A late 70's ,2 door chocolate VW Rabitt with a GD Hamburger storage Box on top , heading for Maine vacations . holding Two adults , two teen aged kids , a FARTING 100 lb Black lab
owho sprawled over the kids laps and bombed All the GD way from the St Lawrence River until we dropped him off at my BILs in Utica then proceeded to Maine and a lobster pig out first nite in
Oh no AC and i had to Hold onto that damn Hamburger storage box and drive one handed going over the very windy ,high arched Piscatauqua River bridge .
But Happy as hell to be going . That loveable damn dog was a good ole boy but sumbitch was like a toxic waste dump .
he could peel the paint off that bug !
Did this gig and trips to the Cape several times in the 70's
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.