Haven't read the law, so I speak from a position of ignorance.....but, when does someone become subject to that statute? If compliance with the statute is required in conjunction with the purchase of a lift ticket......you don't buy a ticket to ski your own property or BC areas. |
Skidds says he's ignorant. but he is absolutely correct. PeeTex said "If they pulled a pass for that then they have broken the law, not you." So, we're talking about what would lead patrol to pull your pass because you breached the agreement, including what the statute adds as a matter of law, that you entered into when you purchased the lift ticket. That's not relevant anywhere else, including your own property, where you don't need to purchase a lift ticket. It's pretty simple. Gore is saying "obey the rules, or you're out of here." They can do that. It's the law.
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
We are talking about WF, not Gore and for this diversion we are discussing Article 18. In the Gore thread it was stated that an employee was fired for skiing unmarked terrain, if that was a condition of employment than that was within their rights. Here we are discussing pulling a persons lift pass for skiing unmarked terrain. Under your interpretation, if I bought a season pass and decided to hike/ski the toll road, WF legally could take my pass. I think you need to carefully read Article 18 as well. You might say I was not riding a lift, but what if I road the Lookout triple and walked over to the toll road on the hiking trail and skied it down, could they take my pass. I think not and as I (carefully) read Article 18 it would not give them the authority to do so.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
A bit more ignorance on my part, because I don't know the history of, or impetus for, the statute. I suspect a large part of the reason it was instituted was to protect ski areas, including State run facilities. If that is the case, it's most likely the requirements of the statute only pertain to what a skier does within, or from within, the boundary of the ski area for which they bought a lift ticket and entered into a contract/agreement. So WF would have no jurisdiction over what one does on the Toll Road, so long as someone didn't access the Toll Road from within the WF ski area boundary.
In reply to this post by PeeTex
Skidds is correct. Neither Gore nor Whiteface have gates that allow skiers to legally access terrain beyond the ski area boundaries. If you are within the ski area, Article 18 requires you to remain within the ski area and not cross the ski area boundary. I'm curious why you are obsessing over this matter and attempting to split hairs. |
I am not obsessing about anything, I am just finding the discussion comical. I ski both inside and outside the ski area boundaries and do so without violating Article 18. I will defend my right to do so particularly in the Adirondack Park. When I am within a Ski Area as defined by Article 18, I will follow Article 18 and if I choose not to I will be glad to suffer the consequences without protest - that includes skiing a trail that is marked (per Article 18) as closed. Now it is a ridiculous statement that " Article 18 requires you to remain within the ski area and not cross the ski area boundary", if it did I would be living (or dead by now) on the ski trails of WF.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by Skidds
Ask and ye shall receive ... § 18-101. Legislative purpose. The legislature hereby finds that alpine or downhill skiing is both a major recreational sport and a major industry within the state of New York. The legislature further finds: (1) that downhill skiing, like many other sports, contains inherent risks including, but not limited to, the risks of personal injury or death or property damage, which may be caused by variations in terrain or weather conditions; surface or subsurface snow, ice, bare spots or areas of thin cover, moguls, ruts, bumps; other persons using the facilities; and rocks, forest growth, debris, branches, trees, roots, stumps or other natural objects or man-made objects that are incidental to the provision or maintenance of a ski facility in New York state; (2) that downhill skiing, without established rules of conduct and care, may result in injuries to persons and property; (3) that it is appropriate, as well as in the public interest, to take such steps as are necessary to help reduce the risk of injury to downhill skiers from undue, unnecessary and unreasonable hazards; and (4) that it is also necessary and appropriate that skiers become apprised of, and understand, the risks inherent in the sport of skiing so that they may make an informed decision of whether or not to participate in skiing notwithstanding the risks. Therefore, the purpose and intent of this article is to establish a code of conduct for downhill skiers and ski area operators to minimize the risk of injury to persons engaged in the sport of downhill skiing and to promote safety in the downhill ski industry. http://law.onecle.com/new-york/general-obligations/GOB0A18_A18.html By the way, the law ALSO includes the obligations and responsibilities of ski area operators, not just the obligations and responsibilities of skiers. It's actually interesting stuff, if you have the time to read through it. It makes clear why a lot of things "are the way they are" at ski areas in New York as opposed to ski areas in other states.
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
In reply to this post by PeeTex
I assume we all realize that the ski area boundaries provide for established points of ingress/egress, i.e. the base area(s). |
In reply to this post by Face4Me
Yes it does make interesting reading. There are a lot of twists and turns. For example, you can buy a lift ticket anywhere, go to the resort and if you don't like what you see, or you just bought an extra ticket, just say it's too dangerous to ski today and they have to refund your ticket in full, no voucher for another day bull crap, and that goes for any ski area in NY.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
As long as it's unused!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
In reply to this post by Adk Jeff
Assume anything you wish, Article 18 says nothing about where you can or can't cross or even gates and egress points. What it says is a skier can't ski in areas not designated for skiing. But there is more to it than just that. Read it carefully.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
When I last posted on this thread 12 hours ago it was on the 1st page. I agree with TJF back on page one if there were passes pulled at Nysef there would gave been some serious noise that I have not heard. My other observation is that the new guy peeeeetex is being a bit of a troll and picking silly fights. Please don't make Face or the others quote the NYS statutes as it puts most people to sleep. Final thought is let's not make a big deal of this topic so that the mole head does not get whacked if you know what I'm saying. Move on people nothing to see here.
if You French Fry when you should Pizza you are going to have a bad time
CrotchZ, you brought up the silly imperfections of mtn management, and Face4me brought up Article 18. My contribution was try to get people to read the stupid thing, if your going to quote it - read and really understand what it says and does not say. The one thing you said that I agree with is that we have said enough on this topic, it has gone from comical to boring. I will stick to my delusional beliefs, you can stick to the groomed trails.
Don't ski the trees, ski the spaces between the trees.
In reply to this post by gorgonzola
yeah, you get these really cool little tickets ![]() I have a picture somewhere of us at the bar holding them up.....that was a funny day |
Where the hell is Noah when you need him!
![]() |
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Sounds like there may be a great story here ... any chance of details?
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
this thread minus the potential of Camps story = Hot Poker Insert into Eye....
I ride with Crazy Horse!
well Camps potential story, His dependence on Depends, and the crotchZ thing was funny too!
I ride with Crazy Horse!
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
We could go back to discussing jump turns, or was it hop turns, and snow tires!
It's easy to be against something ... It's hard to be for something!
In reply to this post by ScottyJack
Are you saying you've never shit your pants??? LIAR LIAR pants on fire ![]() |