The issue is complex and will be a stretch in terms of scale .
FWIW ( PBH and no this IS OPINION ) I have doubts that it will ever evolve at the scale/density currently being discussed and the zeal of local politicians will not offset the inherent risk to both taxpayers and the environment . Having skied BT a great medium sized venue for many yrs ,the hill itself as others have mentioned is limited . The proximity to major markets that would generate sustainable margin as either a destination resort and/or second home community seems questionable given other competition in the region for that same dollar. That said Tupper needs some form of economic development and selfishly i'd like BT to be in that mix.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
You see, that's the problem. Even you think that the Tupper development is a bad idea, because there just isn't a market, but, in the end, it "needs some sort of economic development". Well, if there is no free market solution, then the only other way to "develop" is to spend public money, right? So, at this time in history, do you think it wise to funnel more tax dollars from whatever productive enterprises we have in the state to a place like Tupper, for, ahem, a ski and golf resort for the wealthy? That ain't going to happen. Well, if it does, that's one more nail in the coffin for NY state, as a few more million move away to a lower tax state with better services and NY becomes even more of a laughingstock in the business world for establishing a headquarters and facilities. I mean, man, Reno, Nevada sure looks attractive to me as a retiree, with no state tax and low taxes elsewhere. Not upstate NY.
funny like a clown
the dictatorship was established 40 years ago so you say others have no right to try to turn this back into a democracy... really thats your arguement... really? Your attitude is exactly what I started with at the begining of this whole topic about 9 pages worth ago. Certain people that consider themselves to be the protectors the environment, the down trodden etc basically beleive that they know better than the rest of folks who are too stupid to make good decisions for themselves so the all knowing big government will make all the decisions for them. That is soooo not the american way.
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
In reply to this post by Benny Profane
Benny seems that Nevada is a perfect fit for you I'm more the Wyoming low tax state kind of guy because they don't allow governement to interfer with peoples lives there
A true measure of a person's intelligence is how much they agree with you.
Jackson real estate is way too expensive. Amazing place, though. Beautiful. But, you know, the reason Jackson RE is so expensive is because the government has not allowed sprawl right next to Teton and Yellowstone. Thank god.
funny like a clown
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In reply to this post by Benny Profane
No Benny that's NOT what i'm saying at all .
IF Scaled to size that is market appropriate , I believe that there may be a market , albeit regional ( eg Potsdam <Canton ogdensburg , Massena malone Plattsburgh , Watertown and Ft Drum environs Southern Ontario / Quebec) that might have interest in slopeside condos, IF priced and designed for that objective
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Well, that is a far cry from the project as it is now proposed. Dude want's to build Aspen sized mansions.
funny like a clown
Yes Benny i KNOW that .
Tom Lawson's ( one of the developers) sister lives 2 homes away from us and i've been telling her about the scale issue .
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
Hey, I'm with you. This guy is obviously a remnant of the RE craziness of the pre '05 bubble bust, and still thinks he can do the carpetbagger thing and profit from a local community's desperation. Sad to see, after all this time, that some think it will be successful. But, hey, I'm old enough to know that history repeats itself.
funny like a clown
That and i believe that most of his development success has been in the Carribbean and the Bahamas. he was a North Country native but has been in the resort R.E. DEV scene for some time
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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In reply to this post by ausable skier
No, that's not my argument. My argument is that you don't have a chance of getting rid of the APA, that political battle was waged years ago and it's over. Period. And you REALLY need to get off your high horse about what is and what isn't a democracy. Quit with the platitudes. You and yours lost a political dispute waged in a democratic society. Sorry about that. But don't lecture people about what is, and what's not, the "American way". It's not necessarily a matter of people being "too stupid" (although that may be the case in some instances.) It's about saying "look, the Adirondacks are a region and we need a region wide approach and not an ad hoc, patchwork approach." It was a value jugment to be sure, specifically, "is this a region that we as New Yorkers want to protect and regulate as a whole or are we content to simply let different localities regulate as they see fit?" That question was posed and that question was answered. Forty years ago. All legal challenges to that decision have been exhausted. I'm sorry you lost but that doesn't mean it was "undemocratic". |
Did Linger Longer come back as Noah John?
"I knew lingerlonger and Mr. John is no lingerlonger." In truth I never knew Mr. Lingerlonger. But from what I've seen, Mr. John is a thinking man. He's articulate, if a bit rough in his delivery. In my years, trolls rarely express a thoughtful point of view. |
I agree. This is a spirited debate. IMO, Mr. John is ahead on points, so I wish he would avoid name calling ("nut job"). If he wants to label his opponent, he can call him an irredentist (quick, run to your dictionaries) ![]()
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
Yeah, I thought about removing the "nut job" comment because I honestly don't think it applies to AS - he's just passionate. But his comment that the APA is a dictatorship and all the rest of that type of rhetoric is pretty antagonistic. Afterall, it's not a stretch to go from "the APA is a dictatorship" to "anyone who supports the APA is a fascist". That said, I apologize for the comment (and I have removed it).
I just wish AS type guys would quit throwing bombs (and temper tantrums) and join the adult conversation because their voices are needed. And there seems to be no appreciation on their part for the fact that the APA has truly evolved over the last decade or so and is not nearly as tone deaf as it once seemed when it came to the concerns of Adirondack localities, business folk and residents. The fact that this project was approved is proof of that evolution in my opinion. This decision upset a lot of Green groups- the APA's natural political constituency. I think that took guts. In my opinion, AS and his compatriots should put down their "guns", stop fighting a war that ended decades ago, and join the process. They ARE being listened to when they stop screaming and yelling. But a conversation is a two way street and they have to at least consider what the other side is saying. And when they lose a political battle they have to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on. Like the rest of us do. |
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Excellent Post NJ - i agree your point that the APA has modified its approach over time and certainly stuck its neck out on this latest episode.
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
i guess anyone who doesn't believe there should be regional reg agencies has never been down here in our poconos
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That's funny you should say that because that was exactly one of the points I meant to make to AS and then forgot. I believe that there was a fear of the "Poconozation" of the ADKs that fueled the appetite for the creation of the APA. The Poconos are kind of a cliché' and/or a joke now. Nobody wants to retire in the Poconos. No one dreams of relocating to the Poconos. The ADKs are respected nationwide as a "wilderness preserved" and the last great remaining piece of what used to be called The Great North Woods. The Poconos are a punch line for late night comedians.
In reply to this post by x10003q
I just got back from a conference that was being help at Hope Lake Lodge....25% of the people flew in the night be4, another 40% had a drive of AT LEAST 4 hrs, then the rest were under a 4 hr drive. My point, I've seen the "build it and they will come" first hand. I wasn't for it, I thought it would fail, but it hasn't. The people in the 40 mile radius you speak of aren't GP's target don't see a lot of camo running around the hotel ![]() |
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Has any of the Hope Lake revenue been spent to modernize infrastructure on the ski hill or do you still have to wear a special GP coat because of the grease dripping from the lifts?
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