‘Nuff said?
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by Milo Maltbie
That certainly seems to be the reputation. But watching from a distance, it's just so damn entertaining!
Sent from the driver's seat of my car while in motion.
Is everyone that skis at a shit show on the weekend that is Hunter an a hole - no of course not.
Hunter does attract a certain type of clientele that are looking to get drunk off their ass by noon and add that to the density it is naturally super high and a propensity to have skiing capabilities well below the median (because skiers in the know avoid it on weekends) you have the recipe for 10 car pile ups on the Cross Bronx. Hunter is pretty much the Bronx on a hillside so there you go. City folks are much more used to being packed in with others - I can't ski or live like that. Skiers that are of lower proficiency are less likely to understand the code and respect other skiers. Gore seems to have more of them than WF and Hunter is the capital of NY when it comes to this. Sno's beloved MC is probably much worse I would guess given its location close to the masses.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
I've only skied with one dude who grew up skiing Hunter ---- some of you may know him ---- he goes by HPD ---- he's one cool cat
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Actually the rudest people I have ever skied with , were at Alta..
The locals are rude/mean/all around pricks when they are on the traverses.. Back to Hunter..No one from the Bronx skis.. Most are from LI and Jersey..
"Peace and Love"
In reply to this post by Brownski
All this explains why Smuggs' and its doubles are so great. Using snoloco's form:
Smuggs has a combined capacity of 7,200 pph and 300 acres. Skier per acre per hour ratio is 24. Lift capacity from the very complete VT guide and acreage (groomed) from Smuggs' itself. |
In reply to this post by D.B. Cooper
I loved it when they pelted Jimmy Johnson with snowballs!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
assholes is a strong word.. hadn't had my coffee yet this morning when I threw it our there. When you put that many people into a small space the a holes will be easier to spot. one thing that always shocked me about hunter is the fact that there are some real rippers there. some of the lines you see guys take or cliffs they huck off is impressive. I know its full of NJ guido's in bad colored jackets. I hooked up with a local a few years ago and he beat the shit out of me in the glades. lots of fun, good terrain , too many people
Why does this shock you?
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
I’ve always said that Hunter has great terrain. No doubt they have many great skiers who can rip. That’s never been the problem, IMHO. Yes, the sheer crowding on weekends presents issues. However, I think more so than just a numbers problem there is a problem with some contingent of skiers there who don’t know, or accept, their own limitations. Skiers who choose not, or don’t know how, to respect the hill and the conditions. I have no idea if that comes from poor character, sheer stupidity, simple drunkenness.....who knows, but in my time at Hunter I’ve seen more of it there than elsewhere. It’s certainly not all skiers, or even a large percentage, but it doesn’t take many to taint the experience.
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
In reply to this post by JasonWx
That’s called the Altatude
I’m not a psychologist but from what I’ve observed crowding has an affect on human behavior. People that are used to it probably don’t see it but it’s definitely a thing imo. I know it affects me.
In a city when you walk down the street, you can't possibly say hello to everyone you pass, so instead you go into a shell, walking past people without acknowledging them. On my walk to work, I may pass a person, or maybe not. If I do I say hello. Not good or bad really just the way that it is.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
When I was in NYC this past fall I realized I was in one of the biggest cities in the world. It's funny how that many people can actually give off a lonely feeling.
My son has a great story about moving to Manhattan after being raised up here where you say hi a million times a day cuz everybody iknos everybody ..and their damn business too
![]() Well ole John boy is livin on the Upper West side in the West 80's and walking to his hospital on Columbus circle area sayin HI to everyone and they thought he was batshit cra cra . Hahahahaha. "Whats wrng with that dude in the bright clothes anyway ? " So now he ' splains shit to me like NOBODY. Wears bright colors in the city ..Black is the order o the day and ya always leave your buds or headset on and keep your eyes down on the subway. Hahahaha. One good trait he kept tho is he is very kind and personable and generous to the local street people . Funny thing about the city , it IS a city of neighborhoods and in that sense you can find some neat places to do stuff and avoid the tourist traps .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Wow ...can't believe what this turned into...starting with the original post...pretty sure yelling on your left or right when passing someone is no longer accepted skier etiquette. Pass in a safe manor that doesn't require yelling at someone (look at rule #3 and #4 , no yelling mentioned) I experienced first hand why this is not a good idea. I had an older man (probably around my age) who appeared to be a good skier yell on your left as he flew by me. This startled me so much he almost caused an accident. This happened mid-week on an empty trail so there was no excuse for coming that close. My mistake was letting my guard down, something I would never do on a crowded trail.
In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
this may be the worst thing to happen to the Catskills since that blog did the write up about the Blue hole on Peekamoose rd... |
That hurts, bro. Do you really think drawing attention to the abuse that place endures made it worse?
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
Over here we get a lot of visitors from Southern California and their driving is generally very competitive and aggressive to the point that it comes off as almost deviant or malicious. I used to commute up and down Oak Creek Canyon on HWY 89A here when I worked at Pink Jeep Tours and 9 times out of 10 if you were behind someone with a socal plate they would go under the speed limit like the world revolved around them but stranger was that once there was a passing stripe or passing pull off you would go to pass and they would almost always start speeding up as if to not let you get by. I often had to gun it to beat the oncoming head on traffic or sometimes even retreat. It was like they were intentionally trying to kill me.
A lot of people myself included often say "fucking Californians" or whatever but truthfully I think we are all somewhat products of our environments and at the core we are all the same. I'm guessing their commutes and regular drives at home require some sort of aggressiveness and being passed over and over again might make people late for work and appointments so they have developed (what appears to be insane to an outlier) different driving/survival behaviors. Anyways, this thinking helps me be more tolerable and less of a jerk, I still like being around my own tho if you know what I'm saying. |
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by louie.mirags
louie...don't fret about MTV coming to Hunter ...whatever they video will probably be so boring it will never get aired !! There is no party scene at Hunter any more! All the big clubs that use to have live music or DJ's are gone. There's not many bars left either. You might catch some live music at the base lodge on a Saturday but the parties over at 7pm. I realized along time ago there was a anti-Hunter bias on this blog and decided it was a waste of time to try to make people realize how ignorant their stereotypes, generalizations, and misconceptions of Hunter are but I feel myself getting sucked in!!!
Harvey you are right on! Good to make people understand what their words sound like to other people...also nice to see some people thinking about what they've said and clarifying their opinions. |