Warren Millers new book

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Warren Millers new book

Just finished Warren Miller's  book about his life. A must for any reall Warren fan!
Thje real Warren web site is hers:


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Re: Warren Millers new book

I'm a big fan. Love the old movies of course. Read his first bio, Wine Women Warren & Skis, years ago. He was a real ski bum.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Sick Bird Rider
Brownski wrote
I'm a big fan. Love the old movies of course...
One of my most cherished ski memories involves Warren Miller. When I was 13 or so, my older brother took me to see the Warren Miller film when it was showing at Place des Arts in Montreal. In those days (1970-ish), this meant that Warren himself was there, standing beside a 16 mm projector in the aisle of theatre, narrating the film live. I have no idea what film it was but his passion for skiing left a deep impression on me. Despite being 20 and too cool for school, my brother also sucked it up, stood in line and got me an autographed post card from Nancy Greene, Hinterlandian ski hero of the time. I still have the post card.

All this time later, I will be MC-ing the latest WME film when it shows in our little town later in November. A lot of skiers scoff at the current films but they get people stoked in little ski centres across North America. Nothing wrong with that.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Wow SBR. That's a great memory. Now I'm feeling guilty for not getting my kids to an actual tbeater showing of a ski movie yet. I guess I've got some homework to do.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Brownski. The last few years they've been showing the Warren Miller movie at th Tarrytown Music Hall, across the river from you. I've been a few times and that venue is quite cool as well.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
Very cool SBR
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Re: Warren Millers new book

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by Sick Bird Rider
I scoff at the current films because of the way that Warren Miller's own kid screwed him over to make a quick buck.

Also, because they suck. They are like some douchey marketing executive's idea of what a ski movie should be. Even Warren Miller himself doesn't like the new movies (according to his Wikipedia page).

I'd like to see the Meatheads get back into making long edits. Everyone is doing a "web series" now, when I just want to watch a tight 50-minute film of people having fun skiing.

Disclaimer: I occasionally still go to Warren Miller movies to get free tickets.

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Re: Warren Millers new book

mattchuck2 wrote
I scoff at the current films because of the way that Warren Miller's own kid screwed him over to make a quick buck.

Also, because they suck. They are like some douchey marketing executive's idea of what a ski movie should be. Even Warren Miller himself doesn't like the new movies (according to his Wikipedia page).

I'd like to see the Meatheads get back into making long edits. Everyone is doing a "web series" now, when I just want to watch a tight 50-minute film of people having fun skiing.

Disclaimer: I occasionally still go to Warren Miller movies to get free tickets.
We should form the "bring back the original Warren Miller film formula party" - at least you and I would then be able to have a reasonable political discussion. WM films have been boring as hell since the early 2000's. That formula of all types of skiing mixed in with Miller's dry humor was a winner. With regards to Meathead films, I have several films I watch every year during the period from Thanksgiving to Christmas, they get me in the mood for the holidays and the upcoming season. Epoch has been on that list for a long time.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

MC2 5678F589
I especially hate it when they use sound bytes from his old movies and just stick them in to the new movies. I cringe every time I hear it. If you want to leave Warren out of the process, then don't use his voice in your movie, you corporate fucks!

Give me "Ski Time" or "White Magic" any day. Although, to be fair, even those movies don't age well. Greg Stump's movies are much more relatable for me, if I'm picking sonething retro.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

I think we're all in agreement for a change. I like the old movies too. Looks like they're in Tarrytown 11-3 and Albany the following week. They're giving vouchers for sugarbush, Smuggs and some western mountains. I might go or I might look up TGRs schedule... I also tend to dust off the DVD about this time of year. Epoch is top of my list, then MSPs Push and TGRs Tangerine Dream. I haven't bought a new movie in a few years but I have a nice little library
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

I always have a good time at the movies, it's so rare that I'm walking out with vouchers that I'm thinking "what a waste of a night". That said -- I heard really good things about TGR's offering this fall.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Looks like TGR is next Thursday at the Playstation Theater in midtown. That's probably out of the question for me
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Ordered the book; looking forward to reading it.
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Ditto on the old wm and meatheads, but I enjoy the showing every year - brings every out for an unofficial kick off to the season. We used to have a local event for a few years called stoketoberfest with meatheads and matchstick shown in the old icehouse in town, that was the shiznit!
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Re: Warren Millers new book

In reply to this post by ml242
ml242 wrote
I always have a good time at the movies, it's so rare that I'm walking out with vouchers that I'm thinking "what a waste of a night". That said -- I heard really good things about TGR's offering this fall.
It's really very good. Maybe their best? I dunno but I was pumped up from it for sure!
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Re: Warren Millers new book

I would have met you Brownski for the 11-3 movie...but I was just informed that I'm otherwise engaged with the kiddos that night.  Enjoy, if you go.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Too bad
I haven't quite worked out my schedule but I think I'm gonna try to go
"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

The book is sitting on my coffee table just waiting to be read.
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Re: Warren Millers new book

Took advantage of being in Albany yesterday and hit the Warren Miller movie at the Palace. I think there's another showing tonight. It was my first time showing up at a theater and me and Junior had a good time. With each ticket we got a download code for a ticket to Smuggs, Sugarbush, Windam and Gore, plus a bogo for Killington. The movie itself was pretty good, lots of face time for Warren himself, looking pretty good at 90 years of age. I think the segment on Crested Butte was my favorite.

"You want your skis? Go get 'em!" -W. Miller
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Re: Warren Millers new book

MC2 5678F589
I saw it in Saratoga last weekend. I liked the segments with Warren, but the rest of the movie was weak.

Nobody wants to hear these athletes speak as much as the Producers of these movies think they do. They have nothing to say, and some of the lines were cringeworthy (or so dumb that they were hilarious).

Also, I hate the editing of the ski scenes. I just want to see a nicely put together run, but with all the cuts and scene switching, it's like it was put together by someone with severe ADD. I'm watching someone ski some sweet arcs, but before he gets two turns in, it cuts to an air from somewhere else on the mountain, then it cuts to a lifestyle shot, then to a shot showing one turn next to a tree, then to a shot of the sun over the mountain, then back to a different line. It was driving me crazy.