Powder stoke

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Powder stoke

Remind me why we live in the east again?  Yesterday was solid ice and this is too much.  This tree skiing looks so good.

When I retire I'm moving somewhere it snows all the time.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Powder stoke

Every time I go out West, I say the exact same thing..

very cool vid too..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
When I retire I'm moving somewhere it snows all the time.
Yeah, but then you have to live in Salt Lake City. Stick me in the eye with a hot poker instead, please.

If I do it, I'm renting out west for 1-4 months, I'm pretty sure. I like a lot about the east, and, I road bike all the time when it's warm. Most road biking around western ski towns sucks. And, most places are brown. You know, dry dirt and scratchy shrubby crap growing out of the dirt. Here, it's green. That's what a woman who lived out there told me what she missed back east in Ct. when I was talking to her during my three month stay a while back in Co.. She missed the green. And, you know, she was right. I came back to a wet and beautiful May that year, with everything blooming, and thought, yeah, this is nice. The grass was greener.
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Re: Powder stoke

I'm with Benny. I can ski, hunt, fish, golf and never have to leave the county I live in. Granted there are better places to do all of that, BUT you have to pay a lot more than what I do.

that said----that POW sure looks sweet
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Re: Powder stoke

imagine not having to cut the grass or deal with humidity ...sounds awful to me

all kidding aside. i will probably end up renting for a month or 2 out west..My wife wouldn't want to leave the kids and her friends..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Powder stoke

I called my wife and told her that I saw this awesome video on nyskiblog and now I want us to move out West to Colorado or something like that....crickets....chirping....frogs croaking.....she finally said.....I will talk to you later.  

Looks like its Chicopee Ski Club (look it up) for me boys :)  I still thank God I am going to be in LP twice this year.    

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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
BigK75 wrote
I called my wife and told her that I saw this awesome video on nyskiblog and now I want us to move out West to Colorado or something like that....crickets....chirping....frogs croaking.....she finally said.....I will talk to you later.  

Yeah, and then there's that problem, too. If the wife/girlfriend isn't into this, furgetaboutit. And, there's no way you're getting lucky in a 10-1 ratio man to woman ski town, unless you are rich.

I made my girlfriend cry when we saw Reno this past winter. Hey, I cried a little, too. Incredibly cheap, brand new homes just a half hour to Squaw. Too bad they're in Reno.
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane wrote
BigK75 wrote
I called my wife and told her that I saw this awesome video on nyskiblog and now I want us to move out West to Colorado or something like that....crickets....chirping....frogs croaking.....she finally said.....I will talk to you later.  

Yeah, and then there's that problem, too. If the wife/girlfriend isn't into this, furgetaboutit. And, there's no way you're getting lucky in a 10-1 ratio man to woman ski town, unless you are rich.

I made my girlfriend cry when we saw Reno this past winter. Hey, I cried a little, too. Incredibly cheap, brand new homes just a half hour to Squaw. Too bad they're in Reno.
I wouldn't even mind living where I do because much like you I love road biking but after paying all the F**in bills I have almost nothing left for a vacation out west.  Even if I did have the dough to go I don't have enough vacation (we get 3 weeks).  I am in a lose/lose situation. I make it sound much then it really is, but its partially true.  Still I get out East three to four times a year and I get to ski some wicked place.  That's far more than most of the people I know.  

However that being said f**in Warren Miller keeps playing in my head "If you don't go this year you will be one year older when you do"              

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Re: Powder stoke

before the internet we didn't know what we were missing. now we do. i hate it. i love it.
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Re: Powder stoke

I doubt I would pick the Cascades because it also rains there a lot and if I do move out there high humidity would not be on my list. Unlike Benny I could care less about having a green lawn or any lawn for that matter.  I'm eyeing Driggs ID to retire in.  Cheap and 10 mins to Grand Targhee.  Bozeman seems interesting.  SLC has the mormon issue and while I have nothing against LDS I hear if you are not in that church you are an outcast in SLC.  

My wife and kid would agree to move out there in a second now if I could figure out how to pay the bills so I don't have that issue that others have brought up.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
Bozeman is not a bad place to get stuck.
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder stoke


Has everything, good restaurant scene , medical care, shopping, low humidity and Mt Bachelor..

"Peace and Love"
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Re: Powder stoke

Bend would have been great 15-20 years ago when I first went there.  It since has been invaded by California and the costs of real estate are too high

I forgot to add cheap to my list but that is also a major factor that takes out places like Steamboat

Northern ID also has potential
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Powder stoke

I found the price of housing reasonable when i was there last year. the financial crisis  put a lid on the high real estate   prices ..I also like a town were i can get good sushi and ethnic food..
I don't think Driggs has a decent Sushi Bar.
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Powder stoke

I like Bozeman a lot.  Driggs would be OK as well.

I'm also a big, big fan of Rossland/Nelson/Revelostoke in BC!  BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Powder stoke

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
I made my girlfriend cry when we saw Reno this past winter. Hey, I cried a little, too. Incredibly cheap, brand new homes just a half hour to Squaw. Too bad they're in Reno.
You just were not looking in the right spot. Drive an hour south of Reno (just south of Carson City) to the Carson Valley.
Here is an article from 2009:
Carson Valley, Nevada
From the article:
"At an elevation of 4,700 feet, the Carson Valley has a high-desert climate — cool nights and warm days — but the foliage is thick and green in spring and summer." The weather sites state that there are about 300 days of sun per year with only about 9 inches of snow.

This is one of my ideas for retirement, but I doubt I can convince my better half that the positives outweigh the negatives.
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Re: Powder stoke

Benny Profane
x10003q wrote
Benny Profane wrote
I made my girlfriend cry when we saw Reno this past winter. Hey, I cried a little, too. Incredibly cheap, brand new homes just a half hour to Squaw. Too bad they're in Reno.
You just were not looking in the right spot. Drive an hour south of Reno (just south of Carson City) to the Carson Valley.
Here is an article from 2009:
Carson Valley, Nevada
From the article:
"At an elevation of 4,700 feet, the Carson Valley has a high-desert climate — cool nights and warm days — but the foliage is thick and green in spring and summer." The weather sites state that there are about 300 days of sun per year with only about 9 inches of snow.

This is one of my ideas for retirement, but I doubt I can convince my better half that the positives outweigh the negatives.

Dude, if we ever move to a place like that together, they'll find me face up on the kitchen floor with one of my fine knives sticking out of my chest, and her standing there, well, crying. Blood splattered.

I need a few urban distractions, and smoke filled casinos are not one of them.
funny like a clown
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Re: Powder stoke

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I like Bozeman a lot.  Driggs would be OK as well.

I'm also a big, big fan of Rossland/Nelson/Revelostoke in BC!  BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think its easy to retire to Canada as an American.  They don't mind you living there but if you want to work even a little and I plan to teach skiing to supplement my retirement its a no go.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Powder stoke

In my next life I will stay single and live in Bellingham, Wa   Mt Baker has the most snow anywhere.  Crystal, Stevens and Whistler are all within commuting for a day of skiing.  I don't mind the clouds...there is more measurable rain in Albany than there is in the Seattle area and hiking in the Cascades during the summer is incredible.  In one week of a visit I made a few years back I skied two days of bottomless at Baker (staying just down the road in Glacier) then went to my friends in Kent (southeast of Seattle just minutes from Crystal), played a round of golf in near 60 degree weather and then two days of bottomless at Crystal.  You can't do that in the east.  For the record about 80'" fell while I was at Baker and almost 60 when I was at Crystal.

If we all wish and pray real hard we may be skiing powder next week in the east
Proud to call Gore My Home Mountain
Covid stole what would have been my longest season ever!
I'll be back
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Re: Powder stoke

sudsnbumps wrote
In my next life I will stay single and live in Bellingham, Wa   Mt Baker has the most snow anywhere.  Crystal, Stevens and Whistler are all within commuting for a day of skiing.  I don't mind the clouds...there is more measurable rain in Albany than there is in the Seattle area and hiking in the Cascades during the summer is incredible.  In one week of a visit I made a few years back I skied two days of bottomless at Baker (staying just down the road in Glacier) then went to my friends in Kent (southeast of Seattle just minutes from Crystal), played a round of golf in near 60 degree weather and then two days of bottomless at Crystal.  You can't do that in the east.  For the record about 80'" fell while I was at Baker and almost 60 when I was at Crystal.

If we all wish and pray real hard we may be skiing powder next week in the east
And now there is that Mary Jane thing in Washington.