ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

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ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

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Congratulations Mike!
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

ORDA board appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Reports 27% jump in revenue vs. last winter

Staff Writer
Mike Pratt smiles at an ORDA board meeting in December 2016. (Enterprise photo — Antonio Olivero)
Mike Pratt smiles at an ORDA board meeting in December 2016. (Enterprise photo — Antonio Olivero)

LAKE PLACID — At Tuesday’s regularly scheduled state Olympic Regional Development Authority board meeting, the state authority appointed interim president and CEO Mike Pratt permanently and reported positive financial numbers versus last year’s dismal winter.

The board hired Pratt as the replacement to longtime President and CEO Ted Blazer, at a salary of $150,000 per year. Pratt has served as the authority’s interim president and CEO for several weeks since Blazer announced his impending retirement at December’s board meeting. The 55-year-old Lake Placid native Pratt previously was general manager of Gore Mountain since 1996.

Tuesday’s meeting also was the first for Lake Placid businessman Art Lussi in his role as the town of North Elba’s representative to the authority’s board after he was appointed to the position last July. Lussi is the Crowne Plaza Resort president and an Adirondack Park Agency commissioner and his appointment fills the vacant position left by Lake Placid native Joe Lamb, a former Olympian who served on the ORDA board for a-year-and-a-half before resigning in January 2016.

Lussi asked several questions at the meeting, inquiring about the process behind the authority’s capital projects at each of its three ski resorts. In January, the state pledged $20 million worth of upgrades to its winter sports facilities at Whiteface Mountain in Wilmington, Mount Van Hoevenberg in Lake Placid and Gore Mountain in North Creek.

Toward the end of Tuesday’s meeting, Chairman J. Pat Barrett and Vice Chair Joe Kelly expressed gratitude toward Gov. Andrew Cuomo, but also said the authority should be planning a strategic and conservative future in the case the next governor is not as kind to ORDA.

“In order for us to compete today, if you look at the TV ads, you look at some of the Pennsylvania area (resorts), we are in competition with everybody. You look at waterparks, they have this, they have that, it just can’t be about skiing anymore,” Kelly said. “I think that’s what the new plans are about here. We have to be more than skiing, we have to be a ski resort.

“I think the governor’s office this time recognized that need,” he added.

“I don’t want to sound negative on this,” Barrett replied, “but (former governor) George Pataki was very good to us. Governor Cuomo has been fantastic to us. But we’ve got to be prepared for the time here as we plan this organization and financial planning, we may get a new governor and administration that says, ‘Look I’m not going to spend that kind of money up there.’ And that we’ve got to prepare for. A little more conservative planning.

“We’ve got to be prepared for those days,” he added, “the rainy days, as we call them.”

This winter season has seen many fewer “rainy days” for the authority compared to a dismal 2015, both in terms of precipitation and with regards to the authority’s financials.

ORDA Director of Finance Padraig Power reported year to date revenues through the end of February were $28.3 million, an increase of 27-percent versus last year at this time, $22.2 million. He added that the authority’s net operating loss through the end of February was $6.4 million, a 49-percent improvement versus last year at this time, when the authority posted a loss of $12.6 million. Power also said state and town funding in an amount of $7.3 million would offset this year’s losses.

“So you factor that in and from a capital perspective we are looking pretty good,” he said.

At Whiteface, Power reported year to date revenues of $9.3 million compared to $7.4 million in 2015, an increase of 21-percent. Whiteface’s net operating income year to date was $2.5 million compared to a prior year income of $902,000, a positive gain of $1.6 million year over year. And in terms of winter revenues alone, visitation through the end of February totaled $7.3 million and 161,000 skier visits, six percent and three percent jumps over ORDA’s three-year averages of $6.9 million in revenue and 149,000 visitors.

He also reported Mount Van Hoevenberg Cross-Country Ski Center’s year to date revenue was up $181,000, a jump of 11-percent. The facility’s net operating loss year to date was $995,000, a positive variance of $250,000 year over year

At the Olympic Center, year to date revenues were up $340,000, or 15 percent, and the facility’s operating loss at the end of February was $1.3 million compared to $1.6 million last year.

And at the Conference Center at Lake Placid, Power reported year to date revenues up 109 percent, at $207,000. The center’s operating income year-to-date was $131,000, a change of about $161,000 in the positive from last year.

“They’ve had a busy year this year,” he said. “They were fully booked.”

Outside of the Olympic Region, Gore Mountain in North Creek posted a year-to-date net operating income of $563,000 in profit versus a prior year loss of $1.9 million. And at Belleayre in the Catskills, the year to date operating loss was $883,000 at the end of February.

“Would love to see a gain there,” Power said, “But compared to the prior year’s loss of $2.3 million, again, they’ve moved in the right direction to the tune of $1.5 million this season.”
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Notice the revenue and net operating income for the Conference Center at lake Placid:

And at the Conference Center at Lake Placid, Power reported year to date revenues up 109 percent, at $207,000. The center’s operating income year-to-date was $131,000, a change of about $161,000 in the positive from last year.

“They’ve had a busy year this year,” he said. “They were fully booked.”

Good thing NYS and ORDA dropped $20 million on the Conference Center, what a great return of $131,000 year to date. ORDA's fiscal year runs April 1 to March 31.

Thankfully, Art Lussi was nominated to the ORDA Board of Directors to protect his own interests at the Crowne Plaza, adjacent to the Convention Center. His dad, Serge Lussi, was on the Board for at least 15 years until his term was not renewed after 12/31/2013. I guess after 3 years the ORDA Board could not survive without a Lussi around.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

x10003q wrote

Thankfully, Art Lussi was nominated to the ORDA Board of Directors to protect his own interests at the Crowne Plaza, adjacent to the Convention Center. His dad, Serge Lussi, was on the Board for at least 15 years until his term was not renewed after 12/31/2013. I guess after 3 years the ORDA Board could not survive without a Lussi around.

Ain't it funny how the good ole boy club never dies
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Peter Minde
Anyone know why Joe Lamb resigned from the ORDA board?
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

At what point does the Bellyre experiment get deemed a disaster it it gets sold off?  Hopefully before they build the run over the parking lot right?

If they can't make money this season it's just not going to ever make money.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Banned User
Coach Z wrote
At what point does the Bellyre experiment get deemed a disaster it it gets sold off?  Hopefully before they build the run over the parking lot right?

If they can't make money this season it's just not going to ever make money.
I imagine it will stick around.

" If they can't make money this season it's just not going to ever make money. "

Wait, what ? Many on here have been saying for years that basically none of ORDAs venues make money so what's the difference ? Look at what X just posted about the Placid Conference Center.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

The ski areas have to make money on good years period.  All the other venues lose money.  Orda Can't have a ski area always losing too.  Otherwise like the article says some other Gov will ditch the whole thing at some point.

Bellerye will need to cut their Ops budget to the point they are profitable like any other biz.  Not fair to Laz if they get to keep losing money.  And for gods sake they don't need a fricking Gondi down there.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

That unlimited checkbook must be SA_weet to play around with
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

In reply to this post by Z
Hey Coach - I am biased because we patronize Belle, but my understanding is that one key goal of all the areas is to drive economics for the region.  Belle may operate at a loss, but it does bring people to that area of the Cats, who then stay in hotels and patronize restaurants (check on the Phoenecia diner on 28).  

So, I get your point about it being money losing, but (a) the mission statement implies that the goal is to drive tax dollar 'investments' into the area.  I am not judging that, just pointing it out; (b) C'mon, really?  Gore and WF do similar things.  Yes they make money some years, but what is the return on capital?  Your post kind of rubs me with you not wanting to waste taxpayer money (which I get), but maybe you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.  (c) re an offense to Laz - Plattekill is awesome, but Laz purchased the mountain out of bankruptcy knowing Belle is how many miles away and even then state run (though under DEC). So he was an informed purchaser, buying at a discount in a market process, knowing of a competitor with a theoretically unlimited pocket book.

Sorry to be annoying and confrontational.  Maybe too much coffee this morning.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

I agree with your assessment DomB and as a Belleayre pass holder I want them to do well.

At the same time the Gondola is a waste. Belleayre doesn't have the vertical, the snowmaking, and the visits to justify that. The State keeps banging on with this concept of, If they build it, they will come.

What Belleayre needs is to be run lean, continue to double down on what they have, and most importantly spend whatever they have to too completely overhaul and modernize their entire snowmaking system. This year Hunter and Windham were able to be nearly 3-4 weeks ahead of Belleayre in terms of terrain expansion with snowmaking. On top of that they were able to resurface multiple times throughout the season, something that virtually never happens at Belleayre.

The one thing that really hurts their ability to run lean is its layout. It has two main lodges that needs to be staffed everyday of the week. It has a zoo of lifts for a mountain its size, that they have to run to make terrain accessible (Gore has the same problem). I love the Overlook Lodge, but the parking lot and access road for it really kill terrain efficiency.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Couldn't agree more.  Gondi total waste at Belle.  They could make Tomahawk a high speed, fix the Belle high speed so it doesn't break, and then have money to do the snow making upgrades.

I meant to respond to Coach's point that they should dump Belle.  Maybe they should, but the same analysis suggests they should dump WF and Gore.  I wouldn't want to see any of that happen.  
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Milo Maltbie
DomB wrote
I meant to respond to Coach's point that they should dump Belle.  Maybe they should, but the same analysis suggests they should dump WF and Gore.  I wouldn't want to see any of that happen.
ORDA should dump Belleayre.  The difference is that Belle has the possibility of commercial development that's not possible inside the blue line, and it's in a reasonably competitive region for ski resorts, which Gore and WF are not.

"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

In reply to this post by DomB
Belle should remove the beginner double double and install a HSQ. That would allow for beginners to have easy loading and unloading and also get people out of the Discovery Lodge base. Nobody is going to ski a top to bottom run on the proposed gondola. The one thing the gondola will do is provide quick access to the Tomahawk area and the Highmount area, if that ever happens. Without the gondola it will take 3 lift rides to get from the Discovery Lodge to the Highmount area.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Milo Maltbie
The State should dump Belleayre.

Sell it off to Vail or POWDR or Intrawest or whatever company is in a buying mood and wants to gain a foothold in the Catskill/NYC market at a place with loads of real estate potential.

Then ORDA can stop trying to prop up a money loser in an area with private competition and get back to focusing on the ADKs.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by evantful
evantful wrote
What Belleayre needs is to be run lean, continue to double  It has a zoo of lifts for a mountain its size, that they have to run to make terrain accessible (Gore has the same problem).
You can get to every trail at Gore proper if you just run Gondy, Straightbrook & North Chair (and reopen Tannery to the bottom). You can get to everything on the entire mountain if you add Burnt Ridge and Hudson. That's 5 lifts for the entire mountain. Not that they'd really do that, but they could.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
Is there anyone to reach out to (Pratt, local elected officials?) to slow things down with the gondola plan? It is so unbelievably misguided.
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Re: ORDA Appoints Pratt as permanent CEO

Just realized I know the director of the Office of Economic Development of Ulster County. She's probably pro-gondola (any money is good money to them, I think), but I'll send her an email.