Whiteface early opening rumor

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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

MC2 5678F589
Not saying I wanna do it . . . Just saying it's impressive.
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

Sick Bird Rider
In reply to this post by MC2 5678F589
mattchuck2 wrote
Just thought I'd add this cool video I saw over on Newschoolers to the topic (from Whiteface's opening day). Like park features or hate them, you have to admit that this is impressive:
No denying that it is impressive. But does anyone remember Ballet Skiing? Does this not make you think of that? Maybe the Ballet Skiers just had the wrong music.
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

People have been injured on ski slopes for a long time, I think what you guys are saying about the park stuff being more dangerous is overblown. I'm sure it's mostly teens though, and they are more likely to act without thinking and get hurt, the same way that would on the regular slopes. I LOVE having them contained to one area, and I think their numbers are growing the sport while using few resources. Fine, you have to blow a few big whales. Big deal! Two of the mountains I enjoy, Sugarbush and Hunter, both have placed the parks places where I barely have to interact with the skittle crowd. It's really amazing. Often I see the skittle crowd though walking up to shoot pics or just to session a particular jump, they don't even ride the lifts. And they get exercise. I basically couldn't be a bigger fan and I don't participate or enjoy watching it for more than a few seconds on my way to get somewhere else.

Ausable, just because someone offers a service you don't use doesn't make it a bad use of resources. I know you're never going to drive east or south to ski, but all those roads that go two ways are pretty great!
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

I disagree with Aussie on a lot of stuff, almost everything lol, but he says what he thinks and is upfront about his motivations.  I got PMs today - including one from a lurker - that pretty much said the same thing - he added something. I don't remember many pointed personal attacks coming from him unless you poked a really sharp stick in his cage. As a mod that's probably all you can ask.

BTW I spoke to Ted Blazer today and he said they were going to dismantle the WF Gondi and chopper it to Pine Hill to entice more metro area skiers to ski Bell.  Aussie... you there bro?

MC.. fixed the embed for you.  The forum software isn't totally consistent on what it will or won't embed.  It is being improved/getting better, seems like most video formats can be embedded these days.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

i'd agree, surprised was so thin skinned after being so ignorant...
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

Oh yea, I am not one for personal attacks so I hope my response diet come out that way. I was sneaking in a few minutes of the ski blog in while the Gf wasn't looking in date night. I am totally emphatic though that park is the best thing ever for the MTNs.
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

I agree with ML 100% with his take on the terrain parks...Definitely keeps the little buggers off the main hill..
"Peace and Love"
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

i would like to personally attack the guy that has my same profile picture. what up with dat?
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Re: Whiteface early opening rumor

MC2 5678F589
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
gorgonzola wrote
i'd agree, surprised was so thin skinned after being so ignorant...
Yeah, but no reason to call someone a turd and a dumbass for having a different opinion than you do, as tjf did earlier in the thread.