Time for Tuckerman's?

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Time for Tuckerman's?

I just saw this and thought you guys/gals would dig it. This is a very cool vid on Tucks. Take note Snoloco, I think you need to make the pilgrimage and discover the roots of this sport we love.

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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

In reply to this post by raisingarizona
Really high Avalanche danger


About a week ago there were 8 slides in one day and the ranger himself took a ride

It's been so cold that the conditions are said to be more mid winter than spring.  Need to wait a few more weeks I think until spring conditions start
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

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In reply to this post by Harvey
Hey PocoLoco my son was your age when we did it - a great father-son experience! Get SnoDad to take you, a ride you'll never forget, my son has asked to go every year since, hopefully next year we can do it again

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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

gorgonzola wrote
Awesome TR!  Wish my oldman took me over to Tucks when I was a kid.
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

In reply to this post by Harvey
I had no idea that the traffic up there could be so high.  2,000 people in a weekend... that certainly does not sound like a quiet experience.

I was there twice in the early nineties (skiing on 205cm Blizzard V20 Hybrids).  Both trips were awesome, and as was said by the guy in the video... it's was a defining moment in my ski career.  
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

It's a great time, but I tend to avoid the canga line and take the routes less traveled. A stumble and you can have a domino effect.

Because of the severe cold this winter there a deep facets, it will take some sun and warming to consolidate this. I agree with CZ, be patient.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

i did it in the late 80's. i kept waiting to get wiped out by one of the hikers in front of me.
there was not 2000 people but i was one hell of a party on the rocks
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

First time I was at Tucks was 1986.....Comming from Smuggs/Notch area I thought I was ready. I was scared shitless the first time I tipped my skis over that headwall. I had never seen/skied anything like that before.

Last time I skied Tucks was 1990....I was still scared, just not as bad

There weren't 1000's of peeps at the Rocks, but maybe a few hundy....what a great spot to hang and watch the show

It truly is a special place.
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

2 ft of new snow on mnt Washington. Unbelievable . Enjoy spring skiing
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

MC2 5678F589
Still pretty high avi danger. These pics from the Gulf of Slides were on the Friends of Tuckerman facebook page:


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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

This weekend should be a shit show, not looking forward to reading the reports, could be exceptionally dangerous. Dumping out there right now, it is full on winter and as MC2 pointed out with the pics, full on avi season. This weekend is the Inferno Race and Sunday promises to be a bluebird day with high temps... a perfect April spring skiing day for Tuckerman Ravine... except the snowpack is not isothermal and avi's can occur in warmer temps. A lot of folks put a Tuckerman Day on their calendar way in advanced (months, let alone weeks) and they go no matter what. Not good, we'll see what happens.
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

I have been hearing about tuckermans ever since I moved to the NE, I'd love to make the pilgrimage one day!
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?


\beta_T=-\frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial p}\right)_T

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

I'm sorry; that was really funny. ^^
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Re: Time for Tuckerman's?

Those pics MC posted should convince all of us to give it a week or two however I suspect the time between good corn and wet slough will be short.  
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.