Greek Peak Conditions (2016 - 2017)

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I wish them the best of luck, and I hope they can open and provide something for people who have booked stays Christmas week.

Unfortunately with the weather turning to shit again on MOnday,  rain showers Tues through Thurs, and highs of 58 on Christmas Eve I don't think this is going to work.

Camp - how many guns can they put on Iliad at one time?

What a dismal f'n year.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I'm not sure how many the can put on there at once.

I've talked to a buddy who knows the system there darn good. He's skeptical if they will be able to pull it off. His feeling are if they had 48hrs of temps in the 20's then maybe, just maybe they could blow enough to get Illiad open. Tough call on their part but I'm glad to see them go for it. Like you I wish them the best of luck
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Banned User
campgottagopee wrote
 Tough call on their part but I'm glad to see them go for it.
Yea, at this date and a little cold weather, they pretty much have to roll the dice and go for it.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Big D
In reply to this post by campgottagopee
campgottagopee wrote
Greek to fire up the guns tonight

Campfire talk is they plan to open on 12/22
Guns blasting upper Illiad, 3:30 pm, Fri. 12/18

Maybe that Snomax stuff they use will help
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

warp daddy
Two words : Snow Ridge. ( 24-36 by Sat nite atarting now )
Life ain't a dress rehearsal: Spread enthusiasm , avoid negative nuts.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Camp - how many guns can they put on Iliad at one time?
They had a little over 50 guns going at one time last year, which is the most they have ever been able to handle. However, those were scattered all over the hill, with ideal snowmaking conditions. Not certain how many they can place on a single trail, as they still have capacity issues. The lines on the Iliad have been replaced, but again, they only have so much fire power. If they need to use a significant amount of air, they may have a challenge. Conversely, if they are able to use the fan guns, that may help. In addition, if they are making snow on the tubing hill, that reduces the amount of water available for the Iliad, as the tubing center lines branch off of the Iliad lines mid-mountain.

I wouldn't expect great conditions on Tuesday, as the Iliad can be marginal after a week straight of snowmaking, but it certainly would be impressive if they could pull off an opening.

As for me, I am sick, so no skiing for me this weekend. A fever, as well. Ugh!
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Greek will be opening the Alpha slope tomorrow, Monday. They were apparently not able to make enough snow on the Iliad, so that trail will be on hold for now. It's unfortunate, but not surprising in the least bit. They need to continue investing in their snowmaking system, as they just don't have what it takes to open a trail in much less than a week.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I'm not sure how they can call themselves open with just the bunny hill. To me that seems like a bit of a stretch.

Illiad is real close tho. Major props to them for giving it all they had . I stopped yesterday after hunting to check on their progress, to me it looked like once it was pushed out they may have been able to open it but there's no way it would've lasted. I think they're smart to leave it and hold whatever they can until the guns can be turned back on. It was a full-on whiteout there for 2 days and was fun to watch.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I dont know Camp - looking at the forecast with rain and a high of 64!! f'n degrees on Christmas eve, I think by the time they can blow snow again they will be back at the starting line.

There's quite a bit of precip in the 10 day forecast, just not the good kind. When the hell is this going to end? Planning a bike ride Christmas eve.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

We're having a bonfire Xmas Eve   

Like I said I'm glad I picked this year to remodel my kitchen....
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

This is the kind of shit that drives me crazy....

GP is charging $35 for a lift ticket today, with the bunny slope the only trail open. I'm fine with that. Who cares. Anyone who would pay that to ski that trail isn't a skier to begin with imo.

On their website you can buy a chair 3 (bunny hill) only lift ticket for $30. Do they not check that shit?
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Camp - that $5 must be the resort fee.

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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Good catch on the pricing, Camp. They also plan on having the ski free day (one canned good for the food bank) in a few days. Can you imagine the disaster that will be. There will be a three hour lift line for the bunny slope.

Billy, too funny regarding the resort fee. Interestingly, the resorts in the Poconos that opened today/tomorrow with more terrain don't charge a resort fee.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by billyymc
billyymc wrote
Camp - that $5 must be the resort fee.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

I think for the extra $5 you get a couple of sticks of ptex...
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

where's the snow
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

This post was updated on .
Such a shame, but the photo shows half the problem with so few snow guns on the Iliad.

They will be closed tomorrow.

Camelback and Blue Mountain are still open.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
Good catch on the pricing, Camp.  

I wasn't trying to "catch" anything. When I heard they were opening with chair 3 only, and charging $35, I wondered how much a "regular" chair 3 lift ticket only was that's when I saw it was $30.
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

In reply to this post by Rj1972
Rj1972 wrote
Such a shame, but the photo shows half the problem with so few snow guns on the Iliad.
From what I could tell they had 6 fan guns and 6 to 7 regular guns going on 1 trail. How many more do you think they could possibly put on one trail that's only 900 vertical feet long and what, 40 yards wide?

They gave it all they had. To that I say FKNA! I'm ready for some Xmas Eve beers on that kickass new deck we have
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Re: Greek Peak Conditions

Guns fired back up last night

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