CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

not hunting , just looking
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Fresh out of the woods after a 10 day stink ----- hot shower felt good, but reality sucks. Computers, cell phones, internet, tv, and people OH MY

Great first week ---- lots of veni (just over 1000 lbs) but a little shy of where we were at this time last year. The foot of snow that fell at camp sat night will certainly help that

gotta get some work done then back to the woods for 2 more days
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

No pictures.  Come on do you really think we care about your hot shower
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

I'll get some pix up when I get time to get them together ------ DOOOOOOD after 10 days that shower was the best thing ever!!
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Noah John
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In reply to this post by campgottagopee
1000 lbs!!!  Send me a roast and I'll whirl it for Meatfest.  Medium rare, sliced thin served up on big rolls ala' French Dip with au jus or Beef on Wick with horseradish.  Yeah baby!
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

1000 lbs. sound like a lot to me! How many deer did that equate to?

I kinda miss Jack ripping on you for killing bambi..
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by Noah John
Noah John wrote
1000 lbs!!!  Send me a roast and I'll whirl it for Meatfest.  Medium rare, sliced thin served up on big rolls ala' French Dip with au jus or Beef on Wick with horseradish.  Yeah baby!

I'll bring one and get it to you the first day we're there so you can get it ready ONLY if you know how to cook veni. Can you confirm or deny??

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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by pro2860
pro2860 wrote
1000 lbs. sound like a lot to me! How many deer did that equate to?

I kinda miss Jack ripping on you for killing bambi..
Can't give out #'s as we are all sworn to secrecy ----- they all have tags and are 100% legal, that I can tell you. (i'll give you #'s at the bowling alley tonight tho  -- hehe)

I miss Jack too, that dude is a real hoot!!
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Noah John
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Noah John wrote
1000 lbs!!!  Send me a roast and I'll whirl it for Meatfest.  Medium rare, sliced thin served up on big rolls ala' French Dip with au jus or Beef on Wick with horseradish.  Yeah baby!

I'll bring one and get it to you the first day we're there so you can get it ready ONLY if you know how to cook veni. Can you confirm or deny??

I don't get a chance to cook it too often but someone gave me a venison roast once about twenty years ago to do for a Superbowl party and it came out pretty good.  I didn't do it any different than I would a bottom round, etc.  Marinate in a dry rub, sear on all sides and then into the oven at no more than 300F.  Low and slow.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

That will do it. You're in!! Low and slow is the key, no fat so it actually cooks faster than beef.

One of my fav ways to eat veni is to take an entire backstrap, wrap it on bacon, then cook it on the grill. As a matter of fact think I'll do that tonight as soon as I get to camp ---- WOOT
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Noah John
You could take an old shoe and wrap it in bacon and it would taste pretty good.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

True, but pretty good aint really all that good
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Game on bitches!!!
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

campgottagopee wrote
Game on bitches!!!
Nice! How big was he?
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Dressed out at 187, with a 20" inside spread.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Wo that's a nice one. So tell us why are you always the camera man?
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

I don't bow hunt....this was sent to me by#14

The last slammer I killed was 2000ish ---- they don't come around but once in a while, heck I know guys who've hunted there entire lives and haven't killed a buck worth putting on the wall. That said, you can't eat the horns.

Here are mine ---- I hope to add to these this year. It's my year I just know it!!

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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
Would that broken point stop someone from mounting the head on the wall?
"They don't think it be like it is, but it do." Oscar Gamble
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

No, any hunter would be proud to have that hanging on thier wall. Guys get deer mounted for all kinds of reasons. I have a gnarly 7 point mounted that was the first buck I ever shot when I was 16. My Granpa mounted it for me so that will always be hanging in my house ---- makes me  every time I look at it. My Grand-Pops was an excellent outdoorsman and taught me tons about deer hunting.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Have you guys noticed the deer population decreasing in NY due to the hard winter.  I just came back from my week and numbers are way down.  Between 18 guys we shot 21 two years ago, 13 last year and its down to 7 this year.  Guys are just not seeing them like they used to.  Not sure if its the hard winter or the free for all doe tag allocation or both in Northern Ontario (North Bay/Restoule area).
