Powder stoke

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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
Here's a story about someone from that area who almost literally got his butt blown off for his pursuit of stoke.

funny like a clown
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane wrote
Here's a story about someone from that area who almost literally got his butt blown off for his pursuit of stoke.

Wow thanks for the link Benny.  Quite a blog post.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
Yeah, you know, we've all heard one of those things going off when we're eating breakfast or even in the early lift line. Could you imagine being right next to it?
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder stoke

Usually poachers are thinking that they are only risking their own safety when in reality they are risking many lives.
Consider the safety of the rescue crews that have to go into the area if something were to happen, these folks have to risk their lives to save the poacher. Then there is the other people who see the poacher and say "if he can do it so can we" and the go on as we'll, it's a compound effect. Gore had this a few years back, people familiar with the mountain ignored the ski area boundary off Chat and kids followed them in resulting on a night rescue in the Siamese ponds wilderness area.
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Re: Powder stoke

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
The guy probably needed to change his pants after that one.
Very, VERY luck it didn't slide. Or that he drop in 3 seconds later.

Does this count as powder stoke?
Is it Jan 11th yet?
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Re: Powder stoke

Telemark Dave
Back to the task at hand....here ya go Coach..blower pow pow freshie cold smoke face shots....

Merry Christmas and peace on earth....

"there is great chaos under heaven, and the situation is excellent" Disclaimer: Telemark Dave is a Hinterlandian. He is not from New York State, and in fact, doesn't even ski there very often. He is also obsessive-compulsive about Voile Charger BC's.
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Re: Powder stoke

In reply to this post by DackerDan
DackerDan wrote
Usually poachers are thinking that they are only risking their own safety when in reality they are risking many lives.
Consider the safety of the rescue crews that have to go into the area if something were to happen, these folks have to risk their lives to save the poacher. Then there is the other people who see the poacher and say "if he can do it so can we" and the go on as we'll, it's a compound effect. Gore had this a few years back, people familiar with the mountain ignored the ski area boundary off Chat and kids followed them in resulting on a night rescue in the Siamese ponds wilderness area.
Don't think everyone choosing to leave a ski area boundary is a poacher and at fault for others following
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Re: Powder stoke

skimore wrote
Don't think everyone choosing to leave a ski area boundary is a poacher and at fault for others following
Fault lies with the individual who commits the act. Someone leaving  a ski area boundary or skiing a closed trail is not at fault for the action of others, I did not say they were. What I said was that they usually don't consider that there actions can have an effect greater than they may have anticipated. I know it may be an unpopular statement.