Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

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Re: Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

snoloco wrote
According to Harvey, however much you spend in a state run business, you have that much less to spend elsewhere.
That is how ALL business work. It's called budgeting, and companies spend a lot of resources doing it. All companies. Open your fn ears and stop acting like a know-it-all.

Over my past few trips to Steamboat I've gotten to know someone there who works in their finance department, and have chatted about capital budgets, operating budgets, pass pricing, etc. You have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to spending on projects at resorts.

snoloco wrote
You can find me at Stratton.
That seems appropriate.
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Re: Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

I actually agree with Sno

That connector trail needs to be cut and needs snowmaking.  It eliminates the needs for that stupid mile long XC trail from the bottom of the North Quad back to the ski bowl.  How you Gore guys put up with all that skating I'll never understand.
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Re: Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Burnt Ridge needs AT LEAST two trails in addition to Abenaki.  it has just two now which are some of the most crowded on the entire mountain.
I ski Gore 40+ days a season and I've never seen BR crowded. Not even sorta, kinda, a little bit crowded.

snoloco wrote
I'm never going to persuade anyone on here that Gore has taken their terrain expansion overboard and that much of it made little sense.
Truer words were never spoken.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
I actually agree with Sno

That connector trail needs to be cut and needs snowmaking.  It eliminates the needs for that stupid mile long XC trail from the bottom of the North Quad back to the ski bowl.  How you Gore guys put up with all that skating I'll never understand.
Nobody is really arguing against that. Or at least I'm not. Not really.  Sno is saying that if the snowmaking isn't coming on Abenaki for two years, don't cut the trail now because it will piss him off.  I think. I think he would like Gore better if it was just the East Side. If that was all there was, it could be fully open by 12/26 most years. It was just the East Side once, but it didn't have any snowmaking then, so not sure how that would effect the logic.

I think it would be fun to ski Abenaki as a naturaI trail for a year or two if plumbing has to wait.

And I admit I'm probably unusual as I could care less about skating pipeline or cedars or any part of Gore. If I really want to avoid as much exercise as possible, I'd switch to alpine or stay in the lodge and eat waffles.

I do think it would be awesome to see them blowing on 46er from town.

I'd like to see sno's drawing for the two additional trails beyond Abenaki. I don't see how you can do that without loosing both Cirque and Barkeater.

I've never seen crowding on BR. Someone please post a pic.

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Next Upgrades at NY Ski Areas

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
You can find me at Stratton.
That will be tough for me to do because I have no intention of ever skiing there again.
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