Save midstation?

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Save midstation?

Been seeing a bunch of save mid station stickers all over WF

Anyone know what that is all about?
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Save midstation?

Move from present location to bottom of calamity lane up aganist woods.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Save midstation?

Wait what?

They want to rebuild mid station lodge?  Why the hell would they do that especially after the cluster that was just rebuilding a restaurant out of a bar was?  They build anything and all trail and lift mait is put on hold for a whole year.  We can’t afford to go thru that fiasco again.

That is a stupid idea that needs to be shot down post haste.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Save midstation?



Focus on lift maintenance, trail maintenance, and snowmaking upgrades.  Mid is fine as it is.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by Z
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......I love mid station lodge.  That's one of thing things that make WF so amazing.  Don't fack with tradition :)
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by Z
Z wrote
Been seeing a bunch of save mid station stickers all over WF

Anyone know what that is all about?
Check out the master plan posted can prob google it, I had come across it at some point...maybe someone has the link...i bet snoloco has it...
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Save midstation?


Sign the petition!!

This MUST be stopped.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

I think its a great idea.  Be able to fix the failing septic and open up valley for some serious speed!  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Save midstation?

At the expense of losing Hoyt's and Lookout Below for another season?  At the expense of not upgrading the inadequate snowmaking system that can't open Lookout before February?  At the expense of having the Little Whiteface and Freeway lifts constantly breaking down all season resulting in atrocious gondola lines?

Put down the Kool Aid and pay attention.  This is not even the 20th or even 50th most important improvement Whiteface needs to do.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Save midstation?

I smell a Pratt
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I think its a great idea.  Be able to fix the failing septic and open up valley for some serious speed!
So fix the septic but don’t F with our lodge

And having people carry speed off Mt Run into Valley would be a huge safety problem.  The lodge is a natural speed check and a well needed one.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Save midstation?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I think its a great idea.  Be able to fix the failing septic and open up valley for some serious speed!
Oh yeah, the problem with Whiteface is that people don't ski fast enough

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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by snoloco
Running your mouth  before you know details of the funding is typical of Monday morning quarterbacks. They need improvements in snow making to compete that's a fact but when you get money to build a lodge you build the lodge. Should they decline the money in protest? Might as well put your two week notice in.
It would make a lot of sense to contact all the work out including trail maitenance. It's tough getting the help with the salary they are willing to pay. Put it all out  to bid and let those people in corporate earn there salary reviewing and awarding bids.
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Re: Save midstation?

tjf1967 wrote
They need improvements in snow making to compete that's a fact but when you get money to build a lodge you build the lodge. Should they decline the money in protest? Might as well put your two week notice in.
This point has been made several times in the past, I know I've made it more than once. I would add that arguments that acknowledge reality have more impact.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Save midstation?

In reply to this post by tjf1967
The problem is Orda never uses outside labor until it’s too late and if that labor was supposed to be doing other work like say cutting the brush in Hoyt’s or maintaining snowmaking pipe that work does not get done at all.  The economy is good and Orda has proven to be an unrealible employer doing things like laying staff off just before they qualify for health insurance.  

We don’t want or need a new midstation.  Just fix the septic system and rebuild the deck making it a bit bigger and everyone will be happy.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Save midstation?

That is a timing problem of when the money is released... Which is a shame with the bank of New York backing you. May be the shake up in upper management will work that out this year. Making plans and working plans should be the mantra.  They have so many projects in the hopper it's overwhelming the organization in my eyes.
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Re: Save midstation?

As TJF points out you dharma queens should read the ump before running your mouths.

Snowmaking/lift maintenance is budgeted and ongoing.  New lifts and intermediate terrain is priority action in this ump. Mid station is a conceptual idea.

This year’s budget apparently is done.  Hopefully legislature keep the 60+ million the Gov requested in there for WF/Gore.

Who wants to sign my petition to ban SnoSnore from WF?


I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Save midstation?

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by tjf1967
I think you guys have identified the problem.


tjf1967 wrote
They have so many projects in the hopper it's overwhelming the organization in my eyes.
Plus this:

Z wrote
The economy is good and Orda has proven to be an unrealible employer doing things like laying staff off just before they qualify for health insurance.
ORDA has a lot of problems caused by not offering the salary & benefits & treatment that quality workers require and for those reasons (plus others) they find it difficult to attract quality people that do quality work.

And really, it's not even the laborers building the stuff who are at fault. They are mostly good people just trying to work. The decisions made from above are killing the mountains. Even if we accept that restaurant and bar reconstructions are more important than snowmaking, they should at least try to design those things well, but they fail constantly.

The bar at Gore was just a terrible renovation that left no room for bands and made it look like a bowling alley bar with a prison style "deck" outside that nobody uses. The outside grill at Gore is a monstrosity that blocks what used to be a great view from base lodge. The new summit lodge at Gore has the door in an inconvenient place, has a "deck" that isn't in the sun, has no windows on the side you want to see out of, and has 25 foot holes for toilets that have to be emptied by a person constantly. I heard the new bar at Whiteface is nice, though, so at least one ORDA mountain is able to design things (although I hate the "reserve a table" thing that mountain bars are doing now).

They're not even doing the things they want to do well in a satisfactory manner.

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Re: Save midstation?

MC2 5678F589 wrote
I think you guys have identified the problem.


tjf1967 wrote
They have so many projects in the hopper it's overwhelming the organization in my eyes.
Plus this:

Z wrote
The economy is good and Orda has proven to be an unrealible employer doing things like laying staff off just before they qualify for health insurance.
ORDA has a lot of problems caused by not offering the salary & benefits & treatment that quality workers require and for those reasons (plus others) they find it difficult to attract quality people that do quality work.

And really, it's not even the laborers building the stuff who are at fault. They are mostly good people just trying to work. The decisions made from above are killing the mountains. Even if we accept that restaurant and bar reconstructions are more important than snowmaking, they should at least try to design those things well, but they fail constantly.

The bar at Gore was just a terrible renovation that left no room for bands and made it look like a bowling alley bar with a prison style "deck" outside that nobody uses. The outside grill at Gore is a monstrosity that blocks what used to be a great view from base lodge. The new summit lodge at Gore has the door in an inconvenient place, has a "deck" that isn't in the sun, has no windows on the side you want to see out of, and has 25 foot holes for toilets that have to be emptied by a person constantly. I heard the new bar at Whiteface is nice, though, so at least one ORDA mountain is able to design things (although I hate the "reserve a table" thing that mountain bars are doing now).

They're not even doing the things they want to do well in a satisfactory manner.
How dare you dis the PARTY DECK!

jk - I agree with everything you say 100%. The shit these guys do is baffling sometimes.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Save midstation?

The employment structure is for sure a major problem.  Has been for decades but way worse now.  They go from 250 employees to 50 after ski season.  On mtn ops really is skilled labor.  They should at a more minimum have a full time with benefits including pension staff of 125 emplyees (talking just WF)

I ride with Crazy Horse!