Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

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"Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is killed by Harvey44." ???????

My first reaction was why did he kill that bear?
If you are having fun, you are doing it right.
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

It was Camp, I swear. He made me do it.  He lured me with his cheap beer and woodchucks.

On a more serious note, here in NJ the bear population has grown to about 4000.  People seem to think that is a lot, but I have to believe that's a small number compared to say 100 years ago.  What's the right number of each species (humans, bears) and how you keep each population at it's ideal number? I have no idea.
"You just need to go at that shit wide open, hang on, and own it." —Camp
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
campgottagopee wrote
Old timers are my favorite part of camp. Our ring leader will be 80 when we head to camp this weekend and I can't wait to hear the same old storys. They just keep getting funnier and funnier.
That's awesome!!!

I often ski with a couple of Whiteface "old-timers", and I have to agree with you ... it's awesome to hang out with these guys and get their perspective on almost anything ... We "younger" guys still have a lot to learn!!!

Have a great weekend out there, and be safe.
Thanks---we'll be safe--safety is always first

I hope to live long enough to become one of the old timers. Wednesday night B4 T-day is the BEST for old timers, they clean house at race horse pitch. I swear they cheat but nobody can catch them bastards!!!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by Harvey
Harvey44 wrote
It was Camp, I swear. He made me do it.  He lured me with his cheap beer and woodchucks.

you know something Harv, you have a good chance at becoming a redneck
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by Face4Me
Face4Me wrote
frk wrote
hmmm, is that a beer can by your rifle?
I laughed!
Nice avatar CampAlcoholTobaccoandFirearms!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

ScottyJack wrote
Face4Me wrote
frk wrote
hmmm, is that a beer can by your rifle?
I laughed!
Nice avatar CampAlcoholTobaccoandFirearms!  
HEY--I'm NO quitter!!!!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

You should post the video of the camp's version of an alarm clock!!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

warp daddy
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Campy that A'int cheating dude it IS. treachery and guile ans 'sides which us ole bastids had ALLL dem tricks played on US when we was jest young uns !!

And yeah yer gonna pull the same crap later on when u get to be an ole bastid  hehehehehe
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by pro2860
pro2860 wrote
You should post the video of the camp's version of an alarm clock!!
NO-NO-NO....what happens at camp stays at camp....kind like our WF trip

That said, if I can get that vid from Bish I'd post it cause that was some wicked funny shit!!!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by warp daddy
warp daddy wrote
Campy that A'int cheating dude it IS. treachery and guile ans 'sides which us ole bastids had ALLL dem tricks played on US when we was jest young uns !!

And yeah yer gonna pull the same crap later on when u get to be an ole bastid  hehehehehe
O yeah Warp, U know it bro!!! i just wanna catch 'em, just once to say i did
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

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Hey it's CampHotTub!

I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

Benny Profane
Awesome. He needs a naked woman in there to make it complete.
funny like a clown
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

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Yep. I agree 4 wheelers are great for the sport of hunting to keep lots of folks involved.  My buddies hunt w their dads only BC of atvs allowing them to get into the woods.   Just saying ATVs help the 1% too that bring down the sport.  

I tried buying my dad a small ATV so he could continue his passion of mushroom hunting, he just found closer places to the road.   Love his wild mushroom soup!   I hope some day he can make the 9 hr drive to my home in the daks.  He would go crazy with the old growth and dead fall.   He has really bad circulation an cannot sit long in a car.  
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

I:)skiing wrote
Yep. I agree 4 wheelers are great for the sport of hunting to keep lots of folks involved.  My buddies hunt w their dads only BC of atvs allowing them to get into the woods.   Just saying ATVs help the 1% too that bring down the sport.  
Bro, the percentage involved in bringing that "sport" down is way higher than 1%...  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

ScottyJack wrote
I:)skiing wrote
Yep. I agree 4 wheelers are great for the sport of hunting to keep lots of folks involved.  My buddies hunt w their dads only BC of atvs allowing them to get into the woods.   Just saying ATVs help the 1% too that bring down the sport.  
Bro, the percentage involved in bringing that "sport" down is way higher than 1%...
Do you really think so??? I would like to think most hunters are aware of their surroundings and respect the woods, but I really don't have a clue. I've been hunting with the same small group of guys now for years, all on private land, and we don't venture away from our slice of heaven. I do know there are fewer and fewr hunters in the woods which is sad. Too many life long lessons can be taught and learned out there. Guess kids nowAdays would rather play those silly video games---YUCK!!!  Tomorrow after work I head to camp for 10 days with no TV, phone, internet, or cell service ----- talk about heaven on earth
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

I was refering to the "sport" of ATVing not hunting.  And yes I think the percentage of ATVers that abuse public and private property w/ aggresive and/or drunk riding is much higher than 1%

As for hunters, I was learned in the old fashion way so I'm old fashion when I do venture out.  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Have a good time camp while in camp.
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I was refering to the "sport" of ATVing not hunting.  And yes I think the percentage of ATVers that abuse public and private property w/ aggresive and/or drunk riding is much higher than 1%

As for hunters, I was learned in the old fashion way so I'm old fashion when I do venture out.
O, I too agree then.
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by lolkl
lolkl wrote
Have a good time camp while in camp.
thanks bro
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

Benny Profane
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
ScottyJack wrote
I was refering to the "sport" of ATVing

A friend refers to it as virtual dirt biking.
funny like a clown