Not What He Planned

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Not What He Planned

There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Not What He Planned

Benny Profane
Darwin checks off another one on his clipboard.
funny like a clown
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Re: Not What He Planned

Whoops!  I don't know his injury's but at least he sort of skied away
The day begins...  Your mountain awaits.
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Re: Not What He Planned

In reply to this post by Highpeaksdrifter
This was all over the internet last year. What I said then:

This video makes me dizzy even before he falls
Dude is so lucky to be alive/basically ok
Kinda funny that he posted his own epic fail for 3 million to see
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Not What He Planned

I felt so afraid for him.   Glad someone warned me he survived.    My stomach dropped.    
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Re: Not What He Planned

From what I remember reading when I saw this the first time, think he actually walked away fairly unscathed, few sprains and bruises and probably cracked ribs, but nothing serious. Though skiing/snowboarding has calmed that feeling a bit, I still hate heights. Watching that even when they are just hanging at the top gives me a vertigo type feel.

I have learned to deal with it by just grinding my teeth, deathgripping anything I have in my hand till my knuckles turn a special kind of white and try to think about how awesome the way down is going to be. Very few places still give me that feel, WF summit lift is still one.


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Re: Not What He Planned

Banned User
Efilnikufesin wrote
 I still hate heights. Watching that even when they are just hanging at the top gives me a vertigo type feel.
Me too. The little WF chairlift or what ever one goes to the top of LWF wigs me right the frick out ! I ride it from time to time but I always wonder why I did.

I probably couldn't ski in Europe. Those mile high lifts, I couldn't ride them.
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Re: Not What He Planned

There is an old two seater lift from mid-station (near gondi) at Canyons that takes you across a small divide.   Once loaded, the land quickly drops away; soon you are several hundred feet high, maybe 300'.?      Riding with my 6 yo, she says at the highest point....."If I fell off this chair, would you jump off to to be with me in Heaven?"      My stomach turns as I secure my poles over her lap.  My 9yo very experienced son is in the chair ahead of me, alone.     I scream, sit back, arms over the back of the chair and don't move.   Once on the other side,  I see they have a zipline set up parallel to this chair and folks are doing it.  I watch in amazement.     OMG. My son asks if we can do it "someday".  Yep, someday.       

Death/mortality questions are normal for 5-7 yr olds.    Glad I was mentally prepared for that conversation.            
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Re: Not What He Planned

Banned User
I hear ya. Kids when tired tend to slouch in the chair. This puts their hips close to the seat's front edge. Once it's there, it's easy for a jolt or such to get their hips over the edge then......
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Re: Not What He Planned

yea that shit's not for me - also not a big fan of heights.

I thought I was gonna do that at tucks. after making it up right gully as far as I could without bootpack, axe or crampons I stopped and looked around. my first thought was whatthefuck do I do now, this is freaking steep! I shouted to my son who was continuing higher and steeper to think about the same. it didn't phase him but I probably froze for five/ten minutes before settling down and attempting to get my skis off my pack and on my feet.

first few turns were worth it though...