuisine if you can (see sEb, but there are others that are cheaper)  

Hope you have a great time.  I think you will love Quebec.  

If you have any other questions....ask away.

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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant


Thanks - nice write up and comments.

By the way, forgot to mention, I was actually in Montreal this past summer for my bachelor party.  Cool city - had a good time.  Only other time in Canada was about 10 years ago with an x-girlfriend's family, we stayed at their friends cabins at some lake, which I can not remember the name. I believe it was in Quebec but I may be wrong.

Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ADmiKe
I think 4 days in Utah is definitely worth it.

Haven't been to Tremblant in years, but I was there on a Martin Luther King weekend and it was indeed -20. You should be fine in March.

There is way better than "decent" nightlife in Tremblant. It is a full on party if you want it to be (French Canadian women dancing on bars, thank you). It will be great for two twenty somethings. Even better than Utah ;-).

Tremblant will be a lot of fun for you. The terrain matches your abilities, it's a good snowboarding mountain, there's a ton of restaurant and lodging options (other people know better than me what specific places to go, but definitely stay walking distance from the town), and the weather should be fine that time of year. Good pick.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

4 days would be worth it for sure if day 1 and 4 weren't redeye travel days. I typically do 4-5 day UT trips, but have at least 4 full days there usually.

Also should clear up my ability level which is expert-advanced or whatever you wanna call it.  Been skiing my whole life basically like many others on this forum.  I'm sure there will be plenty for me there to enjoy - plus I will be "taking it easy" since i'll be with my wife and not any of my friends or dad/brothers, so the whole ditching the girls thing won't be in play.

I agree there prob is better night life than Utah
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant


Thanks for the accolade regarding the "ditch the girls thing" As your dad, I appreciate you take on my standing in the pecking order, putting me in the same class as your brothers and friends (not really your friends). You know me, it's full bore, all or nothing for me, even though I'm old fart, LOL!

This seasons take on things in regard to your no contest, you'll smoke my butt, Troy will probably smoke it to, Mongo (Keith) will probably be sucking wind for the first time in years, so I'm planning on smoking his ass, despite being 56 yrs. old, and having will to live! All your friends will smoke me at brew pub drinking beer and ale, but have no chance keeping up with me at WF. Great I'm interested in heading to Tremblant. Thanks!
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Banned User
Veeeerrrrrryyyy interesting.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

The best thing I ever did in my life...taught my wife (while engaged) and three boys at ages 3-3 1/2 to ski at WF, Gore, and Belleayre. Have maintained tight family unit all these years..oldest son is 28. We've traveled thousands of miles on the NYS Thruway, Northway, and the stretches from Warrensburg to Gore and Northway Exit 30 to LP/WF. All great times, lots of great skiing, riding, and lots of love. I hope others out there are as fortunate as we've been while pursuing winter sports enjoyment and family bonding. We've enjoyed every trip ever taken to these promised destinations, (as in promised lands).
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

That's a pretty awesome story Jon951.  Anyone who posts on the same forum as their kid (and vice versa) has to have a tight family.  When my baby girl grows up I hope to have the same relationship.  My wife and I am trying to instill this into her now by taking her ever skiing whenever we can.  This year she will be in ski racing at our local bump.  Since we are sharing....this is me with my family on the right hand side (My wife and i are wearing white, our little girl is wearing pink)

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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Very Nice BigK75...I'll scan and bust a pic or two of my family and post tomorrow. Have a whole stash of pics taken over the years. When my son's started out, there were challenging days, but I was on a mission to keep them interested and on their skis heck or high water. It's amazing as I look back on the whole situation, as I was able to go 3 for 3 and produce two hardcore ski enthusiasts, and 1 combo skier/rider (I<3ADK), and get my wife (a double blue skier) at the mountain in the morning just about in time for first tracks, any given day. Even when the temps were in the -teens and lower, her and the boys were gung ho. Oh, must mention my father-in-law was born 15 minutes from Cortina d'Ampezzo...I guess it's in their blood! Lucky me.
"Feets fail me not"
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

In reply to this post by BigK75
Have are going to spend money, just accept it.    

4 days is perfect.    

On back side of mountain, a taxi can take you, there is a "spa" where you sit outside in minus 10 freaking degrees and soak up the sun, heated pools, sun rooms etc.   You jump in the river or cold pool after soaking up heat...then sit outside for 10 minutes chilling down.  Sounds odd, but it works.    It is a blast and a story to tell friends.   Some call it polar bear clubing.    They are all over the EC up there.    

Nightlife...take a troll with you to bbsit.  

Apres ski....the best, at a bar 20 feet from your skis.   No joke.    

CLUE:   When speaking to 20 somethings on the chair, if they say they work for the "goverment" that means they are on social welfare and don't work beyond ski bumming.   May not be too many at Tremb, maybe more out west.    
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

To combine a couple ideas consider Quebec City instead.  It is better than old Montreal and has better skiing nearby than Tremblant which can get very crowded on the weekend

The other option I'd suggest is Stowe

Tremblant is a fake village
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

I'm skiing in Canadia this winter too. So many great mountains to hit up there. Honestly, I don't think you can go wrong. Tremblant was rated #1 for several years over Stowe and Whiteface, so there must be something to it.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

In reply to this post by Jon951
Jon951 wrote
Thanks for the accolade regarding the "ditch the girls thing" As your dad, I appreciate you take on my standing in the pecking order, putting me in the same class as your brothers and friends (not really your friends). You know me, it's full bore, all or nothing for me, even though I'm old fart, LOL!

This seasons take on things in regard to your no contest, you'll smoke my butt, Troy will probably smoke it to, Mongo (Keith) will probably be sucking wind for the first time in years, so I'm planning on smoking his ass, despite being 56 yrs. old, and having will to live! All your friends will smoke me at brew pub drinking beer and ale, but have no chance keeping up with me at WF. Great I'm interested in heading to Tremblant. Thanks!
Will have to have a discussion with you in the car on the way up to LP Friday night - guess you are not familiar with thread jacking!
Also, may want to keep inside jokes on the "inside", that's what they are for. Not a public forum man!

While it is awesome how much my dad invested into making my brothers and I hardcore skiers, and how much we were able to ski, and continue to ski as a family most of the time, he could probably do a better job at keeping personal info and jokes that only close friends would understand off of this skiblog haha
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Telemark Dave
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
To combine a couple ideas consider Quebec City instead.  It is better than old Montreal and has better skiing nearby than Tremblant which can get very crowded on the weekend

The other option I'd suggest is Stowe

Tremblant is a fake village
+1 on Coach's comments.  Tremblant = cold, icy overpriced Interwest McSking. (Like a Disney interpretation of the Québécois experience..)

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

In reply to this post by Z
Z - could you elaborate on the fake village aspect?

While I understand what you mean, and am used to being in Lake Placid (real village!), is Tremblant to the point where it's not "fun" or "enjoyable"?  I know it won't be what I'm used to (overpriced, too fancy for me, etc). I'm looking for something different than the norm, within driving distance....

Stowe was another thought I had, but it's pretty expensive and fancy there too.  We were at Stowe not too long ago in the summer for a day.  Did some hiking.
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Last time I checked, there was lots of content about Quebec in the Mag.
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Re: Need Advice on Mont Tremblant

Thanks, yeh i checked some of that content out as well
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.