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Re: Why??

SalSal wrote
I been shreddin MC South for a whole last season and hardly noticed an abnormal actions of the crowd. Blasting rap on the speaker aint a bad thing when lappin a park!

Now we got someone else who speaks snoloco!

Welcome SalSal.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
How's he going to learn if he doesn't get called on it when he says something provocative?
Fair enough.  Of course if we agree he is a student and we are the teachers ......maybe  taking a pause before we dress him down ain't such a bad thing.  Treat a grown up ass like an ass.  Treat the student who knows not what he speaketh sternly, but maybe not like an ass.  I think that's all we are saying.

I've been living with a teacher too long, tainted by this respect the dignity of the learner crap!
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by Glade Runner
Glade Runner wrote
snoloco wrote
MC has the roughest crowd of any place I've been to.  Especially the South side which has the terrain parks.  Holy crap, whenever you are in line, you see plumes of smoke coming up and not just cigarettes.  You are also going to hear some 4 letter words and plenty of kids blasting gangsta rap on their strap on speakers.  I don't know if there is anything that can be done to get rid of this.
Your description almost makes me want to go there so I can take a dump in a cabrio car.
That's funny!!!
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Re: Why??

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In reply to this post by JTG4eva!
JTG4eva! wrote
Spongeworthy wrote
How's he going to learn if he doesn't get called on it when he says something provocative?
Fair enough.  Of course if we agree he is a student and we are the teachers ......maybe  taking a pause before we dress him down ain't such a bad thing.  Treat a grown up ass like an ass.  Treat the student who knows not what he speaketh sternly, but maybe not like an ass.  I think that's all we are saying.

I've been living with a teacher too long, tainted by this respect the dignity of the learner crap!
We're on the same page. I'm not one to jump all over the kid, but he does need to be checked when he's out of line. As you suggest, and I agree, there is a right way to do that.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Why??

Whiteface has those stickers in the Gondola that if you report vandalism and they find the person you get a free season pass... not sure if it has ever worked but I'm sure someone has ratted on their buddy to get a pass.  The scratching on the walls and plexi in the Gore Gondola really drives me up the wall.  Initials?  Fine.  Whatever.  You are still an idiot and should be beaten.  Giant penises or F**K ____ or Gay _____?  No.  You should be dragged up the hill under the gondola by your toes naked as snow guns blast you.    
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Re: Why??

warp daddy
Sno is a kid , I have no problem with his entHusiasm , naivete or inexperience .

But the subject at hand is vandals , be they of ANY age. And those AH's drive ticket prices up dammit with their brainless behaviour . Would love to catch one of these creeps in the act , they would receive the full "Clint Eastwood "
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
MC has the roughest crowd of any place I've been to.  Especially the South side which has the terrain parks.  Holy crap, whenever you are in line, you see plumes of smoke coming up and not just cigarettes.  You are also going to hear some 4 letter words and plenty of kids blasting gangsta rap on their strap on speakers.  I don't know if there is anything that can be done to get rid of this.
 be a better parent when your time comes. Thank your parents for raising you to not act like that. Be thankful, very thankful.
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
Sno is a kid , I have no problem with his entHusiasm , naivete or inexperience .

But the subject at hand is vandals , be they of ANY age. And those AH's drive ticket prices up dammit with their brainless behaviour . Would love to catch one of these creeps in the act , they would receive the full "Clint Eastwood "
Get off my chairlift...
I don't rip, I bomb.
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
MC has the roughest crowd of any place I've been to.  Especially the South side which has the terrain parks.  Holy crap, whenever you are in line, you see plumes of smoke coming up and not just cigarettes.  You are also going to hear some 4 letter words and plenty of kids blasting gangsta rap on their strap on speakers.  I don't know if there is anything that can be done to get rid of this.
This is why my sisters-in-law who live in northern Sussex County won't take their kids to MC to learn how to ski even though it is practically in their backyard.  They'd rather go over to PA or up to Warwick.

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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
I don't know if there is anything that can be done to get rid of this.
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Re: Why??

Banned User
In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
 How's he going to learn if he doesn't get called on it when he says something provocative?
Say what ? Ring ring, hello,,,, stop sleeping in class will ya ? You're the one who needs a lesson. Sno said nada provocative.

Adk Jeff wrote
 but I think the kid is just saying that he's seen worse. He's not condoning or rationalizing the destructive behavior at Greek.  Some people on this board - and I'm not trying to single you out on this Billy - seem to go out of their way to twist whatever Loco says in order to dump on him and tell him how wrong he is about everything.  It gets old. </rant>
Exactly. Perfectly true, but not entirely surprising they don't get it. Junior high school hive mentality,,,,,, kinda like the vandals ?
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
MC has the roughest crowd of any place I've been to.  Especially the South side which has the terrain parks.  Holy crap, whenever you are in line, you see plumes of smoke coming up and not just cigarettes.  You are also going to hear some 4 letter words and plenty of kids blasting gangsta rap on their strap on speakers.  I don't know if there is anything that can be done to get rid of this.
mandatory birth control
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by Snowballs
Snowballs wrote
Spongeworthy wrote
 How's he going to learn if he doesn't get called on it when he says something provocative?
Say what ? Ring ring, hello,,,, stop sleeping in class will ya ? You're the one who needs a lesson. Sno said nada provocative.
Sno chose words - "that's not that bad" - that inartfully conveyed his intended meaning - "I've seen worse" - with respect to an act of vandalism condemned by everyone here. The ambiguity in his phrasing PROVOKED a number of comments (none of which were made by me) regarding what they perceived to be his intent. So, you get an "F" in reading comprehension.

But thanks anyway for correcting me.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: Why??

I do have to say, as much as I'm for flipping a kid a break, Sno does continually come out with comments that fully display a teenage lack of maturity.........
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Why??

ugh, my brain feels vandalized after reading this...
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by Footer
I rode in the gondola car with the penis scratched into the plexiglass today. True story.
"This is pure snow! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"
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Re: Why??

In reply to this post by snoloco
snoloco wrote
Also, don't touch the side of the cabrio cars either.  Some people use them as urinals and I've even heard stories of people doing #2 in there.
This statement initially made me laugh, but then it made me think "Seriously?"  What type of person decides to take a shit (or piss for that matter) in location like that?  Simple answer: A shameless M.F.P.O.S.  
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Re: Why??

Ted's 'friends' take a shit in the living room.....

'Is that a shit!?'....'oh, my God, I touched it!'
We REALLY need a proper roll eyes emoji!!
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Re: Why??

Banned User
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Spongeworthy
Spongeworthy wrote
Snowballs wrote
Spongeworthy wrote
 How's he going to learn if he doesn't get called on it when he says something provocative?
Say what ? Ring ring, hello,,,, stop sleeping in class will ya ? You're the one who needs a lesson. Sno said nada provocative.
Sno chose words - "that's not that bad" - that inartfully conveyed his intended meaning - "I've seen worse" - with respect to an act of vandalism condemned by everyone here. The ambiguity in his phrasing PROVOKED a number of comments (none of which were made by me) regarding what they perceived to be his intent. So, you get an "F" in reading comprehension.

But thanks anyway for correcting me.
That is so much bullshit it's friggin ridiculous. " I've seen worse " and  " that's not that bad " is ambiguous ? How friggin stupid is that ? Is it....

A). " not that bad "

B). " I've seen worse "

C) " Duh, what ? "
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Re: Why??

Regarding Sno's response,   My take is that there is a % of people in society that measure diffenently than others, then there are some that dont measure at all.      For example:    When I look at that damaged chair I see the cost of a new pad,$150, the time a worker has to change it and see the GM of the resort being upset at his/her clients and all customers who have to view the potential demise of the resort.    I want a perfect world and anything that is not so, is measured against that. I don't accept good enough, from my kids, family, employees or society.    There are others, some on this forum, that measure the same in my opinion.  

Then there are those who measure against "other stuff".   My employees: I am not as bad as Jane.   My son: but my friends are allowed.    The new mayor of New York says: some crime is not that bad, compared to other crime.   The prior Mayor had a "broken window" policy......if the neighborhood "accepts" a broken window, then more get broken, more, trash is allowed on the street, then minor crime, etc, etc.   Baltimore's mayor began this and it worked wonders.   We stopped it and the city is a crap pit again.   The President: I know they crossed the border or stayed beyond their visa illegally, but lots of people do it and have done it in the past.    The end result to this thinking and actions, if permitted, is an ultimate downward spiral of the water mark or measurement of which that thing is being compared.    It it does not work, find another measure.      In the "perfection" measure above, the measure cannot change.  

Thus the reason for homeowner associatoin covenances....once the first abandoned car is left on the street, the spiral begins.    

To prove my theoretical rule: I cite Sno's own view of the condition at MC.    It is allowed to get bad, then only gets worse.    

At our mountain, they keep blue paint and goo-gone on hand, using it when needed.  (sad)     Lift attendants will jump on a chair with a bottle of goo gone the second they see someone drew on a chair.   Get caught, lose season pass.   Our towers are blue, bad grafitti gets painted immediately.     They go so far as to pull bras off the trees daily.  Pick up trash that "falls" from the lift 2 times a day.     The theory is...if you see a few beer bottles on the white carpet below, you dont mind adding to it.    If you see white only, you MAY put it back in your pocket to find a trash can.    

As humans we need to have a bit of both.  Can't expect straight A's if the child is giving 100% effort and still getting Bs.    The question is where are we generally, closer to one side or the other.    Prisons are filled with those that have no measure.