CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Gunny J
  Come to NEPA ,deer everywhere, can't grow a sapling on our property. Some places deer and wild turkeys populations are denser than people.  I think deer got smarter and learned to hover in the no hunting zones during the season. Season ends and deer are out in the fields everywhere.
Want to spend special time with your children, teach them to ski or snowboard. The reward will be endless!
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

You all need to come visit my neighborhood. We are overrun with deer.

After I put the camera down this guy actually flipped me the hoof.

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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote

Here are mine ---- I hope to add to these this year. It's my year I just know it!!

Well well well, what do you know....
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by x10003q
Where do you live, I'll be right over
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

In reply to this post by BigK75
BigK75 wrote
Have you guys noticed the deer population decreasing in NY due to the hard winter.  I just came back from my week and numbers are way down.  Between 18 guys we shot 21 two years ago, 13 last year and its down to 7 this year.  Guys are just not seeing them like they used to.  Not sure if its the hard winter or the free for all doe tag allocation or both in Northern Ontario (North Bay/Restoule area).


Not here, there are plenty of deer. In fact the state came out with FREE doe tags this year as not enough were issued. I can take 6 deer this year --- 4 more to go  That said, we're seeing less while in the woods hunting but I think it's due to fewer hunters in the woods. I know in our crew our youngest is 25 (poor bastard gets all the shit jobs still), and it won't be for another 10 years before someone follows him up. Kids don't hunt anymore, heck they don;t even play outside because they're too busy playing those damn video games on the intrewebz.......what a shame as they are missing out.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

It was the last day of hunting season yesterday. It snowed a few inches at the mountain so I went out with the crew and plowed in the morning. We had breakfast and, instead of hunting, I went skiing. Just one WROD happening. I went home around 3pm and sat down to watch the Giants game that I recorded ( Son of a Bitch ). I expected my wife to arrive at any moment.
The dog started barking and growling at something out the window. I got up and saw this big Mule Deer buck walking below my driveway. I thought about shooting it but there were houses too close in the backround. My wife pulled into the driveway and the buck walked away. We unloaded some sheets of drywall and carried them up the hill into the house. My wife looked out and saw the buck was walking back by our place and up the steep hill behind.
I grabbed the 7mm and gave him one in the wheelhouse. By 4:20 I was showered up and starting another scotch on the rocks.
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Re: CNY Slammers (dead deer pix)

Nice work!!! He's a beauty. Always great fun when it works out that of our crew yesterday was in his stand for 10 minutes and got a nice 10 point buck. Wish that shit would happen to me sometime. We still have a week of regular season then a week of muzzy. Our numbers are slightly down but with 2 weeks left I'm sure we'll pull it out. We're actually having a hard time finding doe, yearlings are all over the place but with 2 roasters already in the freezer we don't need anymore of them. We've taken 4 wall hangers this year which is excellent for where we hunt. Wall hangers are fun to get but we need more meat dammit!!!