Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

I wanna ride a lift with you Benny.  Listening to you while I blow smoke in your face will make great chair of truth stories.
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

In reply to this post by lolkl
lolkl wrote
Have a good time camp while in camp.
+1 CampCatchEmCheatin!  
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

Damn spiffy---i'm gonna put up one steezy TR too
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

All of the hunters I know respect the woods, others peaceful enjoyment of their land and life,   however I have now been to two "hunting campsites" where there are lots of folks there 1) Drunk, 2) Disrespectful,3) other.    I don't even belief my friends venture into the same woods with the folks that are their "neighbors".    I never understood how anyone gets shot in the woods by another hunter, then I saw with my own eyes the crazy people and volume of hunters who concentrated themselves in a relatively small part of the forrest.   I guess they did this becuase walking into their own space would be too difficult with a good hangover or drunk on.    

There were about 15 "camps" along a 1/2 mile stretch of road...each camp had 4-5 cars parked at it.  So I would guess 6-10 people in each site.      This is atypical I am very sure.     Most people I know that hunt do it to get away from life for a bit, while sitting in Mother Earth's loving arms, the trees.      

Me and the kids will be doing the same this weekend at the foot of Gore.    
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed

roadside camping generally attracts a lot of riff raft.  not ever road side camper, but certainly a higher percentage.
I ride with Crazy Horse!
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Re: Yellow Yellow the Adirondack Bear is Killed
