The New Greek Peak

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Re: The New Greek Peak

Banned User
Camp's the guy with deer blood on his gloves. I suspect he's wearing camo to better enable poaching - both of the ski trails and of whatever unfortunate deer crosses his path and needs a killin.

Would Rudolph even be safe ?

Do they invite Camp to the reindeer games ? Would that be wise ?
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Re: The New Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Big D
Big D wrote
Looks like Camp and Pro were 1st in line to ride the new quad on 12/24.

Damn spiffy we were first!!!

That Pro guy should've been there too, but I guess when you can ski any day you want you can be a picky s.o.b.

I'm far right, #14 in the middle, and a buddy Kris is on the left ----- sure was a fun day at GP
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Re: The New Greek Peak

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Camp's the guy with deer blood on his gloves. I suspect he's wearing camo to better enable poaching - both of the ski trails and of whatever unfortunate deer crosses his path and needs a killin.

Would Rudolph even be safe ?

Do they invite Camp to the reindeer games ? Would that be wise ?
Funny you say that. While riding chair 2 yesterday I noticed a big single track walking up the hill right under the lift. I followed the track into a small patch of pines right neart the pond, right friggin there this slob of a 6 to 8 point slammer was bedded down, I couldn't friggin believe it. My heart started pounding, my finger started itching, and all I could do was try and take a picture, that didn't work either.

p.s. no blood on my gloves as they are for skiing only ---- pants??? def blood on those
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Re: The New Greek Peak

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
Good Hustle!
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Re: The New Greek Peak

  Heading up to GP after work, I'm going to time the new lift, if they have it spinning. Conditions should be pretty good after this cold snap and a little help from Ma Nature.
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Banned User
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Snowballs wrote
Camp's the guy with deer blood on his gloves. I suspect he's wearing camo to better enable poaching - both of the ski trails and of whatever unfortunate deer crosses his path and needs a killin.

Would Rudolph even be safe ?

Do they invite Camp to the reindeer games ? Would that be wise ?
Funny you say that. While riding chair 2 yesterday I noticed a big single track walking up the hill right under the lift. I followed the track into a small patch of pines right neart the pond, right friggin there this slob of a 6 to 8 point slammer was bedded down, I couldn't friggin believe it. My heart started pounding, my finger started itching, and all I could do was try and take a picture, that didn't work either.

p.s. no blood on my gloves as they are for skiing only ---- pants??? def blood on those
That is funny !
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Re: The New Greek Peak

I have been noticing that 1A is running at the same speed as 1. Does anyone lnow if 1A is currently being operated at a slower speed than it is capable of operating at?
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Yep, there's a break in period (not sure how many hours) before they can let er rip
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Re: The New Greek Peak

warp daddy
Yeee haaaaa. Way 2git after it Campster !!!!
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: The New Greek Peak

That's the answer I wanted to hear, Camp. Thanks
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Good to know that they lift will eventually run faster than it is now.

The other thing they need to do is figure out how to load it efficiently. We were there Saturday and at one point around 11ish it got really backed up - to the point that we had a 10 minute wait I'd say. But there was chair after chair going up empty, going up with one or two riders. They had the same old wooden and plastic "barriers" plopped on the snow at random widths to try and funnel people into the lift gate - it was a true mess.

Suddenly someone was there going through the mass of skiers calling for singles, doubles, etc - getting the chairs loaded - pretty sure it was someone from the snow making crew!!  The guy did a great job, then looked at one of the lifties and said - "Now you have to do this - can you do it?" It was a veteran liftie - older guy, but too quiet. He tried to work it like the first guy but once we got on we cleared out to chair four for a couple runs down Trojan.

They need to establish real lines - lines or four people, lines for doubles, and one singles line (at least). Set the up with ropes or some kind of real barrier (that people can't shove around). They also need to stop kids (especially boarders) from sliding up to the gate as a foursome, then letting two go on and two hang back for the next chair. That stunt (when it's really crowded) should get you sent to the back of the line. One normal non-crowded days - no big deal.

That same snow crew guy came back with some of those yellow netting barriers a bit later and set them up - good move. They need more people like that guy.

Eventually they ended up turning lift 1 - and there really wasn't a crowd after that. If they were loading efficiently I'm sure they could have run the day without turning 1. It was busy, but not that busy. Lift 1 became our go to choice (for family of 4!) since it was running as fast as the quad but stopping FAR less.

I'm sure as the GP staff gets more familiar with the lift, and the patrons do also, things will smooth out. Lots of out of towners yesterday and people seemed pretty happy with the changes. Every time I go up I see some new little touch that is helpful - like signs pointing to certain things so people can find their way around.

Conditions weren't bad yesterday, considering what we had last week. Snowguns were going all day - even when temps hit about 30 degrees.
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Big D
Cornhead and I skied Greek on Sat. 12/28 from 8:30 til 12:30. The skiing was great! It seems unclear if they will eventually speed up the quad, because of small kids riding it and falling on the down ramp. Coverage is good, a good foothold over on Chair 5 with big mounds where they were making snow on Mars Hill... which we saw on our drive in.

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Re: The New Greek Peak

Yeah - was there Sat for a couple hours. New quad was loading better, but still stopping a lot. At one point after they opened 1, the quad stopped for about 10 minutes and the line at 1 got pretty long because of that.

I think they'll have to regrade / shape that exit ramp after the season to made a more gradual run out that fans both left and right. Otherwise I agree - they'll never be able to run it at full speed.

Oh, and screw the r--n!!

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Re: The New Greek Peak

Something old and something new ---- The New Greek Peak!!! ---- our new marketing director, Travis, he "gets it"

photo stolen from FB

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Re: The New Greek Peak

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Re: The New Greek Peak

Finally gonna get my arse out of the peeyay snow belt and check out the new gp tommorow, will keep a look out for a18 corn & da big d
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Was their friday night, early on lift one bqcked up, but like normal if you migrate left you don't have the lines, a diffrence between lab and greek (atlease in he mornings) is lab gets return employees, where greek seems to be more young kids qnd collage students, a few of them who huff and puff about doing their job when they don't do a thing besides flail their arms......  ..

If they had more decent employees,  that do their job then you could clar up the line ishues,

The new lift its self is nothing great, just a 4 seater with a conveyer

Changes so far are great but need more

Black diamonds, the easy way down, less moving hazzards
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Re: The New Greek Peak

Yeah, Kenny, they do have some employee turnover. Marty is gone, Junior is gone, Jim was left go after several decades, but is now back at Trax. There is definitely a lack of training for new employees. I have heard excuses for years as to why service is so lacking in the Acorn Grill. They've also been through several Executive Chefs, and Dwanyne, the GM, just showed up and sold the owners on his skill set of running mid-market hotels and casino marketing.

Unemployment in Cortland County is 7.4%. I have a feeling that GP doesn't pay very well, even for their mid-level managers. The place only does about $20M in sales.

They'll hopefully get there. The owners had their hands full this summer with all of their projects, and then the flood hit.
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Re: The New Greek Peak

In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
Finally gonna get my arse out of the peeyay snow belt and check out the new gp tommorow, will keep a look out for a18 corn & da big d
Nice seeing ya G, hope you guys had a good stay....heck I hope your skiing today --- 6" of POW!!
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Re: The New Greek Peak

good seeing you guys too! it was a fun day, too bad we had to leave in the afternoon - started really snowing just in time for the ride home  good to see conditions so nice and the forecast snow will really put the wood in good shape. only did one glade run off of 5, a little scratchy in the middle. figured if that little steep section was ski'd off, the new glade would be worse so didn't get in there - maybe next week. runs of the day were herc, great snow on Trojan and fun bumps on iliad. trax was great too and hoppin' all day - pizza and burgers were pretty damn good! nastar course was fun as usual and those guys always crack me up! new lift is a huge improvement in comfort and speed, even if it did stop fairly often.

it was great getting up to gp for some fun, gonna try to get up next weekend as well