timbly wrote
So next up, can somebody in the know talk to 'em about grooming? I don't know how they managed to turn 6" of fresh into marbles and dirt today, but they did... the ungroomed was best, they should've left the rest alone.
The head groomer is a buddy of mine so I'll be sure and tell him how impressed you are

---- just kidding
I had a couple beers w/ him the other night, he shared that there is a BIG learning curve w/ this new machine. All kinds of new gadgets on this bad boy. He's been running machinery since jesus was a baby, so if he's still learning on it you can bet your ass the others are too. It will get better and better every time out. As for dirt, well, we still don't have a base. All the snow that has fallen has been light fluffy POW, until we get some sorta base going that's what we'll see in non snowmaking parts of the hill.
I'm hitting the hill tomorrow ---- can't friggin wait