Tupper fans, check this out.

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Wow, guess everyone's in a bad mood on the Internet today. One more reason to consider spending less time online and more time outside!

While I'm not terribly optimistic as to how quickly (if at all) the ACR will get itself off the ground, if this means there's a chance, any chance at all that $$ will finally make its way towards Big Tupper, I'm interested. Is skiing their top priority? No, they'll make more money selling lots and building homes. Do I expect all of the lots and planned homes to see out as fast as a Bruce Springsteen concert in NJ? Not a chance. But I wrote in my trip report of Big Tupper this winter how badly the resort needed an influx of cash. I appreciated the bare bones operation they had going- a group of volunteers who were genuinely happy to see people coming to their hill, and I will ski there as often as the weather and my schedule allow. But it's not sustainable in its current model.

Despite all the uncertainty AND opinions regarding the project's management and financing (all of which has been well-documented on this forum), the fact remains that the entire Tupper Lake community needs a morale boost. If not for Sunmount, the town might be a ghost town. When I'm up in Tupper over the summer I always make sure to play golf at TLGC (a beautiful Donald Ross design, for those who want a new place to check out) when I'm there. After all of the crap that's gone on surrounding this project over the last 8 years, does it really hurt to just be hopeful, even for one day?

Sorry for wanting to see the glass as half-full...
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.


Thanks for the positive approach.  Just ignore endo as his name suggests his glass has not been half full for a long time.

The magic bullet for this Tupper project is to take the Jay approach with investment for visas and start marketing not in NYC but in Toronto Vancouver and Hong Kong.  Jay has proven it works.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Coach Z wrote
The magic bullet for this Tupper project is to take the Jay approach with investment for visas and start marketing not in NYC but in Toronto Vancouver and Hong Kong.  Jay has proven it works.
Are you saying people FLEW IN to go there?!  My experiences at Jay Peak were similar to what yours were at Park City (meaning I busted and will never ski there again).  Anyone who lived far enough to need to fly there set themselves up for an expensive trip to an indoor waterpark hotel.  That is where everyone would end up because you need to be an Olympic ski racer to safely make it down the trails on most days.  There are probably plenty of indoor waterparks closer to Vancouver that these people could go to.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote

Thanks for the positive approach.  Just ignore endo as his name suggests his glass has not been half full for a long time.

The magic bullet for this Tupper project is to take the Jay approach with investment for visas and start marketing not in NYC but in Toronto Vancouver and Hong Kong.  Jay has proven it works.

So, you prefer the empty 5 to 10 to 15 thousand sq ft homes (they will be empty at least 45 weeks of the year, you know. What, do you think people will actually live there?) to be owned by Chinese citizens instead of American citizens?

Have you been to Aspen? Telluride? Bizarre ghost towns most of the time. And the help can't even afford to live within a half hour.

Not that that is actually going to happen in Tupper. Sad to think some are wishing for that, though.
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Jay peak has the some of the best skiing in the East  Most snow by far.  Best trees without any doubt.  Some really hard core steeps plus skiable out of bounds shots.  

If you can't see that I think you and Park City or Keystone will be perfect together.  Jays lifts are their worst feature.  It's about the skiing not the lifts kid.

Benny I said follow Jay Peaks model.  Forget the Great camps and build condos and hotels.  An ice arena and some kind of kid friendly attraction not necessarily a water park.  Fix the ski area.  I think Tupper could do better than Jay in summer with the Lake as an attraction.  Maybe an outdoor water park on the lake.  They have a great golf course already.  Get the E5b money to pay for it.  Market the crap out of it in Canada.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

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Coach Z wrote
Benny I said follow Jay Peaks model.  Forget the Great camps and build condos and hotels.  An ice arena and some kind of kid friendly attraction not necessarily a water park.  Fix the ski area.  I think Tupper could do better than Jay in summer with the Lake as an attraction.  Maybe an outdoor water park on the lake.  They have a great golf course already.  Get the E5b money to pay for it.  Market the crap out of it in Canada.
Whatever happens to this place, they need to become a true resort.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

snoloco wrote
If you know what the Action Park is, that is Mountain Creek's waterpark.  It is built into the mountain and some of the slides are built in as well.  That means that many of the rides are one of a kind making it the best and only waterpark I will visit.  Maybe Big Tupper could get something like that.
Hey sno... Action Park got some bad press last week. Is it really so dangerous?

"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.


You mean the place that used to be known as "Traction Park"? When it was Action Park a long time ago (before snoloco's time), it was the place where, uh, Jersey kids would go to learn how pain and fun could go hand in hand. Most of the unsafe stuff, such as the waterslide you'll see in the link above is long gone. Renaming it Action Park is an attempt to get those kids, who are now in their 20s and 30s to come back.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

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I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.


Tupper is dead, they just don't know it yet. EB - 5 money (which I think sucks) might provide a draw, but I doubt anyone is that desperate it get a US Green card.

Sno is a good representation of today's skiing public. Cushy chairs on high speed lifts with perfectly groomed terrain is what they are looking for, gourmet lunches, day spas and hot tubs are more important than freshies. Tell me where they will find that in Tupper.

At least Jay has some redeeming value.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

PeeTex wrote
Sno is a good representation of today's skiing public. Cushy chairs on high speed lifts with perfectly groomed terrain is what they are looking for, gourmet lunches, day spas and hot tubs are more important than freshies. Tell me where they will find that in Tupper.

At least Jay has some redeeming value.

The more loco posts the more bummed out I get about the future of skiing and this country.  The kid clears likes to ski but wants it to be this easy amusement park like experience.  I liked the idea of a kid being so into the sport but then he kept posting and it became clear something was not right.  These kids want everything handed to them with no work or effort associated.

If you don't love Jay for its skiing I totally lose interest in anything he says.  If he is the most ardent skiing supporter of his generation we are screwed.  Just another gaper from Jersey I guess.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Into the sauce early tonight coach? Give it a rest. The geo prejudice is bullshit.  Where are you from?  Do you accept the stereotypes of adirondackers as legit?
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
The kid clears likes to ski but wants it to be this easy amusement park like experience.
Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation before throwing me under the bus.  This sentence should read "The kid clearly likes to ski, but wants it to be this easy amusement park like experience."
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Thacheronix
Thacheronix wrote
Into the sauce early tonight coach? Give it a rest. The geo prejudice is bullshit.  Where are you from?  Do you accept the stereotypes of adirondackers as legit?

Except that I would argue that you're more likely to find a diversity of opinions from Jersey then people making assumptions about people from there.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Z
Coach Z wrote
PeeTex wrote
Sno is a good representation of today's skiing public. Cushy chairs on high speed lifts with perfectly groomed terrain is what they are looking for, gourmet lunches, day spas and hot tubs are more important than freshies. Tell me where they will find that in Tupper.

At least Jay has some redeeming value.

The more loco posts the more bummed out I get about the future of skiing and this country.  The kid clears likes to ski but wants it to be this easy amusement park like experience.  I liked the idea of a kid being so into the sport but then he kept posting and it became clear something was not right.  These kids want everything handed to them with no work or effort associated.

If you don't love Jay for its skiing I totally lose interest in anything he says.  If he is the most ardent skiing supporter of his generation we are screwed.  Just another gaper from Jersey I guess.
So this is what happens when you become a ski instructor...
Sno is OK, but he is what he is, when he described some of his biking adventures I reconsidered my opinion of him as a couch potato.
Just because he does not have an appetite yet for skiing the way it was meant to be does not mean it won't come in time. He just needs to learn to ski moderately deep pow and then to realize that if I am stuck to the groomers I only get one or two sips from the glass of champagne, if I can go anywhere I get to chug the bottle. Then if he learns to earn then the whole mountain becomes a keg of the best vintage imaginable. We'll make a skiaholic out of him, we just need to corrupt him slowly.

The industry turned to blue groomers in the hay day of Stein Eriksen, where have you been Z.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Banned User
I don't at all get the impression of Sno that Coach puts out. Sno's a great asset to this board and an ardent fan of skiing. Isn't that enough ? Yea, it is. In fact it's more than enough.

People who bash others they perceive as non-expert skiers fail to acknowledge that with out the masses there would be very few ski areas. The few ski areas that would operate would likely be very expensive.

Without average skiers, there is no future for skiing Coach. Not everybody wants to be an expert skier or will be an expert skier. Most won't.

Whether one skis the slides or the bunny hill that is their own decision.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

<quote author="Snowballs">
I don't at all get the impression of Sno that Coach puts out. Sno's a great asset to this board and an ardent fan of skiing. Isn't that enough ? Yea, it is. In fact it's more than enough.


Snoloco strikes me as the kid that loves to push the envelope to elicit a response from those who should know better, or should care less.  He can follow my line any time he wants, he may have to earn his turns, however.  I look forward to moving left, and right with a downhill bias in four months, in a rat-pack of all kinds of vertical enthusiasts, gapers included.  Heck, why not pencil in opening day of the new East Quad @ Gore for a Gape-In?   Just sayin'.

All the best, enjoy the summer, pray for snow.

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

64ER wrote
 I look forward to moving left, and right with a downhill bias in four months, in a rat-pack of all kinds of vertical enthusiasts, gapers included.  Heck, why not pencil in opening day of the new East Quad @ Gore for a Gape-In?   Just sayin'.
Early season lift served - whackeda whackeda.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
People who bash others they perceive as non-expert skiers fail to acknowledge that with out the masses there would be very few ski areas. The few ski areas that would operate would likely be very expensive.

Without average skiers, there is no future for skiing. Not everybody wants to be an expert skier or will be an expert skier. Most won't.

Whether one skis the slides or the bunny hill that is their own decision.
This is why I try to keep it real and let people enjoy the slopes the way they want.  People can ax grind all they want about places becoming "resorts that have some skiing" rather than "ski resorts".  These people don't realize that there would be no lifts spinning if places did not get resortified (maybe some of the people on here will be happy because they can do backcountry) No ski area can sustain a steady business off of only the hard core skiers.  Those who don't, are in risk of at least temporarily closing down.  They need the extra draw that being a full fledged resort brings, ESPECIALLY those in areas with milder winters.  Mountain Creek (where most of my skiing takes place) could not exist without the masses which are drawn by the diversity of activities that they offer all year round.  They could not survive if they only catered to hard core skiers.  Most hard core skiers hate the place and never go there (mentioned on this site many times in flaming wars against how I choose to enjoy the slopes).  Many people on this site worship Whiteface and Gore like they some type of sacred location.  These places are built up, but most of the other stuff is further away (Lake Placid).  Also, there are plenty of fancy houses built in the area, which many people on here hate.  Just look at this link to see them.  http://www.homes.com/for-sale/lake-placid-ny/residential/?orderby=price%20desc  (Hopefully I am rich enough to own one when I am older).  Some people prefer to ski groomers, some prefer to ski bumps, and others trees.  Some people prefer a no frills pure skiing experience, others want a more upscale resort experience.  All these people bring in money that keeps the places open so we can all continue to go and enjoy them.  My thought on all these conflicts is WHAT DOES IT MATTER, IT'S ALL SKIING!
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

snoloco wrote
 No ski area can sustain a steady business off of only the hard core skiers.
Snoloco seems to have a more realistic point of view about ski areas than the house curmudgeons here. I avoid Mountain Creek like the plague, but if a NJ resort with barely a three-month ski season can figure out a way to stay in business and act as a feeder hill for places further north, good for them.