Serious Accident at Gore

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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

Banned User
Harvey wrote
 Like Pipeline.
Then that's another bad issue with the connector layout. Much of Pipeline could be avoided with a better layout.(?)

What about lower tannery ? Is it still part of the total ? The two of them together are a significant length. I'm guessing here, but that has to be 3 + miles ?
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

these guys....
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

Milo Maltbie
In reply to this post by Snowballs
I think Tannery is out of  the total now.  
I don't think the mileage limit has much real effect, except that the area under the Straightbrook quad is a glade now and not a trail.
It looks to me like they built out to Snowbowl to get closer to North Creek,back when they were talking about a transfer lift to town,  That sounds cool, but in reality Snowbowl is just too hard to get to and the amount of added value doesn't justify all the snowmaking it would take to make it all happen.
The big advantage of SB and BR to me is that I can avoid crowds with just a little tucking and skating, but Gore just doesn't have the terrain (or the building sites, or the snowfall) to build a resort competitive with Okemo or Stratton.  I'm OK with that.

"Everywhere I turn, here I am." Susan Tedeschi
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

The mileage limit is probably 50 years old.  I think fornication was illegal then too.

My guess is that at the time they thought... hey 40 miles is more than we'll ever need.  

Now it's part of the constitution so you need a vote or two and a referendum to change it.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

I think the mileage limit was expanded back in the mid 80's.
I Think, Therefore I Ski
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In 1987 there was a proposal to expand the ski trail width and total length of ski trails at the 3 NYS areas. It passed by a vote of 881,350 to 806,091. Despite no real opposition, over 800,000 people voted no. This is another reason why this type of electoral process is absurd.

The maximum width went to 200 feet (from a former max of 80 ft) with some other details. This was a result of the 1980 Olympics and the need for wider trails for racing and safety netting. They did make the trails wider for the Olympics, but recognizing the needs of snowmaking and safety had changed, this became a ballot issue.

The mileage increases went from 20 miles to 25 miles at WF and Belleayre and 30 to 40 miles at Gore.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

D.B. Cooper
The full list of trails, lengths and widths, is found in the 2004 Unit Management Plan on the ORDA site (under Corportate Reports).
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
Where the heck to you hang out on the internet to find something like this.  Disturbing to watch.  
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Hello, this is Cory again, Ken Brust's daughter (the fella who was in the accident).  I wanted to thank you for posting the verdict.  Thanks for maintaining your interest and concern in this case.  As you can imagine, Ken's family is happy with the verdict and we feel that our loved one has justice.  Ken is back to his life with the great attitude he's always had.  He has sustained permanent scarring in the facial and next area.  He had a long recovery road with a week in ICU followed by home care and a couple of surgeries.  But thank goodness he's all right.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Harvey
Hi Harvey, this is Cory, Ken Brust's daughter (the fella who was in the accident).  I wanted to thank you for asking after my dad's condition.  As I replied to another post, Ken is back to his life with the great attitude he's always had.  He has sustained permanent scarring in the facial and neck area.  He had a long recovery road with a week in ICU followed by home care and a couple of surgeries.  But thank goodness he's all right.  We, as his family, are happy with the verdict and I feel that my dad has justice.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
P.S. I meant face and neck area, not next area.  Thanks.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Elleneliz69
Hi Ellen, Cory here again (Ken Brust's daughter).  I just thought since you reached out at the time of the ski accident, I would let you know how Ken is doing.  As I replied to the other bloggers, Ken is back to his life with the great attitude he's always had.  He has sustained permanent scarring in the facial and neck area.  He had a long recovery road with a week in ICU followed by home care and a couple of surgeries.  But thank goodness he's all right.  He won his case in court and we're happy -- we, as his family, feel he has justice.
I hope you are well.  I like your picture -- you look great and what a beautiful place.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

Adk Jeff
Glad to hear that Ken is recovering well.

The assumption of risk doctrine makes it very difficult for an injured skier to win a case like this, so it's notable that the court found Gore negligent in this matter.  The attorneys did a thorough job researching and arguing a difficult case.  
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Cory
Cory thank you for the update, I'm very glad your dad is improving.

I wish him the best.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

Banned User
Harvey wrote
I wish him the best.
We all wish him the best. Thank God he is mending and moving forward.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

warp daddy
Great news , glad Ken is on the mend !!!
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

While I am glad to hear this guy is ok I'm pretty surprised that the ski area was found 100% liable.  Given that he was tucking I would have thought from a contributing negligence standpoint that the skier was at least 20 or 25% at fault.  

Tucking is really a pretty stupid thing to do given that the average adults tuck is not even close to being aero and a 72 yr olds might as well hold a sail up.  You are much better off going straight and staying in a normal stance with thier arms behind thier back.  By staying tall you can see better and absorb terrian better.  Hitting something at speed becuase you didn't have your head up to save a bit of skating is utter stupidity on his part.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

Banned User
That seems a little harsh Coach. Lots of people tuck. Are you saying that you never tuck ?
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

 I don't not tuck unless I am running gates.  To do it properly makes my back and neck to look up hurt like hell.  I'll challenge anyone over 40 to have someone take a photo of them tucking to see how crappy it looks and is really from an aero stand point.

Very little use for a tuck at WF anyway.  
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Serious Accident at Gore

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
While I am glad to hear this guy is ok I'm pretty surprised that the ski area was found 100% liable.  Given that he was tucking I would have thought from a contributing negligence standpoint that the skier was at least 20 or 25% at fault.
I tuck every single time I ski Echo to the BRQ or Cloud to the Saddle, and I usually make it all the way without skating or poling. Every other person I ski with does the same. But I do watch where I'm going 100% of the time.

I thought that 25% comparative fault would be the result as well, but only if there was some evidence at the trial that he wasn't paying attention. The only evidence was his testimony that the last thing he saw was the orange fence on the left side, which was right before the rope he ran into. So he WAS looking where he was going.

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble