Tupper fans, check this out.

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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

They were actually open in 6 out of 12 months of the year with opening date being November, 30 and closing day being April, 5.  This was their longest season in their history at 114 days.  Last year, their opening date wasn't till December, 29 and closing date was March, 30.  They were closed 2 days out of the week for the last 3 weeks.  2 years ago, opening date was December, 26 and closing date was March, 11.  In 2010-2011, they were open from December, 11 to March, 20.  Also, they close this early due to lack of snow, not lack of customers.  Their summer bike park is actually open longer than their winter season is.  This year, opening was May, 3 and closing will be November, 2.  It is truly "a resort that has some skiing" and not "a ski resort."
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by PeeTex
PeeTex wrote
Just because he does not have an appetite yet for skiing the way it was meant to be does not mean it won't come in time. He just needs to learn to ski moderately deep pow and then to realize that if I am stuck to the groomers I only get one or two sips from the glass of champagne, if I can go anywhere I get to chug the bottle. Then if he learns to earn then the whole mountain becomes a keg of the best vintage imaginable. We'll make a skiaholic out of him, we just need to corrupt him slowly.
This is what I was assuming. Eventually, everybody reaches a certain point in their skiing where groomers start to become a little boring and routine and you start to look elsewhere, whether it be the park, racing, or pow & trees.

He's just not there yet.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey wrote
snoloco wrote
If you know what the Action Park is, that is Mountain Creek's waterpark.  It is built into the mountain and some of the slides are built in as well.  That means that many of the rides are one of a kind making it the best and only waterpark I will visit.  Maybe Big Tupper could get something like that.
Hey sno... Action Park got some bad press last week. Is it really so dangerous?


bwah……hahahahaha. As a former Jersey boy, that gave me a laugh. Only in the Garden State. And, please, leave it there. Don't scar a beautiful Adirondack lake area with that crap, just so the locals can rent cheap motel rooms and sell deep fried crappy food and t-shirts to the tourists from……..New Jersey.
funny like a clown
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

In reply to this post by Z
Coach,  Sorry I haven't fallen for the ACR hype, I'm just being realistic.  Look on the APA website, the ACR conditional approvals are there, read their own phasing plans. I'm first and foremost a die hard skier, but i am predicting that Big Tupper will never be reopened on the fully operations basis it was in its' prime.  it's sad that ACR has been using it as the carrot to keep local supporters faithful to their project.
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.

I'd really like to see Tupper succeed, but odds are deep against it.   Investments would have to be made to a degree that the cost of housing, tied to the project, would be non-economic.   There is so much red tape in this area (and growing across the nation) that innovation and assests die in the courts and through regulations; for better or worse.  Worse in the the sense that as projects start, good people invest and lose everything when vines and grass grow over roads that were built for houses that will never exist. I saw a lot of this driving though Texas and Az in the 90's when buildings and roads were constructed only to rot and degrade.   Banking deregulation fraud of the late 80s led to that.  I agree with some posters who commented.....before any State money is spent, let the owners pony up and build with their money first.          
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Re: Tupper fans, check this out.



Loved the article on Action Park. Never patronized AP to join the fun, though saw alpine slide when skiing GG//VV or whatever it was called at the time. I downhil skied on rollers at VV/GG once or twice. Also grass skied off season at Sterling Forest in Tuxedo, NY. Attached pics were taken last summer. I held a season pass at Sterling Forest as a young teen, at a cost of $25. Bus from my local town cost me two bucks to get there, two bucks back.
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