Slides craziness

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Re: Slides craziness

ScottyJack wrote
Our private playground is not lift served.....  
In bounds and on the map=not your private playground.  Amazing the entitlement mentality of who should/should not be allowed in there.  "No tourists, no kids, no one without a beacon even if it isn't necessary, no one who doesn't sit through a presentation, no non locals".  Absolutely absurd.  If someone is a good enough skier, has the proper equipment for the conditions, and wants to go in, they should be able to.  If you want private skiing, get a membership at the Yellowstone Club or go to the backcountry.  Something that is on the map and in bounds at a public ski resort means that other people are going to ski all the terrain that's on the map.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
That's why we call him Skiless
FTW!!! Good one Runner!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Amazing the entitlement mentality
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
In bounds and on the map=not your private playground.  Amazing the entitlement mentality...
When I was a child I was taught to keep my mouth shut when the adults were speaking....  

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
ScottyJack wrote
Our private playground is not lift served.....  
In bounds and on the map=not your private playground.  Amazing the entitlement mentality of who should/should not be allowed in there.  "No tourists, no kids, no one without a beacon even if it isn't necessary, no one who doesn't sit through a presentation, no non locals".  Absolutely absurd.  If someone is a good enough skier, has the proper equipment for the conditions, and wants to go in, they should be able to.  If you want private skiing, get a membership at the Yellowstone Club or go to the backcountry.  Something that is on the map and in bounds at a public ski resort means that other people are going to ski all the terrain that's on the map.
I am confused by this comment.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
If someone is a good enough skier, has the proper equipment for the conditions.......
Loco, you are missing the point of the discussion.  I don't think anyone is advocating for a private playground in the Slides, that isn't what the suggestions have been about.

You are right, when Patrol opens the gate anyone who is a good enough skier and has the proper equipment should be able to go in.  The question do you try and assure they are a good enough skier, if Patrol should even worry about such things.

The point of ideas like no kids (young kids might lack the judgement and physical ability), no one without beacon (those who have avy equipment are likely to be more experienced skiers, but not necessarily), no one who doesn't sit through a presentation (again, a commitment of time to education only more serious skiers are likely to make) are only thrown out there as possible ways of making sure that the skiers who go in there are "good enough skiers".

Not sure where you came up with the locals only/no tourist bit, I don't recall that being said.

Others have advocated what you say, if they are open people should be able to go in there simply because they want to, and whether they are "good enough" or not they bear the responsibility of that decision.  Someday somebody who is not "good enough" is going to get seriously hurt, and some are just looking for ways to lessen that likelihood.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
Glade Runner wrote
That's why we call him Skiless
FTW!!! Good one Runner!
Hey, I wasn’t trying to criticize skimore.  Heck, he’s got more ADK BC experience than me, probably has more ski days a season, and may be able to ski circles around me.  However, this is a thread about the Whiteface Slides and his implication that, other than first tracks on a powder day, the Whiteface Slides are nothing but ice showed what looks like a level of unfamiliarity (or very bad luck) with those particular Slides.  â€˜Nothing but ice’ simply hasn’t been my experience in the Whiteface Slides, and I have a pretty good sample size.

Furthermore, I don’t think skimore would be route finding other ADK BC slides if they were nothing but ice, so I found that particular contribution to this thread to be a little odd.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Thacheronix wrote
snoloco wrote
Amazing the entitlement mentality
Oh, the irony!
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Thacheronix wrote
snoloco wrote
Amazing the entitlement mentality
Says the spoiled entitled teen.  Open mouth insert foot.

I'm not sure why Sno is even commenting on the slides.  They are not groomed ever and last I checked his dislikes are trees, powder crud and big bumps.  There is not even a cushy HSQ to service it and egads you have to actually use physical effort to get there.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Slides craziness

Can't keep 'em out of the Slides....or discussions about the Slides....whether they have business being there or not.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
snoloco wrote
In bounds and on the map=not your private playground.  Amazing the entitlement mentality...
When I was a child I was taught to keep my mouth shut when the adults were speaking....
When you were a child people were horribly old fashioned. Did you grow up in a rural area or the south? The "grown folks are talking" attitude runs rampant there. I always hated this attitude. Now that we know that some children are smarter than some adults, can we ditch this antiquated view?  
Besides an irrational attachment to a shitty local mountain, Sno's contributions here are far greater than most "adults" on this forum.
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Re: Slides craziness

They way I read it Scotty was saying the (WF) Slides are not his personal playground, the (other undeveloped) High Peaks serve that role.  Not speaking for him, just saying how I saw it.

Also a guess... skimore has dozens of days skiing Slides.  GR may need another approach if he is trying to dis him.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Slides craziness

Harvey wrote
They way I read it Scotty was saying the (WF) Slides are not his personal playground, the (other undeveloped) High Peaks serve that role.  Not speaking for him, just saying how I saw it.

Also a guess... skimore has dozens of days skiing Slides.  GR may need another approach if he is trying to dis him.
I read it that way too - and by the looks of his pics that were posted - that's not Whiteface, Lookout, Marble etc....seems like something more secret.
Skiing is not a sport, it is a way of life.
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by skunkape
A beacon is not the perfect answer, maybe not even a good answer.    But it is a filter of sorts.   Likley never need a beacon when slides are open and yes they give false sense of security.  But it is a filter used by other resorts under the thinking that when you decide to buy a beacon or rent one, maybe, just maybe you thought of the dangers that are associated with the terrain which requires you to have one.   It takes aforethought,  as opposed to a couple of guys tagging along with their expert skiing buddy who in a moment of ego, says, lets go to the slides.   No one wants to "puss out".   How many times have we all seen the boyfriend or buddy who took their GF or "boy" on terrain (inbounds) that they should never have been on?  

I am going to try to ski the slides today, if open.  Let me pack my beacon.   Now my mind is ready.

Can there be other filters? Yes.  the example given is the "card" which you get after some training, video of sorts with ski patrol showing shots or turns you have to make etc.    For those old enough, remember the videos we watched to get our learner's permit?   Highway 52? or something like that?   Problem is someone will be needed to view the card---fights ensue, staffing costs etc.    Beacon is a beacon gate control.  

Large sign citing rescue telephone numbers and prices/hour for same.    

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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by skunkape
skunkape wrote
When you were a child people were horribly old fashioned.
Son, there's nothing horrible about old fashion.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Slides craziness

Holy cow this is thread is all over the place.

Here's another suggestion. Put a patroller/mountain host at the lower part of upper cloudspin. In order to get a "ticket" for the slides you gotta ski it well. Of course its a subjective opinion but it would weed out the side slipping wedgers at least. It might make a few people think twice about going into the slides too.

The downside of it would be that people would actually ski cloudspin. I thought the best snow of the weekend was there both Friday and Saturday.
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Re: Slides craziness

Oh my...

The majority of on mountain staff would not want the role of judging someone's skill.  And the few that would relish this role, should be fired....

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
Not speaking for him, just saying how I saw it.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Slides craziness

In reply to this post by Danzilla
Danzilla wrote
Here's another suggestion.
How about letting people take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.
There's truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don't know which
So never mind - Leonard Cohen
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Re: Slides craziness

Highpeaksdrifter wrote
Danzilla wrote
Here's another suggestion.
How about letting people take responsibility for their own decisions and actions.