Save midstation?

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Re: Save midstation?

Scotty, you are a total Whiteface shill.  They could limit operations to only Kids Kampus and you'd still be telling us how great it is.  They aren't doing any snowmaking upgrades.  Clearly nothing was done for this season because Lookout didn't open till mid February and they had pipes broken on numerous trails that they never bothered to fix.  They don't need these miniscule "upgrades" that would be considered annual maintenance at any other mountain.  They need a massive, unprecedented, complete and total overhaul and dramatic expansion of the system all done in one summer.  It could be done.  If they didn't bother building a sit down restaurant to replace a perfectly good bar they would've had plenty of money.

Adding more trails will mean that one gets taken away unless they do the above.  What trail do you want closed for good?  Skyward?
 Wilmington?  Mac?  They don't have the capacity for any more terrain expansion.  And they want to build these trails on Little Whiteface so they can "have more family trails off the gondola".  Give me a break.  The last thing they need is to encourage even more people to lap the gondola since it already has 6 flags style lines just about every weekend.  And when they do this they'll just end up running Little Whiteface and Freeway even less than they currently do.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote


Focus on lift maintenance, trail maintenance, and snowmaking upgrades.  Mid is fine as it is.

You probably dump in the woods, like a bear.
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Re: Save midstation?

Don't be ridiculous

I wouldn't have a problem with Whiteface trying to broaden their appeal if they didn't screw up the great product they once had.  The way they're operating it's a zero sum game and if they spend a dollar on anything other than their skiing product (not high end side amenities) it's one less dollar to spend on their skiing product.  Until that isn't true anymore, I will remain vehemently opposed to any capital spending except snowmaking.

Notice I never complained about Tremblant announcing a big lodge project.  Why?  Because they have proven year after year that they can open all lifts by Christmas, and show commitment to the skiing product for all ability levels.  Not to mention that they're also getting a new lift, snowmaking upgrades (to a system already vastly superior to what Whiteface has), and expansion of glades.

Whiteface has proven again and again that they can't open all lifts by Christmas, and that they can't focus on improving their intermediate terrain without affecting their advanced terrain in a bad way.  The mountain essentially shrunk this season because of that and I'm pissed.

Like it or not the ski industry in the east and who's competitive is going to come down to who can make the most snow the least amount of time.  Killington seems to get that, Okemo seems to get that, Mount Snow seems to get that, Hunter seems to get that, and Windham seems to get that.  These are just a few of the places that get it.  If these industry leading mountains that receive no state funding and need to make a profit to stay alive are investing heavily in snowmaking, then ORDA/Whiteface needs to if they intend to even think of competing with them.

I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

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The answer is...  those decisions are being made by politicians.  Some of those decisions you agree with, some you don't. If I was the gov I'd loan 200 mil out to the private ski areas at 1% and yea I'd hand G/WF/B a significant sum too. All for snowmaking. Vermont is the competition and they already have a natural advantage.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Save midstation?

Benny Profane
Um, yeah. Sonolco seems to regard WF as in the same league as a private, profit making ski hill. It isn't. It's a state supported amenity for the citizens of N.Y., and an economic stimulus for the Lake Placid area.

And, for gods sake, how n the hell can you talk about that idiotic and incredibly wasteful gondola at Bellayre with a straight face, and say that a nice new lodge to have a snack and pee in is a waste? What's wrong with you?
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Re: Save midstation?

Benny Profane
I like that sig, Harvey. Gotta remember it for the right moment.
funny like a clown
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Re: Save midstation?

Whiteface has a perfectly good lodge at mid and had a perfectly good lodge at the bottom.
 So tearing it down and building a new one is a waste when they are at least 10mil behind in snowmaking.  The gondola at Belleayre wasn't the most important thing they needed, but it is at least directly related to the skiing product.  And it has more than proven itself by drastically increasing skier visits this season.  And Belleayre can open all their lifts by Christmas.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

When I was still out east the mountains sno listed as the ones that “get that” were my least favorite places to ski at.
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by Benny Profane
I'm finding it comes in handy.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Whiteface has a perfectly good lodge at mid and had a perfectly good lodge at the bottom.
Says who?  You??

Personally I hardly ever use the mid Lodge.  Desperation pee, or if the kids hands are REALLY cold.  The space is eh!, the bathrooms small, and the food and drink options suck.  The deck is pretty lacking, too.  The whole setup is pretty barely functional, if you ask me.

The concept it seems you continue to fail to grasp is that the manner in which they are given funding would not allow them to take that mid-station Lodge money, if that part of the ump ever comes to reality, and put it toward snowmaking improvements.  Ideals and real world shit don’t always match up!  So you keep bitching about a moot point....

We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
The answer is...  those decisions are being made by politicians.  Some of those decisions you agree with, some you don't. If I was the gov I'd loan 200 mil out to the private ski areas at 1% and yea I'd hand G/WF/B a significant sum too. All for snowmaking. Vermont is the competition and they already have a natural advantage.

There you have it Sno

It doesn't matter what you think but, rather what the people who are making the decisions think. Someday (doubtful) you may learn to be happy with what you have vs. unhappy with what you don't have.

Or one could say stop being such a little bitch.
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG, if you like fancy lodges than you belong at Stratton or Windham.  Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

Ummm.....ok, I’ll be sure to do that.

FYI....I don’t need a fancy new lodge.  I may not use it any more than I use the current mediocre mid-lodge, if it ever happens.  Point is, as much as you may think otherwise, you are not the arbitrator of what is perfectly good or not good, nor do you have a clue how anything works in the real world.  

I’ll leave out to point about you being a juvenile, snot-nosed, pissant who bitches constantly about the most inane things, most of which aren’t even true.

Oh, wait....did I type that?
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Save midstation?

JTG4eva! wrote

I’ll leave out to point about you being a juvenile, snot-nosed, pissant who bitches constantly about the most inane things, most of which aren’t even true.
You're being too kind...
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I think Whiteface has a perfectly good lodge at mid and had a perfectly good lodge at the bottom.
 So tearing it down and building a new one is a waste when they are at least 10mil behind in snowmaking.  The gondola at Belleayre wasn't the most important thing they needed, but it is at least directly related to the skiing product.  And it has more than proven itself by drastically increasing skier visits this season.  And Belleayre can open all their lifts by Christmas.
FIFY ...

Have you seen the results of guest surveys? Are you aware of the things that MOST people have raised as concerns at Whiteface? Guess what ... the world does NOT revolve around you.

No ... You just go on with your bullshit as if you are the know all, end all of the world.

As I've said before, I truly hope you grow up someday ... you desperately need to do so.

As a side note, if you read carefully, you'll see that "relocating and replacing" the mid-station lodge is an item that has been approved since the 1996 UMP!!!

I wouldn't get too worried about it just yet.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
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Re: Save midstation?

Benny Profane
Man, if you want to see fancy lodges, check out Snowbasin in Utah someday. Over the top. It's like Donald Trump and John Wayne got together to do them.
funny like a clown
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Ummm.....ok, I’ll be sure to do that.
JTG, you are always wlc at our beloved.  SnoWetsHisBed will be gone in two years.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Save midstation?

Milo Maltbie
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
Man, if you want to see fancy lodges, check out Snowbasin in Utah someday. Over the top. It's like Martha Stewart and John Wayne got together to do them.
FIFY.  It's way more attractive than anything Spanky has ever put his name on.

Someday I'm gonna bring a cot to Utah, and just camp in the Snow Basin bathrooms.  They're nicer and cleaner than any hotel I've ever been in.  You have to wonder how long they can keep that going, considering that business-wise SB is the Plattekill of Utah.


"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by Face4Me
UMM I hate to be the bearer of bad news but look at the survey section that pertains to product.  If there were a number below zero we would have got it.
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Re: Save midstation?

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Milo Maltbie
Milo Maltbie wrote
Benny Profane wrote
Man, if you want to see fancy lodges, check out Snowbasin in Utah someday. Over the top. It's like Martha Stewart and John Wayne got together to do them.
FIFY.  It's way more attractive than anything Spanky has ever put his name on.

Someday I'm gonna bring a cot to Utah, and just camp in the Snow Basin bathrooms.  They're nicer and cleaner than any hotel I've ever been in.  You have to wonder how long they can keep that going, considering that business-wise SB is the Plattekill of Utah.


Nope,I'll still go with Trump. Martha would be appalled.

Amazing how that place still has zero beds at its base. No condos, no hotels. First time I was there was a powder storm, midweek, back in the old pre Olympic days. Slow chairs, funky lodge, no people. Heaven. Now you can get there in an hour twenty from Sandy with that new road. I experienced its busiest day ever on a Saturday this year after a dump on Friday, and I went up there to, haha, avoid crowds. It was insane. Great mountain, though. On a Wednesday.
funny like a clown