lets play a game.....

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lets play a game.....

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first person to correctly name the trail wins a prize...what kind of prize you say? well im not quite sure yet! but it will be a physical prize that involves skiing in some way shape or form. worst comes to worse it will be your (winners) choice of a goggle from my for sale thread. in the meantime hopefully it will take a bit and i can think of something else to give away! NEW RULE: 1 guess per day. Every other day I'll give a hint out.

and for those who were there....shhhhhhh
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Re: lets play a game.....

MC2 5678F589
Looks like somewhere lower on the mountain . . . Barkeater Glades?
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Re: lets play a game.....

outlaw 1
i know   i know,but i wont say,,let some one else see if they can get it...
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Re: lets play a game.....

may i propose a rule - one attempt per person

Now, my guess: Chatiemac Glades?
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Re: lets play a game.....

In reply to this post by outlaw 1
Wild guess! north side of 46er before it drops down.
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Re: lets play a game.....

Banned User
Hey Condor cool thing you started. Very cool. Will be fun too.

But seriously, it's the friggin woods dude. Pay up.
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Re: lets play a game.....

Adk Jeff
Low angle, so my guess is...
Chatterbox.  New section?
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Re: lets play a game.....

In reply to this post by Condor
Otterslide glades. Lower section as it veers left to merge back onto main trail.
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Re: lets play a game.....

In reply to this post by Snowballs
oh no snowballs that aint just friggin woods that may be the best friggin woods hehe  .i know too outlaw but then you knew that
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Re: lets play a game.....

In reply to this post by Condor
condor i found a second darkside tree  
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Re: lets play a game.....

in order to ski this trail, you only have to ride a single lift!

also i would like to say again that i want a specific trail name!!

good luck!!
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Re: lets play a game.....

Ok I'm going out on a limb here. Raymond Brook or Rabbit Pond trails, both of whom I've accessed by a single lift ride.
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Re: lets play a game.....

It's at Gore

Cirque/Sagamore glades area?
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Re: lets play a game.....

The Hudson Glades @ the Ski Bowl.  I skied by the "Darkside" tree last year, but do not recall if it was painted by numbers then.  It certainly stands out well now, doncha' think?
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Re: lets play a game.....

64ER wrote
The Hudson Glades @ the Ski Bowl.  I skied by the "Darkside" tree last year, but do not recall if it was painted by numbers then.  It certainly stands out well now, doncha' think?
you got it!! ill let you know tomorrow what you got and then ill either mail it out to you or if it works out i can meet you at gore one day.
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Re: lets play a game.....


these will be yours. brand new pair of 2013 smith phenoms. just sent you an email!!
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Re: lets play a game.....

outlaw 1
thats pretty cool condor,,u da man,congrats too the winner
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Re: lets play a game.....

In reply to this post by Condor
we need more games!
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Re: lets play a game.....

Haven't heard anything yet. Anybody know 64er?? If the goggle isn't claimed by feb 29th I'm going run another contest and give these away!!
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Re: lets play a game.....


Yes, I want my prize, dang it!  I'll probably need them Friday and Saturday due to the inclement forecast.  I'll see you on the hill or Apres' on the deck, and I'll buy you a Fresca.  When is Round #2 kicking off?

Ski you later