Greek Peak Conditions (2016 - 2017)

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

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You're mad cause where you are skiing this winter hasn't even dusted off their guns yet
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

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campgottagopee wrote
You're mad cause where you are skiing this winter hasn't even dusted off their guns yet
I assume they're keeping their powder dry until the right time!

I certainly don't worry about checking their web page or facebook - they never update it!

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Tjf, don't drag me into this one. I haven't said a word.

I generally ski Killington early and late season, and while I would like to see GP open, there's not much Wes can do about the weather. In addition, keep in mind that it takes Greek about a week of ideal snowmaking conditions to open up the Iliad.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

GP is Hot.

That's pretty much what I said in my initial post.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Turd Ferguson
Took a drive-by shot this past weekend, in case anyone is wondering where they're really at.  This was Alpha slope, looked like they were doing some instructor training or something, skiing/boarding about 40 yards at a time.  Fields/Iiad had some of these small circles of manmade snow as well.  I doubt they're doing too well this week.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

$129 million worth of slope side improvements would be made at Greek Peak ski resort in Virgil.

That sounds like blowing up the place and starting from scratch
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

HaHa, skimore. That's the truth.

Think of how large they could expand the deck with $129M.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by skimore
skimore wrote
$129 million worth of slope side improvements would be made at Greek Peak ski resort in Virgil.

That sounds like blowing up the place and starting from scratch
Wouldn't that be cool.

Blow up a perfectly good 50 million dollar hotel that never should've been built in the first place. Oh the irony in that.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

campgottagopee wrote
skimore wrote
$129 million worth of slope side improvements would be made at Greek Peak ski resort in Virgil.

That sounds like blowing up the place and starting from scratch
Wouldn't that be cool.

Blow up a perfectly good 50 million dollar hotel that never should've been built in the first place. Oh the irony in that.
ummmm, no! gotta disagree there bud!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

gorgonzola wrote
campgottagopee wrote
skimore wrote
$129 million worth of slope side improvements would be made at Greek Peak ski resort in Virgil.

That sounds like blowing up the place and starting from scratch
Wouldn't that be cool.

Blow up a perfectly good 50 million dollar hotel that never should've been built in the first place. Oh the irony in that.
ummmm, no! gotta disagree there bud!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Well, it wasn't exactly paradise at Killington this weekend. I did make it out again this morning for some turns, and coverage is not the greatest. Over lunch, I took a look at the long range forecast for Killington and Greek, and am questioning if Greek will even be able to open for Christmas. Temperatures are very marginal between now and then. It would be an absolute shame if Greek lost another Christmas week.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Honest to goodness I can't EVER remember NOT skiing in Dec before. This year could be the year. That stinks.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

You can ski, just not at Greek Peak.  I was at Mount Snow yesterday and it wasn't half bad.  Check out my TR for pictures.
I've lived in New York my entire life.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Sno, I just took a look at your photos of Mount Snow. Nice job!

Killington was mediocre, as I feel they focused on terrain expansion more so than coverage. I realize they are anticipating the onslaught of Christmas/New Years, but as Camp said, I never recall it ever being this mild at this time of the year. Let's hope we have an extended season to make up for mother natures lack of cooperation.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
I'm no genius, but I'm guessing that the people who actually make snow have a better idea of when, where, and why to make snow than those of us who don't.
I totally take back what I said before. It was a great idea to blow snow last week.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Banned User
He got you there camp.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Snowballs wrote
He got you there camp.
Just trying to pass the time so I don't go crazy.

Would much prefer to have been proven wrong and have the guns blazing away and the skies open up with powder.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
campgottagopee wrote
I'm no genius, but I'm guessing that the people who actually make snow have a better idea of when, where, and why to make snow than those of us who don't.
I totally take back what I said before. It was a great idea to blow snow last week.

I still say it was worth it cause we all know the weather man is 100% correct 100% of the time.
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