Tupper fans, check this out.

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Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
It's realz. Like the real thing. Your very own lakeside Adirondack camp. It's what so many modern knockoffs aspire to (including what that fellow was proposing to build fake versions of there before his plan went awry), but, this was built close to a hundred years ago, with cabins and all that stuff. Native wood from the area. "In the kitchen is a 1930's Magic Chef restored by the current owners", which means they don't cook. Awesome. 12 acres.
It's the middle set of pictures after that thing from California in the slide show.


3.5 million, I'm sure that many here could pay cash (which is what, I think, the eventual owner will do).

funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

It's not the purchase price, it's the yearly up keep that will suck you dry if you could even find the craftsman that could to the work anymore.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
I was thinking how this would be perfect proof wether or not that whole theory that Tupper could support that crazy vision that was going to be developed. You know, 1 to 2 to maybe three million dollar, well, "Adirondack camps". That's what the plan was, right? Well, here you go. Let's watch this thing. If it sells real fast, at the asking price, or, even above (!), well, build build build, I say. But, if it sits on the market for two plus years, price reductions, you know............

All terrain vehicle or boat? That's going to be a special buyer.
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Peter Minde
My grandfather's camp was on Goodnow Flow.  Like some of your modern great camps, accessible only by boat.  He went there to kill deer to feed his family.  Maybe 800 square feet, heated by wood stove, outdoor plumbing.  That's a camp.  Don't talk to me about guest cottages, garages on the water or gold plated faucets in the bathrooms.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Peter Minde wrote
My grandfather's camp was on Goodnow Flow.  Like some of your modern great camps, accessible only by boat.  He went there to kill deer to feed his family.  Maybe 800 square feet, heated by wood stove, outdoor plumbing.  That's a camp.  Don't talk to me about guest cottages, garages on the water or gold plated faucets in the bathrooms.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
Do you guys know the history of the great camps up there? We're not talking deer hunting shacks, you know.
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Yes. Lifstyles of the rich and famous. Not what the ADKs are all about imo.

I'd rather shack up in a old deer camp anyday
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Peter Minde
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny Profane wrote
Do you guys know the history of the great camps up there? We're not talking deer hunting shacks, you know.
I don't know the history of all the great camps.  My grandfather's parents were caretakers for a great camp on Racquette Lake.  Grandpa showed me some pictures once.  Among other things, the owners had a floating gazebo with a grand piano, so they could be towed into the lake, catch a breeze, and avoid black flies.  Meanwhile, my grandfather made a pair of skis out of barrel staves.  Didn't realize you were supposed to use poles.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In the days of the great camps the equivalent of the private jet was the private train. Many great camps had their own rail spurs. There is a reason the Adirondacks are not the playground of the rich and famous anymore. When a private jet can take you to so many places (like Aspen, Tahoe, Jackson Hole, Lake Louise, etc). The Tupper great camp dream is 100 years out of date. They might attract the low end of the super wealthy, but they will have a better chance if it is set up as a way to buy citizenship like they did at Jay.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Banned User
Funny you should say that! I read a book about the Great Camps years ago. The author expressed confusion as to why they fell out of favor. My opinion is the advent air travel brought their downfall. Suddenly, far off more enticing places were possible and en vogue.

I'm curious, what's this about citizenship and Jay ?

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

This post was updated on .
Camp Uncas Porch

My wife and I stayed at Camp Uncas a few years ago as a gift from owner Barbara Glaser.  It was really nice.

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
I'm curious, what's this about citizenship and Jay ?
Read this - about 1/2 way through:

And See this: http://www.voanews.com/content/foreign-investors-buy-their-way-to-us-citizenship/1737041.html

So if you hire 10 locals to take care of your great camp, your in.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

The Raquette Lake great camps are filled with some neat history. A couple of the camps even have their own bowling alleys. I used to vacation to the big old Carnegie guest house on North Point. 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, and two large sitting rooms with breathtaking views out onto the lake...and that was the guest house! It's definitely true that the private railroads were a huge part of it...Durant built the world's shortest standard gauge railroad (1/4 mile, IIRC) on the Marion River to help passengers bypass some rapids. Definitely worth taking a cruise on the W.W. Durant if you find yourself in the area. Names such as Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan, Carnegie, and Collier all had ownership in camps at some point.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In case no one has figured this out, this house is owned by the big so called developer of the ACR. It has been on the market for 2 yrs, it is so far over priced it is laughable. Of course if he gets the selling price it would be a miracle but it would just barely pay off all the mortgages against it that the owner owes to the individuals he has borrowed money from. Somewhere in the neigborhood of 2.7M at last check.

Of course if someone did buy it they would have to also deal w the $308000. plus fed tax lien attached to it and the unpaid property and school taxes of about $40000. Never mind the fact that the property as of now is only legally accessed by boat, there is a rough logging rd about 3 miles long but the property has no legal right of way to use it if a new owner were to buy it. The property is assessed for $592000.  and realistically would sell for about $750,000.  Last summer a Waterfront home sold for $2.037M, it was built in 99, 6000 sq ft, 900 ft waterfront, 1200 ft driveway, 20 acres, move right in. See it on Realtor dot com under homes recently sold, 12986, several other large "Great Camp" type waterfront homes also sold for much less than the $3.5M asking price for this place.

By getting this in the NY Times it really shows how desperate the developer is for cash. You can also view the listing on the Lavalley real estate website, and by the way Lavalley is basically a partner w the ACR developer. You can see on his listing a note that the home will come w all the Amenities of the ACR development, whatever those might be. What a joke.

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
I'd definitely put a real kitchen in there.
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Banned User
My goal in life is to have a 400 sq ft camp with a woodstove and a freezeproof hand pump well somewhere in the park.  A luxury would be to have a solar panel and batteries for electric lighting.

This is far beyond what I can even fathom.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Banned User
Huh. My goal in life is to have a lake house on a Lake George bay. Solar would be great ! Wonder what the powers that be would say if one used solar to warm the water dockside.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.


The appellate division of the NY Supreme Court threw out the Article 78 lawsuit today brought against the resort project. Not sure if it's the end of the line for the legal battles, but it's a step in the right direction for skiers.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
"but it's a step in the right direction for skiers."

How so?
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by njadk
njadk,  WTF? Read the ACR phasing on the APA website, skiing is way down on their list.