Next best Slides attempt?

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Next best Slides attempt?

Anybody thinking about one?  Looks like they opened at some point today, as the trails show as open, but the 'Alert' hasn't been updated since 10:49 and we don't know the status.  Somebody will have made some incredible turns in there today, lucky dogs!

I was thinking about tomorrow, get in before the Thursday warmup.  That is, until a couple of forecasts put wind gusts tomorrow (in the afternoon as the storm front rolls in) in the 37 to 50 mph range.  Winds should be light in the morning though.  So, should the winds scare me off tomorrow?

Then there is at least one forecast calling for the storm rolling in Wed night and Thurs to drop snow (6+) on the summit.  The idea of a powder day Friday is enticing.  However, not sure how likely it is, and if a quick layer of sleet or r*in falls could that be a problem with new snow on top?

Yes, the Slides watching and agonizing has begun.....


Helps to know if anyone else is thinking of it, because after Saturday there are places I want to go, but not alone!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

JTG4eva! going to be today!  On my way, be there about 10.  Anyone wants to play let me know.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

No WORK!?!?!  Lucky!
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Cough.....cough.  I actually am sick.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

I'd be feeling pretty sick too if I wasn't 5 hours away.....
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Just finished our 7th......not sure if it's good or bad I missed the first hour.  Perfect spring day.  Warm down on Cloudspin, then to the Cloudspin!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?


If I hadn't had such a good day I might start to regret not waiting for a powder day tomorrow!  Hope it keeps snowing and some of you guys get to enjoy the Slides this weekend.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

now that there is 5 inches on the ground do people think these will be in play tomorrow?
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Do you have Avy gear?

My bet is its going back to Silver status
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Coach Z wrote
Do you have Avy gear?
And if you do, have you been trained on how to use it?
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

I got the gear. Just wondering how they will b with the thaw refreeze
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Lots of powder, but it's firm beneath and ice lurks everywhere.  The patroller sweeping behind us commented to my 'Slide Buddy' that opening the Slides tomorrow could be a tough sell until they soften up.  

Hope you get in tomorrow, temps supposed to be warmer on Sunday.

We were the last two in today and, as the patroller at the gate said, bring your (avy) gear tomorrow because you never know what decision they are going to make, especially with things being firm in there with the powder skied in.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

i had to cancel at 7:00 this morning, car was packed. between injury and missed opportunity this is not turning out to be my year.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Adk Jeff
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Lots of powder, but it's firm beneath and ice lurks everywhere.  The patroller sweeping behind us commented to my 'Slide Buddy' that opening the Slides tomorrow could be a tough sell until they soften up.  
The high at that elevation tomorrow's going to be around 10.  At least wind and vis shouldn't be problematic though.
I checked the WF webcam a few times today, every time I look it seems like it's nuking, including right now.  Anybody got a handle on how much more snow they got besides the 5 reported on this morning's report?
I'm thinking that Gold status tomorrow would be unlikely.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

1-2 today through 2:30, 6-8 total sounds about right.

Snowfall won't necessitate Silver status for tomorrow.  It didn't today.  Here are what I see as the potential problems for tomorrow:

1). Wednesday was 50 degree full on spring and the Slides softened up considerably.  Temps dropped ahead of yesterday's snow and things firmed up.  The new snow today was great, but it wasn't bottomless, you did get to the scratchy underneath.  A full weekend Gold crowd and it will be very scratchy and icy in there in no time with the cold temps.  Hope they open, but they could go Silver to control the traffic, or maybe wait until they soften?

2). Nasty spot on the traverse between 2B and 3.  Scraped down to rock the traverse got pushed lower into softer snow, then it looks like a boarder post holed it.  Nasty dip now that patrol is probably going to have to fill before they go Gold, otherwise it will throw lesser skiers, and it's a spot that might not hold up well.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

So much for, Gold.  Have fun out there!!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Lunchtime report: it's awesome here....bunch of snow in there.  Legs tired.
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

Lunchtime????  Lunchtime on a Slides day is 2:30!!!  Glad you got in there.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

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Sweatin my ass off! Had to ditch a layer!

Slides were awesome tho - met up with highpeaksdrifter for a run.

HPD - sorry I got detached from the group...went for the lower exit didn''t know what you meant by ribbon!
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Next best Slides attempt?

ADmiKe wrote
Sweatin my ass off! Had to ditch a layer!

Slides were awesome tho - met up with highpeaksdrifter for a run.

HPD - sorry I got detached from the group...went for the lower exit didn''t know what you meant by ribbon!
I got to take a couple of runs with Mike on Sunday too. Young dude is a nice guy with serious skills. We met top of F on Sunday when he was waiting to get in. Also met a guy named Brian (also excellent skier) who came to WF just to ski the Slides, but unfortunately didn't make it in. Anyway we decided to do a tour together and get the goods else where. We had to cut it a little short because of an "Unscheduled interaction", but until then we where having a grad old time. I actually ran into Brian in the 10th Mt. glades later that afternoon.

Anyway Mike, I want you and Brian to come back, bring some friends too so they can enjoy all the goodness of WF, look me and my crew up and we'll have some more fun.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen