Willowemoc Ski Area?

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Willowemoc Ski Area?

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I am curious to see if anyone here knows anything about a former ski area west of Claryville, NY, north of Route 17/I-86. I stumbled upon it this past weekend while fishing. It is tough to see from the road because of tall trees at the road edge but you can see grass of some of the higher mountain runs in the distance. The runs are clearly visible in aerial imagery and even look recently mowed / maintained as cuts like these grow in quite quickly in this region, as I am sure all of you know. I tried to look the site up on Lost New York Ski Areas but didn't see a reference. Maybe I missed it.

The former base of the ski area is located at 41°55'14.49"N, 74°38'12.39"W on Pole Rd. You can see it easily on Google Maps or Google Earth. My assumption is that it was related to one of the many large Catskill resorts in the area; most of which have closed and become ruins themselves. 

Anyway, I was just curious if anyone had information about it. Even just a name. It looks like it would be fun to explore. There are posted signs all along the road edge.

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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

Thanks for the link, though not much more info on that thread. How do you know it is called Blue Hill? With that low of a summit elevation season would be short. I guess it's probably higher than nearby Holiday Mt. I think one of the old Catskill resorts, maybe Kutsher's, had a downhill ski run. It makes sense that it is freshly cut. Looks that way from the aerial.
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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

That old newspaper says it has southern exposure.  Before snowmaking who would build a ski area that way?  Explains why it was lost
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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

google maps shows due north, maybe that's the reason the paper isn't around anymore....

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Re: Willowemoc Ski Area?

In reply to this post by ml242
Can you read the date on the upper corner of the paper or do you know when it was published? Thanks for sharing.