HI ScottyJack:
Yes that was us. I was the skinnier Polish guy :) Holy smokes that pretty funny. Small world. I met a lot of people there that weekend. Were you with three other skiers, all really awesome? I remember the group skiing upper Northway. I thought these guys must locals and I wonder if that's you. I also talked to another guy on our last day and we talked about how awesome Whiteface is. I talked about how we have to go home and we will not be home until 2am, but its worth it to ski Whiteface for an extra couple of hours. I remember the guy I talked to was younger and super nice. Maybe that was you? Anyhow I will be there until Tuesday and you can sometimes find us drinking beer at the patio :) My name is Claude and I am will be with the "bigger than average" polish guy. Come say hello and have a beer with us. Claude |
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
I remember that gondi ride! How the hell did you put that together Scotty Jack? Wicked smart! |
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Hey... I'm hurt. I'm not bigger than an average polish guy. It just that average polish guys come big ![]() |
In reply to this post by BigK75
Couldn't have been. Northway only opened last weekend. Could it have been Essex? So funny - have no idea how he figured out those guys were you and your buddy- in fact I don't remember what you look like or even who was in the Gondi with me (but obviously Scotty Jack was). I just remember some guys telling us they crashed a party at the Crowne Plaza. And I would never even have remembered that if SJ didn't bring it up. That's weird. SJ is weird. |
You are right....i meant upper thruway. Claude |
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In reply to this post by FrackieTV
Don't be hurt. Bigger than average was said in the solid sense!! As in american football, As in I would be the halfback following my fullback after he leveled the middle linebacker!!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by Skidds
I'll be there all weekend ... I'll keep my eyes open for you.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
In reply to this post by BigK75
Will def look you guys up. We like to have a couple beers in the Cloudspin Lounge after skiing so we'll look for you guys on Sat.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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In reply to this post by Noah John
Stopping by? this is my house. ![]() |
In reply to this post by Face4Me
Ditto. I've gone blue/grey jacket, black ski pants. Old green Lange's (can't give up my Banshees!) and a pair of Hot Rod Nitrous. Let me know what to keep my eyes open for. Any thoughts on Lookout Below? Closed the last couple days, hoping they are just saving it for the weekend. As bad as Chevy weekend was, you had to like hitting Wilmington for opening, no? And Skyward was great all weekend, especially lower with the snowmaking. |
Same as last year. No clue. Unfortunately, I left right before they opened Wilmington ... had to get home for the Giants game. Lower Sky was great, especially on Saturday, but getting there from Upper Sky was pretty rough!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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In reply to this post by tBatt
Then go to your room! ![]() |
I will be wearing a mainly black Spyder jacket with some white and grey and black pants. My wife will be more easy to spot as she has black pants, with a white spyder jacket with red accents. I am on Atomic Crimson Ti with the edge blown out :) and my wife is Atomic Seventh Heaven (white and Black). Hope to see you guys on the hill.
PS I have been known to drink beer on the mid-mountain patio. :) Claude |
In reply to this post by Face4Me
You give my memory too much credit! Don't make me look it up!! Upper Sky has been much worse than it was that weekend, and the edges are always nice! |
In reply to this post by BigK75
Are they the guys I asked where they were boozing. They laughed and said they dont go boozing they just booze. I think it is. You are referring to essex I think
If that was on Jan 02 around 3:30pm then yes it was :)
I remember skiing on Essex and there was a guy in brown I think (although my memory is a bit fuzzy). He was an excellent skier and skied down the right hand side of Essex? Was that you? That was our last run of the day I believe. Claude |
In reply to this post by tjf1967
That was these guys. And it was Essex. They went right onto lower northway and we went left for the regular route. BigK launched off the turn pile on the bottom of Essex!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
Yes that's exactly right....hat was our last run of the day before the long trek back to Kitchener/Waterloo. Oh man....that's funny....what a small world we live in :) See you guys on the slopes tomorrow. Can't wait to have a beer with you guys. I am leaving work at 4:30pm today and the four of us are heading up tonight. Will be on the slope's tomorrow at 9am as the bigger than average guys wife has a lesson tomorrow morning. We laughed and laughed about the bigger than average comment. Because its so true :) Claude |
In reply to this post by BigK75
Keep an eye out for TJ.....he likes it there too ![]() |
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Bumping up a dead thread (that had lots of drift). Just went to sharpen my 11-12 Atomic Crimson Ti's and have the same issue. It looks like the base/edge is separating from the sidewall about 18 inches long right under the binding. Its wide enough to get the tip of a regular screw driver in there. The edge is still flush with the base.