R.I.P. Greek Peak

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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Even though I've been bitching and moaning in this thread I'd like to make one thing clear.....GP IS the best place in CNY to ski...PERIOD. As long as they're open and have some mode of transportation to the top of the hill that's where you can find me
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

campgottagopee wrote
Even though I've been bitching and moaning in this thread I'd like to make one thing clear.....GP IS the best place in CNY to ski...PERIOD. As long as they're open and have some mode of transportation to the top of the hill that's where you can find me
+1 but  without the lodge i probably wouldn't be gettin any more of this

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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Can't wait   
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Big D
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
As far as Lift 1A is concerned. It is slower than Lift 1. But some skier told me that Greek's insurance carrier told them that if they are going to run only one of the lifts 1 or 1A that they want them to run 1A because it has a variable speed Fincore drive, where Lift 1 is a direct drive one-speed. I guess the insurance people think the ability to hit the slow button is a safety factor.

How long is the chairlift ride up chair 1 or 1A... I'm thinking between 9 and 10 minutes. A high speed Quad would probably be like 3 minutes 15 seconds.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
YES!  Snow pics in summer.  I appreciate the stoke.

Never really understood the big push to make everything high speed.  Seems like you end up spending more of your waiting time standing in line vs sitting in the chair.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Cornhead thanks for the welcome.  My family and I live in Vestal which makes going to either area pretty easy.

 Please don't take my first post as so much a slam against GP as much as it is frustration.  I got back into skiing 4 seasons ago after an almost 20 year layoff and GP was the first area that my buddy Dan took me to.  After that first night of floundering around a bit on what felt like REALLY SHORT skis I fell back into it.  We got our son on skis and now he and I ski together when he's not with his buddy's during ski club.  

I could be totally off base but I have to believe that there are those who have been going to GP for years and they see the potential that the place could have if only the management would put some effort into the hill.  Large capital improvements are off the table as they just don't have the money but things like clearing brush, widening some existing trails, opening up some terrain that hasn't been utilized would go a long way towards improving the ski experience.  It's also something they could point to as something that adds value to the skiers day.  

If they can't increase the capacity of the snow making system can what they have be better utilized as far as where they locate the guns and such?

When there's a lot of brown and grass showing through on the flat's of some of the main trails in February that's a problem.  When a skier calls up on a Saturday morning and gets a completely false condition report that's a big problem.  On no less than 2 occasions I witnessed a car full of skiers pull up to unload their gear, take one look at the hill, and after discussion leave.  Given what gas costs these days those skiers may not be back.  

I won't say that GP is the best area in CNY.  What I will say is that it has untapped potential to be the best area in CNY.  Or at least the Sountherntier.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Big D I just saw your post about ride times up 1-a.  I actually timed it one day last season and it was between 12 and 13 minutes at that time.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

parris wrote
Big D I just saw your post about ride times up 1-a.  I actually timed it one day last season and it was between 12 and 13 minutes at that time.
YIKES!!!!!!!! I always thought it was about seven minutes. I always thought a high speed would be great at GP. I love the mid mountain lift at Windaham. It probably covers about the same vertical as Greek, I think I timed it at three and a half minutes. If you ski mid week there, it's always ski right onto the chair. I think Hunter was wise to move their old, main, high speed quad over to the West pod. I was looking forward to skiing it last year, but it didn't snow. I'd much rather get my runs in and leave, than spend all day on a chair. There are exceptions, Smuggler's Notch comes to mind. Their lifts are slow as hell, and LONG. Burke's old quad was one long ass ride too. Whiteface's lifts are long rides, but you get a lot of vert for your time on the chairs.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

a few years ago i would have agreed on the high speed thing but after getting a high speed quad and six at my home hill (blue mt pa) and seeing how ridiculously fast everything gets tracked out and skiid off i'd trade those few minutes saved for a better snow in a heartbeat - be careful what you wish for!

that being said 1a is brutally slow - one of the funniest mornings was the great lift race with camp and crew between 1 and 1a! we skated to 1, waited to load, stopped for a few  minutes and still beat the folks on 1a to the top...
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by parris
parris wrote
Cornhead thanks for the welcome.  My family and I live in Vestal which makes going to either area pretty easy.

 Please don't take my first post as so much a slam against GP as much as it is frustration.  I got back into skiing 4 seasons ago after an almost 20 year layoff and GP was the first area that my buddy Dan took me to.  After that first night of floundering around a bit on what felt like REALLY SHORT skis I fell back into it.  We got our son on skis and now he and I ski together when he's not with his buddy's during ski club.  

I could be totally off base but I have to believe that there are those who have been going to GP for years and they see the potential that the place could have if only the management would put some effort into the hill.  Large capital improvements are off the table as they just don't have the money but things like clearing brush, widening some existing trails, opening up some terrain that hasn't been utilized would go a long way towards improving the ski experience.  It's also something they could point to as something that adds value to the skiers day.  

If they can't increase the capacity of the snow making system can what they have be better utilized as far as where they locate the guns and such?

When there's a lot of brown and grass showing through on the flat's of some of the main trails in February that's a problem.  When a skier calls up on a Saturday morning and gets a completely false condition report that's a big problem.  On no less than 2 occasions I witnessed a car full of skiers pull up to unload their gear, take one look at the hill, and after discussion leave.  Given what gas costs these days those skiers may not be back.  

I won't say that GP is the best area in CNY.  What I will say is that it has untapped potential to be the best area in CNY.  Or at least the Sountherntier.

No worries bro...i took it as frustration/consrtuctive critisim. What they have done there is damn beautiful...the lodge, adventure center, and the addition on to the base lodge. I hope there comes a time when "they" (whomever that may be) puts HALF the effort into the hill they've put into the rest of the place....when that happens it will truly be a gem.

I am curious tho. What hill in CNY is better than GP???? I've been skiing in these parts for 40 years, skied them all, and to me nothing even comes close as far as terrain and snow.
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
YES!  Snow pics in summer.  I appreciate the stoke.

Never really understood the big push to make everything high speed.  Seems like you end up spending more of your waiting time standing in line vs sitting in the chair.
totally with you on this one...some of the best laughs i have skiing are on the lift...good for the soul to laugh for 10 minutes straight as far as i'm concerned!!!!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
that being said 1a is brutally slow - one of the funniest mornings was the great lift race with camp and crew between 1 and 1a! we skated to 1, waited to load, stopped for a few  minutes and still beat the folks on 1a to the top...
I remember that like it was yesterday...what a hoot!!!!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Big D
Hey Camp... who is this guy that runs the repair shop at Greek? He always has quick and to the point no-nonsense answers/solutions to various ski/boot/binding problems. He seems quite knowledgable.

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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Perko...been there for years.

 Good dude, he's helped me out on numerous occasions....amazing what he has in that little shop
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Cornhead
Cornhead wrote
 Virgil NY a destination resort?...really?
Right on!  I'm thinking Virgil NY may be a destination for sandusky and them hill billies from Deliverance!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAa
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

holy blah. blah, blah!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Cornhead wrote
 Virgil NY a destination resort?...really?
Right on!  I'm thinking Virgil NY may be a destination for sandusky and them hill billies from Deliverance!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAa
Bwhahahahahahah...get it straight Scotty, we're rednecks NOT hill billies
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
holy blah. blah, blah!

BTW, Phil would shoot and eat that silly morning dove of yours
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Noah John
campgottagopee wrote
ScottyJack wrote
holy blah. blah, blah!

BTW, Phil would shoot and eat that silly morning dove of yours
  I think that's Mourning Dove, camper.

Think about it......
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Re: R.I.P. Greek Peak

Noah John wrote
campgottagopee wrote
ScottyJack wrote
holy blah. blah, blah!

BTW, Phil would shoot and eat that silly morning dove of yours
  I think that's Mourning Dove, camper.

Think about it......
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